
Chapter 22: Mandatory seeding

"Chief Zuri," Myuri addressed Alexander. "These two are our tribes best hunters, Miruu," She pointed towards the tall woman. "And Eriza," She said towards the clothed woman.

"They are the ones that not only protect out tribe, but are our source of powerstones. As they are the ones that get them from the beats they hunt."

Alexander the turned to the two, "Hello."

The two greeted back.

"So what exactly is this mandatory seeding?" Alexander asked. He had an inkling of what it may be but he felt like he should ask just to be sure.

"Mandatory seeding is something that has been practiced since a long time ago. Whenever our tribe faces population troubles, it is necessary to get out tribesmen to give birth. But most times, tribesmen would rarely ever want to make children.

That is when mandatory seeding is introduced. The chief would be allowed to pick any woman from the tribe and seed her. But we would still need resourses to grow the children. And as the women would be chosen to be seeded insead of volunteering, it is unlikely that they would be ready to raise children. So the hunters of the tribe will take care of the expenses necessary to raise the children."

"So you want to do mandatory seeding now?"

"That's right. It has been more than a whole year since the old previous chief has passed away. And we do not know exactly how many within the year will wish to give birth. So we have to go to such measures to grow further."

"That means I can pick whichever women I want from the tribe and... seed them?"

"Well, not any woman. You will only pick five women as it is the limit the hunters can support. Plus, you can't pick any hunters."


"If you were to seed any of our hunters, they would have to take a whole year without doing anything. As at that time they would be pregnant, they would not be able to hunt or protect the tribe in case of a danger. So whenever a hunter wishes to give birth, a lot of preparation need to be made. Even more so than a normal tribesmen."

"Okay," Alexander said while trying to hold back his smile.

But how could he when he was just told that he could have his way with five women from the tribe. Although he was limited to normal tribesmen, he was still excited. After all, from what he has seen of the houses, there is probabbly a little over 100 women in the whole tribe. They can't all be hunters can they?

And now he is being told to pick as he wished from them?


A few minutes later, the two hunter Miruu and Eriza had long left. So Alexander was left with only Azuri and Myuri. And since Azuri ha not taken her bath, she too the chance go shower.

With nothing left to do Myuri decided to guide Alexander around the house. Which wasn't really much since there is only about three rooms in the whole house.

"This is now your house my Chief. Normally, a woman is supposed to build her own home or inherit her mother's when they turn into an adult, but since you are the chief, you will inherit the chief's hut."

Alexander looked at the house, which consisted of a bedroom with only two beds made of fur, A sitting room with only a table with a few chairs and a storage room that contained a lot of useless stuff.

As the sun had long set, Alexander asked, "So where do we exactly sleep?"

"Right here of course," Myuri pointed towards the two clusters of fur.

"But there is only two beds here. will I... *cough* have to sleep with one of you?"

Myuri only smiled, " You don't have to worry my Chief, Azuri already went over to grab the one in the tree of life."

"Oh... okay."

And as if qued on time, Azuri came in at that moment. From her hair and wet skin, it was clear that he had just bathed. In her hands was the fur bed that was in the giant tree.

"I'm back," she said towards the two.

"That's good, since its already dark, then you must sleep here. I'm sure the chef is already tired."

"Yeah... I am." And now that he thought about It, Alexander felt the fatigue spreading in him. So he could not help but let out a yawn.

In no time, Azuri laid the bed down. With the new one layed, there was then three beds. Each for one person.

So the three went to bed. Alexander though wanted to get a little closer to the two. Maybe snuggle up between them. But before he could get to asking or scooting over, he had already long slept. Seems like he underestimated how tired he truly was.


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