
Entrance Ceremony

Holfort Academy. It was a Noble spouse hunting ground disguised as an educational institute. On top of the splitting of the classes based on the years in which they joined, students were further split based on their rank.

On the bottom rank were those who'd attend the Regular classes. They were students from lower-class knight households as well as male students who were not the heir of lower-ranked households.

The fact that non-heir females were not included in that list spoke volumes of the nature of this Nation.

If I hadn't received a promotion as of recently, this was the class I would have ended up at.

On the other side of the spectrum, was the Advanced Class. This included higher nobles, noble heirs, and of course noble daughters.

[I see, instead of being judged based on their educational prowess, they're divided based on who actually has a chance with who… How very efficient.]

Luxion floats above me as we stand at the entrance gate.

The school was comprised of multiple buildings all attached to each other. It was in a word big, which would make sense when you consider how many people I could see already.

"Absolutely correct, what an observation Luxion." I give his overly sarcastic comment equally sarcastic praise.

[Thank you, Master, I have also observed that a certain half-breed has come along to this place despite that fact. It makes me question how desperate he truly is.]

"Tch", I wasn't desperate, certainly not for these annoying wenches who overpopulated the school.

I was just interested in the events I knew would take place here. A man is curious, especially when this world really lacks in entertainment.

Though, it would be nice if there were even a sliver of a chance that a nice busty woman would come along.

[While you are on the prowl I'll go ahead and start my data collection Master.]

Luxion departed with those words. As much as he tried to make fun of me, he was just as excited about seeing this place.

"Hurry up, I have places to be."

"Here carry my bags for me."

All around I watched as students walked, some with servants in toe while other girls just straight up commanded the boys, and they actually listened.

Annoyingly enough, there was a strict dress code for students here. For boy's it was a black vest, white dress shirt, red tie, gray dress pants, and black dress shoes. It was very formal.

As for the girls, they similarly wore a black vest and white dress shirt, and black dress shoes. The only difference was instead of a tie they had a red ribbon and instead of pants they wore gray skirts. Leggings were optional which could be seen by those who chose to cover their legs and those who chose to hide them.

"Oh my GOD, it's the Prince's entourage." Turning toward the screams I saw all at once everyone beginning to crowd around a group of uniquely colored hair individuals.

One by one, I looked at each of them, putting a name to a face based on the data I collected about the Kingdom.

At the head of the bunch was the leader of the group. Julius Rapha Holfort, the current crowned prince of this kingdom and who would eventually take the throne. He was best characterized by his blue hair and eyes.

Behind him and to his right was Jilk Fia Marmoria, the son of a viscount. He held a calm front his green eyes that matched his green hair never seeming to lose patience.

To the left of Jilk was Chris Fia Arclight. He was the son of the Sword Saint and was being looked at as a successor to that title. He had light blue hair and eyes and was the only member of the group that wore glasses.

Next was Greg Fou Seberg, the son of an earl. He had hair and eyes as fiery as his passion for physical strength.

The last member was Brad Fou Field, the son of a Marquess. His purple hair was just as long as Jilks and his purple eyes just as calm.

The five formed the Prince's entourage and from what I could remember were the capture targets of the original game.

"Ah look the Redgrave's as well, how envious, she's engaged to the prince."

"Tch, just look at how she walks around like she's better than all of us."

My attention was then drawn to the source of the murmurs.

A girl with golden blonde hair in an upswept hairstyle. Her eyes were a piercing red and gave off a naturally chilling glare. The girl was also quite stacked.

This was Angelica Rapha Redgrave, the sole daughter of the Redgrave Dukedom.

I tried my hardest but information regarding her purpose in the story escaped me. All I knew was she was there. Along with another blonde-haired girl.

"Hey, your Noir Fou Stardia right? I've heard of you."

"Woah, Stardia? He's that adventurer right?"

"Yeah, I heard he became really rich and even got promoted to the upper 6th rank."

"Lucky, I bet he's getting all the marriage invites."

Looking down at the teen who'd suddenly come up to me I couldn't help but tilt my head.

Am I really that famous? I must say it is a good feeling.

Soon enough I was also being crowded around by people asking me about my exploits. I wasn't one to miss out on bragging about myself and so I gave them a very stretched truth of some of my fights in the dungeon.

"Dude you're awesome."

"Still just a Baron."

The reactions to my recounting were varied but I seemed to be favored by the boys. The crowd around me seemed to garner enough attention that I made eye contact with the prince.

Though he didn't seem to care much as he turned away soon after.

Is this what it's like to be popular? I thought as wherever I walked people followed me.

That popularity began to die down however as soon enough most of them had begun trying their luck with some of the girls.

By the end, only 2 stood around as we made small talk about ourselves. I found it awkward that neither of them had yet to introduce themselves and I was starting to get tired of saying dude every time I addressed them.

"I'm Rukul by the way, a third year here. If you ever need help or want to know something about this place feel free to ask." The kind teen who first came up to me smiled and stuck out his hand leaving me to shake it.

"Fred, I'm a first-year like you. Really hoping I can find a wife here, the parents have been really putting pressure on me." The other teen said as he too stuck out his hand.

Rukul nodded at that, he seemed to completely understand as the two gave each other a pat on the back.

"How about you Noir?" Rukul asked.

"I'd rather not relive that travesty." My eyes turned dark as memories of when my father showed me who Agatha had decided on as my partner reemerged.

"Oh. S-sorry about that man."

"We won't ask about it." The two tried to comfort me but the memory just wouldn't go away.

"Hey, isn't that the commoner?" Rukul pointed out with a hard-to-read expression.

Looking up I caught the figure of the other woman I remembered being a large part of the story. Again my memory escaped me when it came to who she was exactly, but I knew she was a central figure in the original.

Blonde shoulder-length hair, blue eyes, and a very developed body.

'What was her name?' I tried to remember but it really wasn't coming back to me.

Looking back at the two it was clear to see that even as kind as they seemed to be they still had a noble's mindset. They didn't think a commoner belonged here.

We were all soon ushered into the auditorium as it was time for the entrance ceremony.

Coincidentally, I got seated right by the scholarship girl I had come to learn was named Olivia.

The ceremony was long and drawn out with the prince giving the opening speech.

It was so long in fact that it seemed Olivia grew tired and began dozing off on my shoulder.

'This clumsy girl.' I sighed before I tapped her shoulder and jolted her awake. She perked up but thankfully no one seemed to notice.

"Ah, I'm sorry." She apologized in a whisper, being quick to lower her red face.

"Don't worry about it, you might not want to doze off here though, the students here already have problems with you being here, I'm not sure falling asleep here will help your case," I whispered back.

"Ah, yes… thank you." Her eyes dimmed in a sad display before we both turned back toward the prince who was dragging on his speech.

At long last the speech finally ended and we were all let go.

"Thank you again for waking me." Outside, Olivia gave me a full bow.

'This girl is dead.'

Bowing so easily for something so small. If the noblewoman found out she was like this they'd eat her alive.

"I told you it's fine already. Don't worry about it."

I debated on whether I should give this girl some advice, I didn't know her but it was really a pity seeing her like this.

"Ah right, I'm Olivia, I'm here on a scholarship… you are…?"

"Noir, don't worry about honorifics."

Believe it or not, having people call you Lord or other shit like that was actually pretty annoying. It was only a good ego stroker the first few times but after that not so much.

"Are you sure that is fine? I'm not too accustomed to nobility customs but I am still just a commoner." Olivia asked a bit concerned.

"I said it's fine so it's fine. Also, if you don't wanna be easy picking for the absurd amount of high and mighty nobles here, I suggest you not be so quick to bow." I tried to say it as nicely as possible.

To that, Olivia just put her head down. "Ah, right."

'This girl is adorable.'

"Ah come on." I sighed and slapped my face.

"I can tell your very kind, but there are a lot of people here who will easily exploit it. It's how most nobles are… Don't tell anyone I told you that." I checked around making sure I was in the clear before I sighed.

That seemed to improve her mood as she nodded and picked her head back up.

"Just take it as advice from someone who's had to deal with them since forever."

"Yes, thank you." She finally smiled before bowing yet again. She seemed to realize her mistake though as she straightened her posture immediately. "Sorry!"

I just waved my hand as I prepared to go check out my dorm, I had done my job in helping one of the few remaining well-natured women in this world.

"You looked tired, you should go get some rest at your dorm, school officially starts tomorrow after all." With that, I left.

"How was your exploration," I asked Luxion who just returned back to my dorm.

I had already gotten settled in. The space I was given was large, but not nearly as big as what I was used to.

[It was quite fruitful Master, the usage of magic all throughout this place is very unique, though my science and technology far outshine it.] He sounded both impressed and not at the same time.

This AI was weird.

"Cool, what else." I wanted to hear about what he heard around this place. With my fading memory, I needed to know anything that might elude me to something.

[Ah right, it seems you may not be the only one with outside knowledge of this world Master.] He spoke so casually that I nearly ignored it.


'So it's not the protagonist as I thought…' I pondered over the information Luxion had shared with me.

According to him, there was a girl by the name of Marie Fou Lafan who was muttering things about 'otome games' and 'princes'.

As it seemed that detail began to spark some of my memory.

"There was someone like that wasn't there." I very faintly remembered a similar development.

[Is this not threatening to you, master?] Luxion pondered.

"No, Just because she's like me doesn't mean she's as prepared. Plus, that was an insult against yourself no? You believe something out there can compete with your capabilities."

[You're funny Master. Have you ever considered maybe I was eluding to betraying you?]

"You wouldn't dare."

[I feel you are not grateful enough to me.] Luxion seemed to pout at the correctness of my statement.

[Shall I continue my observations?] Getting back on topic Luxion questioned.

"Yes, it'd be nice to know of what exactly she was after. Hell, I can probably make use of her especially if she knows more about the game."

[Understood. Commencing operation spy on the little girl. I apologize Master, but I will not take compromising photos of her for your perverted pleasure.]

"I hate you."

With that, I turned off the light in the room shrouding myself in darkness. I could tell by the lack of a red orb that Luxion had already left the room and was off to explore around more.

That night my dreams were filled with naked busty women.

AN: GIMMIE POWERSTONES. I'd like to get on the rankings.

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