
An Interesting Trip R-18

Author's note- Sorry for the late update, life has been kicking my ass lately. Do not worry I will not be abandoning this story, Its my first 1 after all. Heads up I will have to delay the next update as I need to not only catch up with thing in my life but I also have to prepare more chapters for you guys and develop the direction of this story or it will be a hot mess. Thank you all for your patients and your interest in this story, it is appreciated.


They entered his apartment, lips glued together, and stumbled over to Isaac's room, shoes and shirts were cast away in their wake. Laurel pushed Isaac onto his bed, closed the door, and stripped slowly as she walked towards him. Isaac watched as soon Laurel was half naked in front of him, wearing only a black thong. Laurel proceeded to give Isaac his first lap dance in this life. Isaac traced the curvature of her breasts and noted the perfection of her nipple placement and the exact shade of pink of her areolas.

He traced over her creamy, flawless skin as her hips moved to a silent beat. Isaac felt his body flush with fever as Laurel mounted him and ground her ass against his crotch, rubbing herself against his growing member. Her breasts were warm and pressed against his cheeks, the scent of her skin filled his nostrils. Laurel tilted her head down and planted another explosive kiss on him as she rolled her hips harder onto Isaac's erection. Isaac groaned, his mind floating in a sea of arousal and bliss, Laurel licked his lips and slid down his body until she knelt in front of his bulging pants. She licked the length of the protruding member once and then yanked Isaac's pants down.

"Aaagh!!" Isaac groaned as Laurel attacked his dick. Before he knew it his throbbing member was lodged firmly in the back of Laurel's throat, her hot lips squeezed around the very base of his cock.

"Ohhhh, Laurel…" Isaac sighed happily as his hands ran through her hair. As Laurel continued to deep-throat him, Isaac focused on the delightful sensations he felt from his dick. Laurel pulled herself off Isaac's now slick member and held her hand out to him.

"Take me to heaven, Isaac."

He did just that.

Isaac thought it was past time he reminded Laurel who was in charge, especially after that show she put on in his office. He looked at her now naked body and knew exactly what to do. Isaac attacked all her weak spots and teased her clit relentlessly, by the time he was done he had forced 3 orgasms out of her.

"Isaac, please give me your dick!" Laurel yelled out frustrated with all the teasing. Isaac responded by edging her for 20 minutes, he'd let her get close to cumming and then pull back, he did this to her over and over again, never letting her have that release.

Laurel's naked chest was heaving from the constant stimulation, which did wonderful things for her breasts. Her pussy on the other hand looked like Niagara Falls, begging to be filled.

"Fuck! God damnit Isaac please! Stop! Please let me cum! I'm begging you!!" Laurel screamed out. Her face a mess of tears and runny mascara, her body was covered in a sheen of sweat, her eyes were completely glossed over. While Laurel continued to beg for his dick and for him to let her cum, Isaac sensed they had an observer and there was only one person it could be, Thea. Isaac gave his little sister a show as he held Laurel back from cumming for another 6 minutes until she finally broke.

"AHHH!! Oh gawd, Isaac! Oh, my gawd! Please I'll do anything!! Just pleeease let me cum! I can't take it anymore. Give me that big fucking dick!!" Isaac looked down at her contemptuously and slapped his dick across her face. She looked up at him shocked as she watched Isaac move back to her sopping pussy and rub his thick dick against it.

"Who the fuck is in charge!?" Isaac demanded as he slapped his dick against her. Tears of frustration fell from Laurel's face as she realized she couldn't fight against her baser instincts. Isaac knew that underneath all her bluster, Laurel was as submissive as they came, he just had to dominate her to bring it out.

"You better answer or you won't be getting any dick tonight." Isaac said as he kept teasing her pussy, making sure to keep her right on the edge of completion.

"uo re" Laurel whispered unintelligibly. Isaac pressed his tip into her hungry sheath, teasing it and said, "I'm sorry what did you say, I couldn't hear you."

"You are." She whispered again, clearer though. Isaac pulled out his tip and smack his throbbing member against Laurel's clit.

"Last chance Laurel or you can go home." Laurel looked up at him wide-eyed. She bit her lips and squirmed on the bed.

"Please don't make me say it." She begged. Isaac just looked at her and said, "You don't have to," Laurel almost sighed in relief until Isaac continued.

"You can go home I'm not in the mood anymore." Isaac moved as if to get dress but before he could even bend down to get his boxers Laurel yelled out, "You Are!!"

"I'm what?" Isaac asked, smirking.

"You're in charge. I can't live without you, please Isaac. I need you!" Laurel begged. Isaac turned to see her on her knees on the bed, tears running down her face as she ran her hands down his chest.

"Please don't make me leave." She whimpered out. Isaac yanked her off the bed and bent her over it, in a single lunge he skewered her. Laurel exploded as a tidal wave tore through her and splashed against Isaac's thighs. Laurel's eyes rolled back as her body convulsed from the mind shattering orgasm. Isaac didn't stop he kept slamming away as Laurel shook, he forced another orgasm through a minute later and kept going.

By the time a fourth one came Laurel was completely dick drunk, Isaac moved her around, so they were facing the now cracked door. Isaac knew Thea was still there and wanted to make this a memorable night for her. He pulled on Laurel's ponytail so Thea could see her face and bent her over again. Isaac smacked her ass a few times to wake her up and proceeded to fuck the shit out of her again. Laurel squirted her honey on him again as he drove deeper into her than anyone else had.

"Ahh!! Gahh! Nhaa!" Laurel garbled out. Isaac pulled her head up and smacked her face a few times until Laurel came to.

"Welcome back." Isaac chuckled out as his dick still slammed away in her. Laurel looked back at him, her face a mess of tears and mascara while her eyes were completely glassy and smiled at him.

Laurel didn't last much longer that night unfortunately, Isaac had fucked her into a coma and left her on his bed. As he left the room, still raring to go, he noticed, with a smile, that the floor outside his room was damp. 'Thea must have really enjoyed the show' he chuckled to himself and headed to his spacious living room where he found his sister staring blankly at his 64inch Sony flat screen TV.

Isaac sat down next to her and asked, "Hey Speedy, can't sleep either huh?" She looked at me, her eyes widened in surprise, Isaac watched as her eyes ran down his naked chest and rested on his boxer brief covered member.

"O-o-oh, hey Isaac, yea I-I can't seem to fall asleep. What about you, why are you still up?" Thea asked curiously as her eyes yo-yo'd back to his dick. Isaac ignored her glances and wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her, gently, closer.

"So, what do you wanna watch?" Isaac asked as he flipped through the channels. After a few minutes, Thea eventually decided to watch '2 and a half men', yes that show existed here too. They spent the next few hours eating ice cream and laughing, eventually Thea fell asleep on Isaac's chest. Isaac decided to follow her example since he wasn't going to be moving any time soon with her fast asleep on him.

The shades were open in the living room, so Isaac was quickly awoken by the warm light of the morning sun. Thea, however, was still fast asleep though her head had traveled further south as she slept. Her breath tickled his morning wood as Isaac tried to readjust himself, unfortunately Thea was apparently a sensitive sleeper, and all of his movements had woken her up.

The first thing Thea's eyes saw that morning was Isaac's throbbing wood, hell she was so close she felt the heat of it on her face. Isaac tucked his length back inside his boxer briefs and went to grab some breakfast, Thea joined him a minute later. Breakfast was filled with an awkward silence and Thea had a tough time looking Isaac in the face, without blushing up a storm. The rest of breakfast went by quickly for Isaac as he ate his meal unbothered by the silence, after he went about his morning routine and left to start his day. Isaac sent Laurel a text as he left to let her know she was more than welcome to stay and that there was breakfast waiting for her when she woke up.

He might have also added that she not forget last night's lesson if she didn't want to be punished again, Isaac smirked at that. He also shot off a message to his brother telling him that he was here for him and to take things easy, he had people who loved him and wanted to help. Afterward, Isaac thought about what he had to get done today, he had already packed for his trip today and told Moira that he was leaving town for a bit to work on his music and explore a little.

He also told her that he'd let her know when he was on his way back and his hotel was already taken care of, all that was left was to pick up his bag and get on his plane. 20 minutes later Isaac sat on his private Gulfstream G650 plane as he sipped champagne.

"Excuse me Mr. Queen, the captain will be taking off in five minutes. He wanted you to know that it looks like it'll be clear skies all the way to Central City. If there is anything you need, please don't hesitate to ask." The flight attendant added. The trip was short, only an hour or so long, and as soon as Isaac landed he made a quick pit stop at O'Malley's, a well-known magical tattoo shop. As Isaac sat, waiting for his appointment, he thought back to what brought him to this place.

About a month ago Isaac had just finished his readings on magical protections from his Constantine library. The things described in those books gave Isaac more than a few nightmares that week. Many of the books he read wrote about the many different types of demons there were and how vulnerable humans were to them. Apparently, it was very easy for demons and dark magic practitioners to possess, manipulate, and taint a human's body and soul. Isaac had learned that that was due to how little protection normal people had against the supernatural.

Once Isaac read that, he made protecting his body and soul his top priority and came up with several runic designs to do just that. The only problem was tattooing them on the body made the protections too easy to affect. That was when Isaac remembered reading about a tattoo parlor in Central City that specialized in magical engraving. That meant that they could take a tattoo and engrave it into a person's body wherever they wanted it, including inside their body where no one could see it.

"Isaac Q.? Is there an Isaac Q. here?" The sudden call pulled Isaac from his memories.

"Right here!" He called out, his hand raised. The artist brought him to his booth and broke down the pricing for Isaac, not that he was concerned with that.

"Ego sum apud te." Isaac stated suddenly. The artist's eyes widened a fraction at that, she stood and whispered a few words before turning back. Isaac felt a tingle run through his body, "magic, probably a silence ward, or something to keep people away," he thought to himself.

"So, what is it you really want done? And don't worry, no one can overhear you now." The artist added. Isaac noticed absently that his artist was actually quite attractive, she had nice full lips, big blue eyes and had some curve to her figure. Isaac smiled at her and then walked her through his runic design, he had to make sure she understood to follow every rune perfectly, he couldn't afford any mistakes.

"Where would you like the runes to be placed?" The artist asked.

"The first two designs can go on my ribcage and the last one can go on my spine." Isaac watched as her eyes widened at that.

"Sir, are you sure? This procedure will be incredibly painful on the spine and once I start I cannot stop." Isaac nodded. He was well aware of how painful this would be, but he knew it had to be done.

"The other three tattoos will be on my back, over my heart, and on my right shoulder." Isaac added as he pointed to the respective tattoos. The artist asked him one last time if he was sure and at Isaac's nod proceeded to inscribe the design into his bones. The pain lanced through Isaac like a white-hot flash, his mouth bit down a scream that tried to force its way out. It took 2 hours to finish everything, including my three other tattoos, at the end of it, the tattoos that were visible looked incredibly vivid and colorful.

The artist left for a moment while I was admiring her art work and brought out a magical mirror that was essentially an ungraded x-ray machine. Isaac took a moment to scrutinize the designs on his ribs and spine, he noted the placement of each rune and the order they were in. After several minutes Isaac left very satisfied with the artist's work and several thousand dollars lighter, he'd have paid far more given the importance of them. Isaac grabbed a black Audi R8 GT Spyder from a rental car company and explored the city for a bit, he stopped an hour later for some coffee.

"Hello, thank you for coming to Jitters, my name is Iris, what can I get for you today?" Isaac stopped as he stepped into the coffee shop for a moment when he heard that name. He had forgotten that Iris would be working here, she had not started her journalism career yet. Isaac waited in line for a few minutes before it was finally his turn.

"Hello, thank you for.."

"Please, don't do that on my account, I can only imagine how annoying it must be for you to constantly say that over and over again." Isaac interrupted; his dimples on full display as he smiled at the stunning barista. He watched as a nice dusting of pink appeared on her cheeks. Isaac had always had a crush on the actress who played Iris in his last life and now he had an even better version of her in front of him, he had to shoot his shot. Isaac flirted with Iris casually as he ordered his Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino with whip cream. As he waited for his order Iris noted curiously that he looked familiar and asked if they had ever met before.

"Trust me Iris, I'd remember if we'd met before." Isaac answered, a smirk plastered on his face. Iris asked him a few more questions, trying to figure out why he looked so familiar, when suddenly she shouted, "Oh my God! You're Isaac fucking Jones!!" Everyone looked their way, but Iris didn't care, she practically vibrated in excitement.

"I am such a fan! That song you did with that actress Ariana is one of my all-time favorite songs. I can't believe you're here!" Isaac chuckled at her excitement, he had no idea that she was a fan, 'This an interesting turn of events,' he thought as he tried to calm Iris down.

"People are starting to give me the evil eye for depriving them of their coffee. What time is your break?" Isaac asked. She looked at the line that had formed and grimaced.

"I'm actually off at 1." Isaac looked at his watch and nodded.

"Perfect, lunch is on me, and you can ask me all the questions you want then. Sound good?"

"Oh my God! That would be amazing! Are you sure?" Iris asked worriedly.

"Yea, I was going to be here until at least then anyway." Isaac waived off her concern.

"Then it's a date."

"Oh, is that what it is?" Isaac teased. Iris flushed at that.

"I-I d-didn't mean it l-like that!" She stuttered.

"Oh, so you don't want to go out with me huh?" Isaac responded as he fought a smirk.

"No! I mean yes! I mean I would definitely go on a date with you." Iris finally said, firmly. Isaac chuckled at that; her face was so serious he couldn't help it. Iris's eyes widened at that.

"You dick!" She grumbled as she slapped his arm. "I thought you were serious!" She added, her arms crossed.

"I was, about the date." Isaac answered.

"I hate you!"

"I thought you were a fan?" He said as he turned and walked towards an empty booth, drink in hand, grinning as Iris grumbled at him. Isaac sipped on his diabetes inducing drink and watched as people went about their day. He even made up stories about what their lives were like and what they said, it was fun for a bit, but eventually Isaac grew bored of it all.


Before Isaac could even react, all the glass in the coffee shop shattered as a man appeared out of thin air. Isaac could practically taste the potent magic that came off the intruder. As everyone ran for cover Isaac kept his eyes on the possible homo-magi, 'or Demon,' Isaac thought grimly. He knew that if this was a Demon then everyone was in far more danger than they realized. Isaac took in the intruder's appearance, as he played the part of a worried civilian, his mind took in all the available information and Isaac was surprised at what he saw.

"He's a child!" Isaac gasped to himself. The intruder had hidden his identity from the crowd thoroughly, no one could even tell his race or age. The attacker's face was obscured by an impressively creepy smiling mask highlighted with L.E.D. lights. He was also dressed in long black cargo pants and a black hoodie with some kind of design spraypainted on its front. While the panicked crowd couldn't see anything about the intruder, Isaac could. He could tell from the length of the intruder's legs, in relation to his body, and how his limbs trembled, that they were dealing with an adolescent child. Isaac also noticed, from the way the hoodie hugged the intruder's body, that the child was in fact a boy, probably around 16 or 17 years old.

"Everyone, stay fucking calm, and you'll make it out of here! Correction, everyone but the ones I'm looking for will make it out of here if you stay calm! I won't hurt you if I don't have to." Isaac was taken aback by the rage in the boy's voice, he didn't know who this teen was after, but Isaac wouldn't want to be them right now. 'Sanus Fieri, Sanus Fieri,' Isaac repeated in his mind over and over, each time he added more magic into the spell of healing. Isaac opened his eyes and could tell that those who were injured by the intruder's entrance were being healed, albeit at a slower pace, so as not to be noticed immediately.

"You, you, you, and you! Stand Up!" the boy roared, his hands trembled in rage as he looked at the four men, cops if Isaac wasn't mistaken, he wasn't. Iris, Isaac noted, ducked under the counter and was surprisingly calm, she looked across at him and Isaac motioned for her to stay calm.

"Excuse me." Isaac said aloud, his voice boomed in the now silent shop. Isaac felt every eye in that place on him as he interrupted whatever the young man had in stored for the four gentlemen. The masked kid whirled towards me, his body shook in suppressed fury, Isaac knew then that whatever those men had done must have been bad.

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