
Chapter 147: Exploding and Exposing

Bakugo was gonna kill Mineta.

That little shit had told him that someone challenged him to a fight in the forest, and so naturally, Bakugo went to beat the crap out of whoever was dumb enough to challenge him.

This forest was far enough away from the city, that no one would find or hear them. Unless they did something very big and very stupid.

Bakugo was really excited to unleash all his pent-up aggression on some asshole, but when he got to the place Mineta marked on the map, no one was there.

"That fucker! I swear if this was some stupid prank, I'm gonna smear grape juice all over U.A.!" Bakugo threatened as he stood in an empty opening.


Suddenly, Uraraka shot out of the forest, and kicked Bakugo in the face, with the full force of 30% Full Cowling.

Bakugo went flying, smashing through multiple trees, as Uraraka flipped through the air, and landed on her feet and hand.

Ochaco took a few seconds to get to her feet, as she breathed in deeply. Both because of the absolute rage, she was experiencing, and because of the strain, OFA was putting on her body.

She could only use about 23% of One for All safely at the moment, any more and it would start taking a toll on her body.

But right now, she couldn't care less. All the pain was being drowned out by fury, and the only thing she cared about was making sure Bakugo paid for what he'd done.

Meanwhile, with Bakugo, he was currently laying in a pile of downed trees, trying to figure out what just happened in his heavily dazed state, while the side of his head bled onto the trees.

"Agh. Gah, ack." Bakugo forced himself up, the entire forest looked like it was spinning and it was blurry as hell.

So naturally, he didn't have much of a way to defend himself, when Ochaco dived down from the sky, with a tree.


The tree crashed into Bakugo, smashing him back down as Ochaco landed on the ground with the tree in her hands.


Uraraka picked up the tree, and started furiously smashing it into the dazed and confused Bakugo half a dozen times before-


Bakugo had finally gotten his act together and unleashed a massive explosion as Ochaco brought down the tree again, utterly destroying it.

"Grrrrrrrr!" Ochaco growled, as she threw aside the destroyed tree, and charged at Bakugo, moving so fast that the boy had no time to react before she started pounding his face in with her fist as fast and hard as she could. "Ya evil piece of shit! How dare ya tell Deku to kill imself! Ya hateful little mutt!"


"AGH!" Ochaco shouted in pain, as Bakugo blasted her off of him, forcing her to land a few feet away from him.

As Ochaco picked herself up, Bakugo did too, but with far more difficulty. His face was bloody and swollen, and his eyes were wide with fear.

Not fear of Ochaco, but of something far more terrifying.

"What the fuck did you just say?!" Bakugo shouted out, feeling his heart beat at a million miles an hour, and his body emitting more and more sweat. "Where the fuck did you hear that!?"

"It's all over the internet! Someone snitched on ya, an now everyone knows what a bastard you are!" Ochaco shouted at him, before immediately launching herself at the already injured boy.

Bakugo just stared at her with wide eyes, before she crashed into him, kneeing him in the face.

The two of them went flying forward, with Ochaco's knee in Bakugo's face the whole time, as Bakugo smashed through even more trees.

Eventually, their momentum stopped, and Bakugo hit the ground on his back, causing Ochaco to roll forward onto the ground.

Ochaco tumbled across the ground before getting onto her knees. She tried to stand up, but she was suddenly struck with intense pain all across her body. "Ahhhhh!"

Uraraka crumpled to the ground and coughed up blood. "Gah. Dammnit."

Both of them were now on the ground, unable to fight, not that Bakugo would even if he was in any condition to.

Because it was over. The one thing, the one thing that even he was genuinely ashamed of, got out into the public.

His dream was over…and it really was his own fault.


Yonda frowned as she watched the fight over the cameras Mineta had set up. I'm not sure I should let Mineta upload this. It'll show Father how pathetic Bakugo is, but is it worth it?

As she was thinking over her plan of action, suddenly, her head started to hurt intensely, and then everything went black.

When she came to, her head was still pounding and her vision was blurry.

Ohhh. What the heck? Yonda thought as she clutched her head, and her vision started returning to normal.

And when she could finally see again, she realized she was still sitting at her desk, looking at her computer. But instead of looking at a live feed of Ochaco and Bakugo, she was looking at a Youtube Channel.

To be specific, she was looking at the same Youtube channel, that released the fake video about Bakugo telling her father to kill himself…except it seemed like another video had been uploaded. This one titled, King Explosion Murder.

This was the clip that Mineta had taken, of Bakugo's prototype hero name. She had specifically asked for this, because it was so embarrassing, and she knew people would make fun of him for it forever.

But there was something else that was very, very wrong about this situation.

And it seemed that this was somehow, HER Youtube channel, as she now had control of it, and was seemingly about to publish another video, this one of Ochaco and Bakugo fighting.

Yonda's eyes widened with fear. Oh crap.

First of all, she never meant to upload any of the videos herself, Izuku had access to her computer's history and could look at anything she did on the internet. She'd assumed that the Youtube channel had belonged to Mintea when it was uploaded, as she had no memory of uploading any of these videos.

Second, she had no intention of uploading the Ochaco and Bakugo fight, as it would get Ochaco in big trouble, she didn't know how she was going to show it to Izuku, but it wasn't, like this!

Yonda quickly looked for a way to cancel this, while she frantically tried to get her thoughts together. How did this happen!? Why did I suddenly go unconscious!? Crap! Crap! Crap! Maybe I can fix this before father notic-


Izuku suddenly slammed her door open, and fixed a glare on the young girl, causing her to freeze.

The green teen stared at Yonda's computer, before glaring at the young girl, with a mix of fury and disappointment.

Ah…crapbaskets. Yonda thought.


And so, three hours later, Yonda laid down on her bed, just waiting.

Not much else she could do, seeing as she was now grounded for a month. All of her electronics had been taken away, and she was forbidden from leaving her room for two weeks, with the only exception to that rule being her mandatory community service.

She would also not be receiving any allowance for three months. And there was an additional, extra punishment that would be carried out later.

So now, all she could do was wait…for him.

Knock Knock Knock.

Come in. Yonda said, her voice filled with barely hidden contempt.

And that's when Fu and Aka came in.

Well well well, it looks like evil has been defeated once again. Ahahaha! Aka laughed in her head.

I knew you two were responsible for this. Yonda forced on a smile and tried to remain as calm as usual. Because being angry, showed a lack of control. And like hell, she would admit to losing control.

Unfortunately, her eye twitching and her balled-up fist kind of gave it away.

I'm guessing Mineta was also working with you. Which is why the data drive I had has gone missing? Yonda asked, already knowing the answer, getting a nod in return. Well, would you mind at least telling me how you did all this?

Well, it started a while ago. When I saw a weird super chat on Kiba's stream, I decided to investigate more. Fu explained. Turns out, it was a hidden cry for help from Mineta. So after I contacted him, he explained everything. The blackmail, what you wanted to do to Bakugo. And he begged me to get the data back and free him from you.

Of course, you had to be punished for your wickedness, so Fu came up with a plan. Aka cackled. While you were sleeping, we inserted a little piece of me inside you, and then Mineta sent us the videos, and I uploaded them with your body, on your computer.

So that's why I blacked out. Yonda grimaced. Could you at least take yourself out of me now?

We already did, couldn't leave any evidence after all. Fu explained. Anyway, after all, that was done, I just had to tell dad that I saw you uploading a video, and once he saw the video about Bakugo, he put two and two together. Fortunately, Mineta should have already released a video showing that the Bakugo video was fake, and that video about Ochaco and Bakugo was never released, so they won't get in any trouble.

And how are they going to explain why they're both injured? Yonda asked.

Mineta claimed they were attacked by a villain, and after realizing they were tricked, they were smart enough not to say otherwise. Fu continued. And so, everything went according to plan.

Hmph. Yonda huffed, before giving a mock slow clap. Well done. It seems you've bested me this time. But next time, I won't be so reckless and overconfident.

No matter how many times you try, we will put a stop to your evil ways! Your arrogance will be your doom! Ahahahaha! Aka laughed.

In other words, bring it on. Fu challenged.


Two days later, Yonda was sitting in her room, reading a history book. What she could read now was filtered, and had to be brought to her by others.

Knock knock knock.

It's me. Izuku said to her mentialy.

Come in. Yonda sighed, as she got ready to give her practiced apology for her action.

Izuku came in, and immdeadtly Yonda's mind went blank.

Because in his arm, was an animal carrier, containing a small pink cat.

This is the second part of your punishment. Izuku explained, as he closed the door, and set the carrier on the floor, before opening it and releasing the cat. I figured perhaps maybe you had a little too much free time, so, I got you a cat. You will be required to keep them fed, happy, and healthy, and if you don't you will be punished, understood?

Yonda wanted to object, however, she knew very well where she stood. Fu and Aka had incriminated her to make what she was doing seem even worse than it already was, and due to her rep, she couldn't make an argument that she'd been framed. In other words, she was in no place to bargain. Yes, father…I understand.

"Meow." The cat proceeded to walk towards Yonda and looked at her curiously.

Yonda sighed and pouted at the cat. This was going to eat up, a lot of her time.

Hopefully, this will help show you how to be compassionate. Izuku said before sighing. But first, what are you going to name her?

Hmmm. Yonda picked up the cat and took a good look at her. How about…Esper. Yes, that is a fine name, if I do say so myself.


Bakugo lay in Recovery Girl's medical room, and just…stared at the ceiling.

The video was fake.

As far as everyone was concerned, Bakugo Katsuki had never told Izuku Midoriya to kill himself…but he did.

He wasn't proud of it, but he did.

Bakugo had seen the comments on that video before it was debunked and taken down, the people wanted his head on a pike, hell, Ochaco tried to put his head on a pike he was pretty sure.

Now there was no doubt, if it got out that he really did that, it would be the end of it. And he would have no one to blame but himself.

He really didn't know what possessed him to say those words. "Take a swan dive off the roof." He'd been pissed off(more than normally) sure, but really he didn't mean that in the slightest, and had regretted it soon after saying it.

Bakugo always threatened to kill people, but everyone knew he never meant that…and yet, literally everyone believed that video.

No one thought it was out of character for him to say something that horrible. Everyone believed he would do that, even his own parents admitted to thinking the video was real at first.

He wanted to be angry about that…but he actually HAD said that. So technically, he was the kind of person to say that.

And that…frightened him a little. Because people who'd done things like that had actually gotten people killed. What if Deku had actually taken his own life?

This forced Bakugo to reflect on everything that had happened. Maybe…just maybe…he was the asshole here. Maybe all the people who said he was a complete and total jackass, and that everyone hated him…had a point.

Maybe it was time, to reevaluate his approach to life.

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