
Chapter 114: Field Day Part 5

"Alright, everyone! Time for the last big event!" Mina announced to everyone.

The sun was starting to set, and in a few hours, the field day would come to an end.

"Now everyone! It's time for the ultimate race!" Mina said, before looking gesturing over to the starting line she'd set up.

At the starting line were five contestants. Iida, Ochaco, Shiruku, Kiba, and Nara, all looking ready and rearing to go.

"The rules are simple, stay within the track, and don't attack any of the other racers!" Mina explained. "So without further ado! Racers! Ready!"

Nara slammed down on her Omnitrix and turned into XLR8.

"Set!" Mina continued.

"Full Cowling, 15%!" Ochaco said, activating One for All.

"GO!" Mina shouted.


Immediately, all the racers began running, going through the first part of the racecourse, a large open stretch of land, that lead into the forest.

Nara had a head start, with Kiba behind her, Iida behind her, and Ochaco and Shiruku behind him.

For a few seconds, it looked like Nara was gonna get a large headstart.


Until she ran right over a mine!

"AHHHH!" Nara shouted as the mine blew her back, sending her flying onto her side. "Owww."

"And Nara's hit the first obstacle! The Mine Field!" Mina announced over the loudspeaker. "Try and keep from getting blown up ok guys!"

"Ha! As if Mines would stop me!" Kiba shouted as she jumped up high into the air, jumping over half the field, before landing in the middle of it.


"Ahahaha!" Kiba said as she jumped out of the smoke cloud that came from the explosion, completely unphased by it. "Such weak explosions can't touch the queen of eternal darkness!"

As Kiba was jumping over the minefield, Nara had gotten back up, and Iida was also approaching the minefield.

Darn it. I'll just have to try and move around the mines. Nara thought, looking down at the field for buried mines, before maneuvering around them, as quickly but cautiously as she could, with Iida doing the same.

Now Ochaco and Shiruku approached the minefield, and both of them already had a strategy in mind.

Ochaco jumped up, touching herself and taking away her gravity, allowing herself to float over the minefield, quickly moving past Nara and Iida who had to maneuver around the mines.

Meanwhile, Shiruku just jumped up as much as she could, before turning around mid-air and shooting a web at one of the trees in the distance, before pulling herself over to those trees on her web line, and rushing past Iida, Nara, and Ochaco as she did so.

Back with Kiba, she had made it into the forest and a had big lead on everyone else.

She kept running straight, until a tree got in her way, and then she swerved to the right.

Then she stepped on something, tripped, and fell on her face.

"Pah!" Kiba grunted as she got a mouth full of grass. "What the heck!?"

She tried getting up, only to find that her foot was stuck on something.

One of Mineta's balls.

"Looks like lady K has gotten to the second part of the course!" Mina announced. "The sticky forest! We've scattered a bunch of sticky traps around the forest, so be careful!"

"Ugh!" Kiba groaned as she began to try and pull the ball off her foot.

Meanwhile, Shiruku had reached the forest, and clung to a tree, before jumping to the next one going from tree to tree and avoiding the ground, which was covered in patches of Mineta's balls.

"Looks like Shiruku's going the high route! But let's see if she can avoid the obstacles we placed up there." Mina commented.

As Shiruku jumped to the next tree, she noticed a tape trap up ahead, lines of tape wrapped around two trees that would keep her from going forward.

She looked around for another route, only to find a lot more tape traps around her, and some of the trees also had patches of Mineta's balls on them.

While Shiruku was looking for a way forward, Ochaco made it into the forest and was running through it as fast as she could, while scanning for Mineta's balls.

She made it to a tape trap and jumped over it, however, she realized that in itself was a trap, as she found herself about to land on some of Mineta's balls.

Ochaco touched herself, stopping herself in the air before she touched the balls, gliding over them, before returning herself to normal gravity, and continuing to run through the forest.

Meanwhile, Kiba had finally gotten that ball off of her and continued to run forward. This time when a tree got in her way, instead of going around it into a trap, she just ran through the tree, breaking it into splinters as she went on without slowing.

At least until she stepped on the patch of balls that was behind it and tripped again.

"Curses!" Kiba shouted.

"Oh, looks like Lady Kiba having some trouble," Mina commented. "But it looks like Iida and Nara have finally reached the forest! Let's see if these two can catch up! Man never thought I'd be telling Iida to catch up."

"The landmines were quite the impediment to my speed Ashido!" Iida shouted as he started running through the forest, with Nara in front of him, as the two moved at a fast, but not super fast speed, through the forest, cautiously avoiding the obstacles in the forest.

Meanwhile, Shiruku had found her way forward, jumping around from the bases of the trees, sometimes moving to the ground every time some tape or balls got in her way, swiftly moving through the forest.

"Alright, it looks like Shiruku is taking the lead with some masterful footwork! All six of them!" Mina commented. "Ochaco is going a bit slower, that zero-g quirk of her's letting her get past a lot of the traps, but Kiba's on her tail! She's finally getting the grove of avoiding the traps. Nara and Iida are gaining slowly. Looks like the traps aren't slowing them down as much as the mines did! Let's see how things play out, as Shiruku is approaching the next obstacle!"

Shiruku jumped out of the forest, and to the entrance of a giant maze, with four different entrances.

"Welcome to the great maze! Try and get through it as fast as you can. But rember you have to stay on the track! Which doesn't include going over the maze." Mina reminded the contestants.

Shiruku frowned and she was about to run into the maze, but then she stopped, as an idea came to her.

And so she stood to the side and waited.

"Look's like Shiruku's not going in yet. Wonder what she's thinking?" Mina asked. "Well whatever it is, it better be good, because she's about to lose her lead as Uraraka's approaching maze with Kiba not far behind."

Ochaco ran out of the forest and stopped for a second to look at Shiruku, who just smiled at her. "What are you doing?"

"Waiting." Shiruku simply responded, turning her head to the forest. "Ah, here she comes."

And Kiba came running out of the forest.

She stopped for a moment to look at all four paths, before taking the one on the inner right.

But instead of taking a turning right, and following the path, she kept going straight.


Kiba just ran right through the walls of the maze, destroying them as she kept ongoing.

"There we go," Shiruku said, before turning to Ochaco. "Shall we?"

Ochaco ran forward, following Kiba, with Shiruku going behind her.

"Huh...We probably should have thought of that," Mina commented. "Whoops."

However, as Shiruku passed one of the walls Kiba destroyed, she then proceeded to stop, and web it up, meaning that the path was no longer useable to Nara or Iida.

"Oh but it looks Shiruku is sealing off the path," Mina noted. "Showing no mercy to Iida or Nara."

"Aghhh!" Nara shouted in annoyance, as she still moved through the forest, hearing about what just happened and getting very, very irritated at the sneaky spider girl.

Sorry Nara, but I can't let you or Iida catch up. Shiruku thought as she continued through the maze, webbing up the walls as she went, while Ochaco and Kiba went through the maze without issue.

"Well, thanks to Kiba. Her, Ochaco, and Shiruku have already made it to the next obstacle." Mina said. "At the same time, Nara's made it to the maze, with Iida not far behind."

Nara quickly dashed into the maze and started running as fast as possible. At this point trying to figure out which path led where would slow her down, so she'd just run through the maze as fast as possible. Iida soon followed behind her, using the same strategy.

Meanwhile, Kiba, Ochaco, and Shiruku had arrived, at a massive field that was covered in ice.

"Behold the ice field!" Mina announced. "Careful not to slip."

Kiba paid no attention to this warning and attempted to jump over the field.

She made it about a quarter of the way, before landing on the ice, cracking it, and causing her to slip, fall on her face, slid forward until she slipped onto a more fragile piece of ice, which broke underneath her and dropped her into a pit.

"Curses!" Kiba cried as he fell into a deep hole, filled with Mineta's balls. "NOT AGAIN!"

"Sorry Lady K, can't brute force everything," Mina said.

Ochaco did what she normally did, touched herself, and started floating over the whole thing.

Shruku meanwhile, had a different approach.


She stabbed one of her long pointy legs into the ice, and stuck to it, getting a firm footing on the ice, before moving onto it, doing the same thing with each leg as she moved, making it impossible for her to slip.

Half a minute later, Nara finished getting through the maze and looked at the long stretch of ice in front of her. If she tried just running over it, she'd end up in a hole, like Kiba.

So she thought about it for a few seconds, and then came up with an idea.

Nara then began to run in a circle.

"Oh, looks like Nara has a plan!" Mina commented. "It'd better work because Shiruku and Ochaco are already almost past the ice field! Shiruku's in first place, and gaining a pretty big lead! Wonder what'll happen when Lady K climbed out of the hole?"

"You'll find out right now!" Kiba cried as she jumped out of the hole, with one of Mineta's balls attached to each foot.

She landed on the ice, and the two balls stuck to the icy ground, keeping her from slipping.

Kiba then started moving forward, using the balls to keep footing. "Ahahaha! Your attempts to trap me, have only made me stronger! Behold my endless tenacity!"

"Lady K has found her way! Fantastic my lady!" Mina commented. "And it looks like Iida is approaching the ice!"

Iida had finally ran through the maze, and approached the ice, stopping before he stepped foot on it.

After looking around, he sees Nara still running in circles, at this point moving so fast she was just an unseeable blur.

I see. Iida said, realizing what Nara was doing, before coming up with his own strategy.


Iida crouched down and started revving his engines, getting ready to go as fast as he could. "Recipro Burst!"


Iida then ran across the ice at max speed, using the ice to make him move even faster as he sped through the icy field.

He ran over a pitfall, but by the time the ice crumbled, Iida was already past it, he was moving so quickly that none of the pits could catch him in time.


And then, Nara suddenly slingshotted herself across the field, using the momentum she had built up to do the same thing Iida did, and run across the field so fast none of the pitfalls could trap her.

"WOAH! Iida and Nara have gone from dead last, to first and gaining a massive lead!" Mina shouted in excitement.

Nara rushed past Iida, as both of them ran past the other contestants, leaving them in the dust, as both of them soon cleared the ice field, and moved onto the path towards the next obstacle.

I knew something like this would happen. Shiruku frowned, as she crawled off the ice field and ran after Iida and Nara. Hopefully, the next obstacle slows them down a bit more.

"Alright, Nara and Iida have already made it to the next obstacle, the Lake of Pain!" Mina announced dramatically.

Nara and Iida made it to a huge lake, that was filled with mines, as well as three Sea Feilongs waiting for them to arrive.

The two went full speed, running on top of the water, trying to get through the lake. Thankfully, the mines here were larger and more spaced out, meaning that the two of them had an easier time running around them.

All the Fei-longs tried to rush at them, but they were so fast they couldn't reach them, and the two of them had already run across the lake.

"And they're both already over the lake! Before Shiruku could even get to it!" Mina shouted. "Nara in first place, with Iida not too far behind! And they are about to get to the final obstacle! Will these two get to the finish line before the others can even... hang on!"

Suddenly, Nara's Omnitrix began to turn flash red.


"No!" Nara groaned, as she forced herself to slow down, digging her ball-like feet into the dirt, skidding into the ground as she started to slow.


In a flash of red, Nara had returned to her normal form, and her forward momentum, caused her to fly forward, and land on her face.

"Owww." Nara groaned as her face impacted the dirt.

Meanwhile, Iida began to slow down, as his engines overheated and shut down.

Iida slowed to a stop, not too far away from Nara, as his quirk went on cool down. "Unfortunate. I had hoped I could have made it through the last obstacle before this happened."

"Ugh, if Shiruku hadn't made me go through that stupid maze I could have won!" Nara complained as she pulled herself off the ground.

"Looks like their quirks gave out before they could reach the end!" Mina said. "And now both of them will have to go through the next obstacle, without any help from their quirks? Speaking of that next obstacle, introducing, the Hill!"

Both Iida and Nara stood at the base of a large, steep hill. And they could see the finish line over at the top.

It may have looked like a normal hill, but both Iida and Nara knew it had to be filled with traps.

Nara took a deep breath and started running up the hill, with Iida watching from behind.

She made it about seven feet, before-


"AHHHH!" Nara screamed as suddenly, a hidden springboard popped up, and launched her into the air.

Nara hit the ground, back at the base of the hill, hurting her back quite a bit. "Owwwwwww."

"Ouch!" Mina grimaced. "That looked like it hurt. Be careful, this hill will have you going back down to the bottom over, and over again! With traps invisible to the naked eye!"

"Are you ok?" Iida asked Nara giving her a hand and helping her off the ground.

"I'll be fine," Nara reassured him.

"Looks like Shiruku's at the lake! And Ochaco and Kiba have gotten to the end of the icy path!" Mina announced.

Back at the lake, Shiruku had reached the edge and was thinking about how she could get over this.

"RAHHHHHHHH!" One of the Feilongs noticed her, and let out a roar, getting the attention of the other two, causing all three of them to start swimming towards her.

Shiruku quickly got an idea, and jumped up towards them, before turning mid-air, and firing a web at them.

The web line hit the forehead of the one in the center, and Shiruku pulled herself towards it.

She landed on its forehead, and immediately, it started trying to shake her off, wagging its head around to try and throw her, but Shiruku stuck to its head, waiting for just the right moment.

Then, when it flicked its head upwards, Shiruku jumped at the same time, sending her flying high, high up into the sky.

From there, Shiruku shot a web line at a tree on the other end of the lake and started reeling herself towards it.

"Looks like Shiruku flew over that lake in no time!" Mina commented. "I wonder how Uraraka and Lady K are gonna deal with it though?"

While Shiruku was landing at the end of the lake, Ochaco and Kiba approached the other side.

Kiba without hesitation jumped into the lake, and started swimming, with Ochaco following behind her, doing the exact same thing.

"Looks like these two are gonna be the only ones to actually go into the lake!" Mina said. "Let's see how well, they do!"

The two easily swam around the mines, but the real problem came as the Feilongs approached. "

One rushed Kiba and tried to headbutt her(its options were limited as Yami had given them strict commands on what kind of attacks they could and couldn't use.) but Kiba swam down and dodged it.

That Feilong turned, and dived after her, pursuing her under the water.

Kiba kept swimming forward as the Feilong chased her, and then the other Feilong comes in, and cuts off her path, standing in her way.

So in response, Kiba burst upwards, jumping out of the water, like a dolphin, and trying to go over the Feilong.

But, the Feilong sifted its body, and tail slapped Kiba out of the air and knocking her back to the beginning of the lake.

Ochaco meanwhile, was swimming away from the one Feilong that was chasing her and gaining.

"18! Full Cowling!" Ochacos shouted, increasing her power, as she shot away from the Feilong.

While that was happening, Nara and Iida were continuing to try and climb the hill, with very little success.

Nara made it a quarter way up the hill, when suddenly, a few feet ahead of her, a device popped out of the hill and shot down a stream of water towards Nara.

"Wait! Ahhhhh!" Nara screamed, as the water swept her off her feet, and brought her back down the hill with it. "Oh come on!"

Iida, who was further down the hill, suddenly stepped on some ground that had been slicked with a soapy liquid, and tripped, causing him to roll all the way back down to the base of the hill.

"Looks like Nara and Iida are still struggling to make progress, but Shiruku is approaching the hill now, let's see if she does any better," Mina said.

Shiruku ran up to the hill and started going up, decreasing her speed, and moving cautiously.


The spider girl had stepped on a hidden springboard, which sprang out of the ground and tried to toss her off the hill, but she just stuck to the board, and when it stopped springing, she jumped off it and continued going up.

She kept going, and ended up stepping on a slippy patch, she slipped down a little bit, but then she just stuck to the ground and kept herself from going any further down, before continuing on, and moving around the slippery part of the hill.

"Oh, that spider stickiness is letting her climb up the hill like it's nothing!" Mina shouted. "Will she be the one! Can she win it all!? Oh!? Looks like Uraraka is coming up! But Shiruku is already halfway up the hill!"

Ochaco ran up to the hill and looked up. Shiruku was almost already halfway up. There was no way for her to catch up by simply going up the hill.

She'd have to think outside the box.

Ochaco took a few seconds to think of a plan, looking around, before her eyes landed on a nearby tree.

Quickly she ran over to it, and touched it, taking away its gravity, before she began to lift. "Grrrrrr! HRAGH!"

Ochaco lifted the tree out of the ground, and threw it into the air, sending it flying high, high up into the air, sending it higher than the hill itself.

Then, Ochaco touched herself, taking away her own gravity, before jumping up towards the tree.

Uraraka flipped in mid-air, positioning herself so her feet landed on the tree. "Shooting! Star!"

Ochaco then launched herself off the tree as hard as she could, sending the tree flying back, and her flying forward, towards the top of the hill.

"Oh my goodness! Ochaco just flew over the hill, and is heading towards the finish line!" Mina shouted.

Shiruku looked up at Ochaco who was flying towards the finish line and panicked. It was all or nothing, so she jumped up, and shot a web line at one of the poles holding up the checkered banner over the finish line, and stared reeling herself in.

"It's so close! Ochaco and Shiruku are neck and neck! But who's gonna make it there first!?" Mina screamed in excitement.

The two girls kept moving towards the finish line, getting closer, and closer, with neither one gaining the edge over the other, until-


One of the traps activated.

A wall popped out of the ground, right in front of Shiruku's path, stopping her progress, and allowing Ochaco to shoot ahead, and fly past through the finish line.

"She did it! Ochaco Uraraka has won the race! Landing herself in first place!" Mina shouted excitedly. "Congratulations girl! You've done your class proud!"

"Whew." Ochaco let out a breath she'd been holding, before touching her fingertips together. "Release."

"Ugh." Shiruku groaned with disappointment, as she made her way to the finish line.

"In second place is Shiruku!" Mina announced. "Don't look too down spider girl! Second place ain't bad when you look at your competition."

This didn't seem to cheer Shiruku up much, as she still held her head down with disappointment, and Ochaco gave her a pat on the head, and a sympathetic smile.

"You almost had me there. Had that wall not shown up who knows what would have happened." Ochaco reassured her. "And hey, I think Izuku will be proud of your quick thinking."

"Well, with first and second place decided, let's see who's gonna get that bronze medal!" Mina said. "Let's see how Lady K is-"


Suddenly, a tree came crashing down a few yards in front of Shiruku and Ochaco, with Kiba on top of it.

"Ahah! It worked!" Kiba cheered, as she hopped off the tree, blood dripping from her hands and mouth. "Even if I can't get first! I refuse to be in last!"

"And Lady K takes third! With an incredible feat of strength, Lady K seems to have thrown a tree, and rode it all the way to the finish line!" Mina explained. "Also, what's up with the blood?"

"Well, I couldn't do something like this at little over half my strength now could I?" Kiba stated. "So I had to hunt a deer that had wandered into the race track, and drink its blood to regain my power."

"Wow. Brutal as heck Lady K," Mina commented. "Well now with only two contestants left! I wonder who will make it to fourth place!?"

Iida and Nara kept trying to make it up the hill, sliding down many, many times, before eventually, Iida made it up, and crossed the finish line.

"And Iida gets fourth place!" Mina shouted. "And with that, the race is over!"


A horn sounded, signaling the race's end.

"Ughhhh." Nara let out a groan that was full of exhaustion and disappointment, as she flopped to the ground halfway up the hill.

"Alright, everyone! Make your way back to the backyard, and let's wrap this up!" Mina explained.


By the time everyone made it back, night had fallen, and 1A had taken the time to set up for the next event. Blankets were placed around the backyard, and dinner had been placed on tables.

But before that, they had to wrap up the race.

"Alright! Time for the awards!" Mina said.

Ochaco, Shiruku, and Kiba stood on three podiums, with Ochaco on the highest one, Shiruku on the second highest, and Kiba on the lowest.

Shoji came forward, with a gold trophy, and two medals. One silver one bronze.

The multi-armed boy gifted the trophy to Ochaco while giving the silver medal to Shiruku, and the bronze one to Kiba.

"Congrats to Uraraka, Shiruku and Kiba!" Mina said as everyone gave them a round of applause.

Meanwhile, on the side, Kaminari walked up to Iida. "You ok man?"

"I'm fine Kaminari. Thank you for your concern." Iida answered. "Although I am slightly frustrated, I can use this frustration as motivation to improve myself further!"

"Yeah, that's the spirit man!" Kaminari said, patting him on the back. "Plus Ultra!"

Nara on the other hand was not taking her loss quite as well and clapped with a disappointed scowl on her face.

"Hey, you gonna be ok?" Ken asked her genuinely.

"I'll be fine," Nara mumbled, before letting out a long sigh. "Just a little sore about losing a race while being the fastest one there. And I could have won if Shiruku didn't make me go through that maze."

"Yeah, well she wanted to win." Ken shrugged. "But hey, at least you're still number 1 in the classroom, so there's that. You're still top nerd."

"And you're still number 1 loser," Nara smirked, her mood picking up a bit.

"There she is. I was worried I'd have to be nice to you for a whole day." Ken fake gagged. "Ugh. Just saying it sounds wrong."

"Doofus." Nara chuckled while rolling her eyes, with a smirk on her face.

"Well with that over, it's time for the final event! The fireworks show!" Mina shouted. "Everyone get a plate! And pick a blanket! And get ready for the show!"


Ochaco sat down on her blanket, her legs crossed with a plate of curry and rice beside her, looking up at the night sky.

After everyone had gotten their food, they all chose their blankets, sitting in groups, all except for Ochaco, who sat alone, as curiously no one choose to sit next to her.

Until Izuku came up to her, with a nervous expression on his face. "Um…most of the other blankets were full and…I noticed you were alone. So is it ok if I-"

"Of course!" Ochaco answered, flashing him a smile. "More than enough room after all."

"Thank you," Izuku told her, before sitting down, with his bowl of Katsudon.

The two sat in silence for a little bit, eating their food together, and waiting for the show to start.

"Um…congratulations by the way," Izuku said after a while. "On your victory, that is."

"Thanks!" Ochaco smiled proudly, blushing slightly as well. "Honestly, it's all thanks to Shiruku. If she hadn't done everything she did during the maze part, I wouldn't have been able to win."

"Yeah, I'm really proud of all the ideas she came up with during that race. Even if she only got second place, I'm glad she walked away with a medal." Izuku said, with a huge smile on his face.

Ochaco stared at him for a second. In awe of the expression on his face. The happiness at seeing his daughter doing so well, the pride he felt in seeing all his efforts in allowing her to grow pay off.

It was a look that said a lot about Izuku. How happy he was to watch someone succeed, and how much it meant to him that he got to help that person. It was an amazing look, in Ochaco's opinion. And one she wanted to see, much more of.


The fireworks started, and Ochaco was snapped out of her trance by the light and loud noise. "Huh?"

"Hm?" Izuku looked at her, seeing that Ochaco had a dazed and slightly confused expression. "Ochaco, are you ok?"

"Me? Um, yeah!" Ochaco stuttered, as her face turned red when she realized that she'd been staring at Izuku for quite a while. "I'm fine! Hey, look at the fireworks! Let's pay attention to those!"

Izuku looked at her for a few more seconds, trying to see if should be concerned, before shrugging it off, and looking up at the fireworks with her.

And thus, the field day had concluded, with a burst of light and color exploding in the night sky, signaling its end.

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