
Chapter 68: Here Comes A New Challenger

Fu was always rather good at noticing things, picking up on things that others didn't. Whether it was people's facial expressions, the looks in their eyes, their body language.

This also applied to just noticing things about his surroundings.

And that's how he got into this situation.

Fu had been just swinging around the forest with Kyosei, practicing his agility skills so that he would be a better hero in the future.

Alright. That's twenty swings from nineteen trees, without falling. Doing good so far Kyosei. Fu thought as he took a break, his hands forming claws that allowing him to stay on the side of the tree.

He felt Kyosei's appreciation and a bit of smugness.

Fu rolled his eyes. Don't get overconfident we could still…


Fu froze, as he could suddenly faintly hear a young girl's voice. And no one he was familiar with.

Now, for the most part, people didn't just stumble their way towards their house by accident. Mostly because they lived in a forest filled to the brim with Grimm guarding it.

So for someone to be this close without Izuku being alerted...was suspicious.

And so that's what led Fu, to seek out the source.

Using Kyosei's tendrils he moved from tree to tree, as silently as he could. Getting closer to the voice.

And eventually, he found its source.

A small girl looking to be about eight years old. She had long pink hair and donned a simple red dress. What's more, on top of her head are what at first glance looked like cat ears, but were actually some type of horn.

She was speaking into what seemed like an earpiece, which made Fu even more suspicious of her.

"They won't know anything." Were the last words she said before suddenly, the earpiece floated out of her ear, and was crushed by an invisible force.

Yup. She is definitely suspicious. Fu thought while looking down on her, as she started walking towards the direction of the house. I can't let someone like this enter the house just yet. Too dangerous. I need to figure out what she wants.

Still, Fu understood the importance of subtlety, so he waited a minute, following silently behind her.

After a bit of time had passed, he figured it was time to greet their guest.

Fu used Kyosei's tendrils, to lower himself down from the tree, and onto the ground a few feet behind the girl.

"Hey?" Fu greeted.

The girl jumped slightly and quickly turned around to face him. "H-Hello!? Please don't sneak up on me like that! You'll scare me to death."

She put her hand on her chest, and she looked like she had almost been shot or something. And her voice was so timid and frail.

In other words. She was overacting.

Back when Kiba and him were on the streets, acting overly frail or weak was a good way to gain sympathy, or misdirect and trick someone.

Especially compared to how she sounded earlier when she spoke in that earpiece. Back there she sounded cold and serious.

Everything about her current self seemed fake.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." Fu apologized. "I just wanted to know what you were doing here."

"Oh um…my name is Nise." The girl shuffled her feet nervously, in an extremely cute manner. Too cute. "Um...my mommy and daddy said that my quirk makes me a demon. And so they told me to go where all the other demons are. A-And I heard that was here."

"Oh? And what exactly is your quirk?" Fu asked her.

"M-My quirk." Nise stuttered. "I-It makes me explode if I get too nervous...o-or scared. I-I'm sorry if I'm rude but...this place is scary. C-can we go to the house? Please."

"Interesting. Then how did you do that thing with the earpiece earlier?" Fu asked sarcastically, poking a huge hole in her story.

Nise's eyes widened, and she took a step back in shock.

"Also, if your parents abandoned you, who were you talking to in your earpiece?" Fu asked, continuing to poke holes in her story.

A second later, Nise, if that was her real name, gave him a fierce scowl. Showing her true self. With an expression that did not belong on a child, full of murderous intent.


And then Fu's head flew off.

Out of nowhere, suddenly Fu's neck was sliced through, and his head flew up into the air, his neck and now dismembered head spilling blood all over the ground.

"Tch. Damn it, now I have to hide this." Nise grit her teeth in annoyance, as if she had just spilled something on her clothes and not taken a life.

Or tried to anyway.

Before Nise could do anything, two tendrils came out of Fu's body, one from his neck that caught his head and brought it down to his body, and another that shot out of his chest, and smacked Nise into a tree a few feet away holding her there.

"Agh! W-What!?" Nise hissed out in pain and confusion, wondering what exactly was happening here.

"Yeah, definitely a good thing I didn't let you get close to the house," Fu said after reattaching his head.

"Grrrrrr!" Nise growled, as suddenly Kyosei's tendril was cut into pieces, freeing the pink-haired demon child. "How the fuck are you still alive?!"

"Firstly, language," Fu said, as Kysoei started to overtake his body. Shifting into battle mode. "Secondly, you said it yourself. You were looking for the place where the demons lived. Well, you found it."

Once Fu had been completely covered in Kyosei's black armor goop, he sent out four tendrils from his back at Nise, hoping to ensnare her limbs.

However, those tendrils didn't make it more than a few feet towards Nise, before they were suddenly cut to ribbons by an invisible force.

Looks like she has some kind of, invisible telepathic blade or something. Fu analyzed.

Suddenly, Nise was catapulted at him by the same invisible force, and when she was only a few feet away, she suddenly stopped mid-air, just floating there, or rather it looked like she was been held up by something.

And then Fu felt something like a weird invisible hand, go through his chest, and pull out his heart.

No not a blade. Maybe a hand? Fu theorized, and he made his hand grow to the size of his body and tried to hit Nise in a grand sweeping motion.

However, when the swipe was about two and a half feet away from Nise's body, it was suddenly was stopped by that invisible force again.

But that was Fu's plan, as suddenly the black symbiote goo started spreading onto whatever it was that was stopping it, making it visible.

It was a hand. A hand connected to a long tendril, that judging from what Fu could see of it, was coming out of her back.

"Grrr! Off!" Nise growled. And suddenly, the tendril and hand disappeared, causing the part of the symbiote that was coving it to get sucked back into Fu's hand, but then suddenly the hand was cut into pieces. "Just die already!"


Nise fell to the ground, and a second later, Fu's limbs and head were sliced off, his body was cut in two, and his skull was smashed into the ground like a pumpkin, spilling blood a viscera all over the place.

Nise breathed a sigh of relief, thinking she finally killed him.

But it didn't last long.

Kyosei brought all of Fu's parts together, and helped along with Fu's natural regeneration, to put him back together in a matter of seconds.

"That's not gonna work," Fu said as he finished regrowing everything.

"What are you immortal!?" Nise shouted out in frustration and slight fear.

"Pretty much." Of course, both Fu and Kyosei had ways to negate their regeneration, and eventually kill them, but she didn't need to know that. "A very interesting quirk you have there. Let see. From what I could figure out it lets you create invisible hands that come out of your back, which can cut and crush opponents from a medium distance. But when I tried wrapping it up, it vanished. Can it turn intangible, or can it only exist for a short period of time?"

Nise did not seem amused. "Grrrrr! Die!"

Suddenly Fu was picked up by the invisible arms and then slammed into the ground, where he was then clobbered by a barrage of extremely quick punches, that turned his body to a bloody paste.

This still failed to kill him, however, and Kyosei wrapped around the arms that were punching him, halting them for a bit, and allowing Fu to finally see them all.

Four. There were a total of four. Ok, good to know. Fu thought.

The arms vanished from Kyosei's grasp, before quickly going back to pummeling Fu's regenerating body.

So she can make them vanish on command. Alright. Fu was gathering more and more info.

All while planning a counterattack. Because while she was beating him into the dirt, Fu sent a special surprise under him.

Suddenly, a big black tendril came out of the ground, having tunneled up behind Nise.

Before the girl could react, the tendril smacked her into a tree, hard.

"GAH!" Nise felt the wind get knocked out of her as her back hit the tree so hard, it made a crack in the wood.

Quickly Fu recalled the tendril back into himself, as he started to regenerate his body back to pristine condition.

It's a really good thing I can't feel pain. Fu thought as he jumped back, using his tendrils to make some lines in the dirt as he lept away.

"Grrrrrrr!" Once again Nise growled and moved forward to attack Fu, who was now much farther.

Once she reached the first line Fu drew, Fu sent out five tendrils towards her.

She cut them up once they got closer to her.

But little did she know, this was part of Fu's plan.

Each one of those lines represented a foot of length, meaning he got to roughly measure how long her invisible hand tendril things were.

Roughly six feet was her effective range it seemed, Fu sent a few more tendrils at her to confirm, and that seemed to be accurate.

So she had four arms, with a range of six feet. She could make them intangible, they were very strong, and they moved very very fast.

He couldn't afford to throw himself recklessly at her, otherwise, he'd use up all his meat reserves, and die.

Fu had to fight smarter, not harder.

But while Fu couldn't throw himself at her, Kyosei could. So long as there was no fire or sonic attacks, nothing could really hurt him.

And she only had four of her arm things, and could only reach six feet.

Kyosei could do, much, much more.

Fu mustered up as many tendrils as he could, around twenty in total, and launched them at Nise from as many angles as he could, as quickly as he could.

Nise grits her teeth and braced herself.

The tendrils came at her quickly and furiously, and Nise did the best she could to cut them to ribbons, but each time she cut one another one would come, she would cut that one, and the one she just cut would grow back and cum back at her.

They kept getting closer and closer to her, inching forward towards her, as she struggled to keep cutting them up.

If this kept up they would reach her eventually.

She had move!

Nise used her invisible arms, to launch herself up into the trees, having one of her arms grab and dig into the tree trunk, making it seem like she was floating in the air.

Fu sent the tendrils after her, and Nise had to jump from tree to tree, quickly getting away from the tendrils, and launching herself towards Fu.

Fu sent out a tendril behind him, to grapple himself away from her range, but she was quick, and as he was getting away, she got close enough and sliced him in two.

She's fast. Fu thought as the tendril dragged his now legless body, away from her.

He doesn't even need to reattach his parts to heal! Nise growled as she watched Fu quickly start to grow back his legs.

Nise then started to chase after him, with Fu swinging away as the two swung through the trees of the dense forest.

She's faster than me, need to slow her down. Fu thought.

Fu sent out tendrils all around him, grabbing branches off trees, and throwing them at Nise.

Nise tossed them aside with ease, but this did slow her down just a little bit.

Fu then started to make some hard turns, making it even harder for her to follow him.

And eventually, Nise lost sight of him.

The pink-haired girl looked around frantically, trying to figure out where he had gone. "No. No. No. No. NO! Damn him why won't he just die!?"

She looked down at the ground beneath her, as emotions began to boil up. Shame, anger...fear. "No. I won't fail. Not again. I can't fail again!"

And it when then, as she looked down, she noticed something. A shadow looming over her, getting bigger and bigger.

Her eyes widened, and she looked up, to see Fu lunging at her from the sky.

He was less than three feet away from her, she couldn't move away. Not in time to avoid an attack from the monster bearing down at her.

She had to use one of her invisible arms to keep her up, and from this distance, she wasn't sure if she could cut him up fast enough with just three.

So she made a decision.

Nise shot herself downwards towards the floor, getting some distance on Fu, and allowing her to use all her arms to slice Fu to pieces.



Fu's body was cut into many, many pieces, and both of them fell on the floor, Nise hitting her back on the hard dirt ground.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" The young girl screamed out in pain, as blood started coming out of her mouth, the impact doing serious damage to her small body.

Fu's chunks and Kyosei's goo fell around her, as she used her quirk to make sure nothing fell on her, except for the blood that came raining down.

Nise lied on the floor for a minute, trying to recover from her injuries, and desperately hoping that Fu was actually dead.

Unfortunately for her, it was not to be, as Kyosei's black goop started moving, gathering all of Fu's pieces in a ball of ooze.

Inside the ball, Fu quickly regenerated, and the ball morphed back into Fu's form, as in about a minute Fu was back, good as new...at least on the outside.

Internally, Fu had used up a little more than half his meat reserves, which was NOT good. To say the least.

But, she didn't know that. All that she saw was that she cut him into chunks, and he was still alive, and perfectly fine. While she was on the ground, very injured and running out of energy.

To her, she was losing this fight and then some. But Fu knew this fight was far more even. If he wasn't able to regenerate, then he would die pretty quickly. Not to mention he would go into his rampage mode, meaning he wouldn't even be able to retreat. He'd turn into a mindless animal that would soon be slaughtered.

But she didn't know that. And he could see the fear in angry red eyes. Maybe, just maybe, he could end the fight right here, and if not at least he could find out a bit more from her.

Fu took a few steps back, as Nise lifted herself up with her quirk, and allowed Kyosei to retreat back into his body, revealing his normal form once more.

"Is this really worth it? Throwing yourself at an opponent you can't beat, for what? Why did you even come here?" Fu asked her.

"It's...none of your business!" Nise spat at him, setting herself down on the ground. "I'll kill you! Every quirk has a weakness! I'll find yours and I'll kill you! I can't fail! I won't!"

"If that's true, then what about your weakness? Wouldn't overusing those arm things of yours do something bad to you?" Fu asked her.

"Grrrrr. They're called Vectors." Nise said through clenched teeth.

Judging from her reaction, overuse is a serious problem for her. Fu thought. "Well, your right about one thing. I have a weakness. But it's not something you can use. No matter how many times you use those Vectors of yours, I'll just heal back up. You can't win this fight. So what are you even trying for? Why put yourself through all this?"

"I...I can't fail!" The girl repeated, looking at the ground with teeth gritted so tightly it's a wonder they didn't break, and her fist clenched so hard that her nails started to dig through her skin. "Mommy and daddy said I had to kill him! I have to! Otherwise, I'm worthless! A-And they'll put me in the training room again! I'm not going back! I can't go back! I won't!"

"You don't have to," Fu told her.

"Huh? What?" Nise looked up at him, confused and angry. Wondering what the hell he could be blathering on about.

"You don't have to go back to them," Fu said. "It seems like your one of us. The ones who go unlucky at birth. Most of our parents didn't love us either."

"My parents love me!" The girl shouted back furiously. "As long as I do what I'm told, and kill who they tell me to, they'll love me!"

"Parents whose love you have to earn, aren't real parents." Fu countered. "My father loves me, and every single one of my siblings, just for being us. Even when we mess up, and make him mad, or upset by doing something bad, he doesn't stop loving us, or whatever it is that your parents do to you, that's making react like that. And he'd never make us do something like taking lives!"

" . Shut up." Nise whispered, lowering her head, hiding her face from sight.

"Do you really want to live like that!?" Fu asked her, raising his voice. "A slave to your parents! Working for love that they'll stop giving you if you mess up once? Is that really what you want to do with the rest of your life!?"

"SHUT UP!" Nise shouted out in pure rage, and Fu expected her to charge at him again, and quickly made Kyosei go back over his body.

But instead, her horns grew, tripling in length.

Fu's eyes widened, as he had a bad feeling about what was about to happen next.


And he was proven right a second later, as, despite being far out of her range, Fu felt her Vectors fly into his body, and tear him in two.

And then in four, and then in eight, and more and more, until he was just a red mush and meat chunks on the ground.

But Nise didn't stop, in a rage, she used her Vectors, to smash Fu's remains into the dirt, making a crater that got larger and larger with each strike.


The more she smashed up Fu's body, the more her own began to wear down, as her quirk started taking its toll on her.

Blood started pouring from her mouth and her eyes, and cuts started appearing all over her body. She could feel her bones start to shake, and her head hurt so much she felt like she was dying.

It was only when the pain became unbearable, did she stop.

Her horns shrank back into her head, and her Vectors shrunk down to their normal length.

Nise looked at Fu's remains, which at this point was nothing but a bunch of red liquid on the ground.

She waited, wondering if Fu would start regenerating.

He didn't. Fu's remains stayed there, unmoving, and completely lifeless.

After a couple of minutes passed, Nise fell on her knees and took deep breaths. Finally, the fight was over. She killed him.

So why wasn't she happy?

It hurt, so much. She was in SO much pain. But the mission wasn't over. She still had much more to do. And because of this, it would only be so much harder.

And her parents wouldn't care how hard she tried. How much pain she endured for them. How much she bled for them.

If she failed, then all of this would be meaningless, and she would go back to being tortured in that training room again.

Do you really want to live like that!? A slave to your parents! Working for love that they'll stop giving you if you mess up once? Is that really what you want to do with the rest of your life!?

As Fu's words went through her head, Nise's body felt even weaker. She felt sick, as a terrible feeling of fear, dread, and sadness permeated her body, and tears flowed freely from her eyes.

Was this all her life had in store? Pain and blood. All this pain, all this death, for love that she'd never really be able to keep?

Parents whose love you have to earn, aren't real parents. My father loves me, and every single one of my siblings, just for being us. Even when we mess up, and make him mad, or upset by doing something bad, he doesn't stop loving us, or whatever it is that your parents do to you, that's making react like that. And he'd never make us do something like taking lives!

God that sounded so nice. Too good to be true. It had to be some kind of lie.

Because a life like that couldn't exist. All things had their purpose, all people had their purpose. They had jobs they needed to do, in order to earn what they wanted.

And her's was to kill the people that made her parents' lives harder. That was what she was bread for, what her quirk was made for.

To be loved for just...existing...was impossible...but it sounded SO nice.

How many times had she put on the persona of a sweet, dumb, innocent child? It always lowered people's guards. Because it was cute. People thought she was cute.

How badly did she wish she was actually that cute innocent, dumb, sweet girl? That she wasn't born with a quirk only made for taking lives.

For a moment, she allowed herself a fantasy. A fantasy of a world where she was that sweet girl, and her parents were like how Fu described his father to be.

No more assassinations, no more training, no more blood.

Just, love, smiles, happiness, and warmth.

She felt a bit of warmth growing in her chest, that quickly tightened up and became painful.

Because as nice as that fantasy was, it was just that.

A fantasy.

And now it was time to stop fantasizing and get back to wor-


Suddenly Nise heard a twig snap, right behind her.

She quickly turned her head and saw Fu about a foot away from her, his hand-formed into a blade, ready to strike.

In that instant, they both reacted.

Nise's Vectors shoved Fu away as hard as she could, but not before he could get in a single strike.



Fu hit, hard enough to crack it almost all the way through, despite it being a rather large and thick tree.

And Nise saw her right horn fall to the ground, as it had been chopped off her head.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Nise picked up her fallen horn, looking at it with eyes full of shock and horror.

"After seeing how your horns grew when you powered up. I figured they were more important than I thought." Fu said, making note of the thick tree behind him, before turning back to his opponent. "And judging by your reaction. I'm guessing I was right."

Nise spent a few more seconds morning the loss of her horn, before her face contorted into an enraged snarl, and she stood back up and turned to look at Fu. "How are you still alive! I turned your whole body into juice!"

"Not my whole body. Just most of it." Fu corrected. "You see, the moment I realized you powered up and felt your Vector start to tear my body apart, I used Kyosei to cut my head off and then had him roll it away where I could regenerate. And you were distracted by your own rage, that you didn't notice a thing."

"Damn you! DAMN YOU!" Nise shouted out in fury.

"I gave you a chance. Now we do this the hard way." Fu then spun around, using his blade hand to cut the already mostly cut tree that he had been hit into, before dashing off to the right.

Nise was about to do something to attack him when she heard the sound of the tree falling.

And it was about to fall, on top of her.

The pinkette grit her teeth, and readied her Vectors. Her right horn had been cut off, meaning she only had the two Vectors remaining on the left side of her body.

When the tree came down on her, she sliced it to pieces.

And while that saved her from most of the danger, with only two Vectors she could only protect herself so much.

So when the smaller chunks she cut up started to rain down, she couldn't stop them all, and one of them hit her right in the face.

"Ahhh!" Nise cried as pain washed over her, and she shut her eyes.

Fu took advantage of this, and sent out a powerful tendril at top speed, right at Nise.

The girl could do nothing, as the tendril slammed into her, and then slammed her into a tree.


Her head hit the tree hard, causing her skull to crack, and blood to come out.

Nise immediately lost consciousness, as her body went limp on Fu's tendril.

Fu, feeling her go limp, concluded that she was no longer able to fight.

Still just to be safe, a smaller tendril split off from the larger one and went up to Nise's other horn.


With both horns broken, Fu felt it was safe to say, he won.


"So...what the heck happened Namae?" Izuku asked over the phone.

Izuku was currently sitting in his office, and he was NOT happy.

Ochaco, Fu, and Inko were also present, and none of them looked partially happy either.

It had been a few hours since Fu's fight with Nise, and it had been, hectic.

The girl had been taken away. Placed in restraints, and sent to the hospital, to be treated for all the injuries she sustained from the battle.

Now Izuku and company were left with the aftermath.

"Honestly, I have no idea," Namae told him. "No no does. We've been looking into it the moment you reported it, but we have no clue why what happened, happened."

"Someone sent a child assassin here, probably to kill someone, probably me, and ended up fighting one of my children to the death! Almost killing Fu and themselves in the process! And you have no idea who sent them or why!?" Izuku shouted into the phone.

"Hey, man don't take it out on me! It's not my fault!" Namae told him. "And it's not like we can't find it because we've been slacking off! D.O.C. isn't even handling the investigation! There is no record of this girl anywhere! And we already put her through a blood test, but we can't find any damn results! Whoever sent this kid must be serious business...which actually if you think about this makes it even more fucked up, because you have all those resources to do crap like this, and you still send a child to kill someone. Really screwed up man."

"Namae! Not helping!" Izuku screamed.

"Right, right sorry," Namae said. "Of of curiosity, are you more upset about the child assassin thing, the almost killing your son thing, or the possible attempt on your life thing!"

"YES!" Izuku was now so angry that you could see the veins popped out of his head.

"Got it. Fair enough." Namae said. "Anyway, we'll keep you posted about the situation, and on the topic of security...well your hiring help anyway, so you should probably hire some security as well. Anyway, see ya!"

And then she hung up.

Izuku grit his teeth and slammed his phone into the desk.

He took a few deep breaths to try and expel the anger, so he could have a clear mind again. But it was difficult with how pissed of he was at the moment.

Someone sent a child! A child! No older than any of his own, to come here and kill him. And in the process, his own son was nearly killed!

Everything about this situation made his blood boil.

Both Inko and Ochaco put their hands on his back, trying to soothe him, and helping a little bit.

Izuku quickly went into his drawer, opened it up, and pulled out a beige candy bar.

This was a gift from Amai. After hearing from Yami about how stressed Izuku could get, she made him this calm candy to help soothe his nerves.

Izuku took a big chomp out of the bar and instantly felt a lot of the anger melt away, as the calming effect of the candy took hold.

After taking a few more bites of it, his anger was subdued. Not dissipated, but subdued for now.

Izuku looked up at Fu, who was staring at him from the other side of the desk, waiting to be addressed.

"Fu...when you were being attacked, why didn't you call for help?" Izuku asked him sternly, but calmly. The side effect of the mood candies is that if you ate too much in one sitting, you'd be stuck in that mood for a while. So most of Izuku's emotions right now were being subdued by the candy.

"...I didn't want anyone else to get hurt," Fu explained. "That girl was too dangerous. If the 1A students or almost anyone else came, they would have died. So I lured her away from the house...and away from the Seers."

"But Fu, we have Grimm. We could have just surrounded her with those until we could capture her." Izuku pointed out. "You didn't need to risk yourself like that."

"...Honestly dad, I was just caught up in the fight," Fu explained. "I was so focused on beating her and keeping her away from everyone else, that I didn't even think about the Grimm."

"You got...caught up in the fight." Izuku took a moment to ponder that. "That seems...unlike you."

"It is. Normally that wouldn't happen. But She was too strong. I needed to pay full attention to her. Otherwise, I would have died." Fu explained. "But..there was also something else. I wanted to find out more about her...because some things didn't make sense about her. She didn't know about my regeneration's limits, so to her, I must have seemed unkillable. She was smart, and trained too, so she should have known when to give up and retreated at some point...but she never did. She was desperate and afraid of something. And I wanted to find out what it was."

"I see...so on top of saving us...you wanted to save her as well." Izuku surmised.

There was a bit of a pause before he got up and went around his desk, before kneeling down and bringing his son(s) into a bear hug.

"I'm so proud of both of you," Izuku told them. "You and Kyosei."

Kyosei ooze out of Fu, and wrapped around Izuku, wanting to get in on the affection.

"You both protected your family, against a very dangerous foe. Thank you both." Izuku said. "That being said, you put both yourself and Kyosei in danger. Rember, Kyosei is your baby brother and depends on you to live properly. When you risk your life, you risk his as well."

Fu's eyes widened a bit. That was a fantastic point, that Fu hadn't thought about at all.

Being bonded to Fu was...rather hard to describe. He was aware that Kyosei was a separate being but at the same time...he wasn't.

Fu most of the time tended to think of Kyosei like his own sentient quirk, rather than a separate person, or the baby that he actually was.

It was part of the bonding process. It was natural to think of them as one being.

But they weren't. Kyosei was a baby, he was gonna do whatever Fu wanted him to do because Fu was his host. He NEEDED him. He didn't really have much of a choice but to go along with Fu.

Fu actually felt a bit bad about that part in particular.

He didn't mind risking his own life for his family, but Kyosei was another matter.

"Sorry, dad...Kyosei." Fu apologized.

Kyosei felt confused but accepted it regardless.

"I'll accept whatever punishment you have for me," Fu said, bowing his head in acceptance of whatever came next.

Izuku sighed and shook his head. "Given the circumstances, I can't fully fault you for what happened. And you definitely did far more good than bad. With that in mind, I think you almost dying is enough of a punishment. Ochaco can you take Fu and preparing a feast for him. I can only imagine how much of your reserves you used."

"A lot. Thanks, dad." Fu gave Izuku a rare smile, which Izuku happily returned, as Ochaco guided him out of the room.

"The least I can do, for my little hero," Izuku said.

Fu felt a twinge of embarrassment, as he was taken out of the room, and towards the kitchen.

Once Fu left, Izuku leaned back in his seat and sighed. "I'll have to ask Yami to make more Seers and more Grimm. I can't have this happen again."

"He reminds me so much of you." Inko smiled, recalling Fu's explanation.

"Yes...reckless. Like me." Izuku lamented. "First Yami, and now him? These kids are gonna kill me, and not in the anyone thought they would have."

"Now you know how I felt, every time you decided to get a closer look at a hero fight." Inko giggled. "Well, I would say you have it harder."

"I think so too," Izuku said. "It's worth it though. Still. On top of increasing security...I also have to figure out why she came here in the first place."

"I would also be interesting to know what kind of sick person would send a child to kill someone," Inko said, a look of disgust.

"Oh don't worry mom. When I find out who did this-" Izuku felt his anger bubble up, overpowering the candy. "-I'll do what's within my power, to make sure they pay."

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