
Chapter 24: Shorts 7


"RAGGHHHHHHHHHH!" Kai roars as one of his heads rushes towards Kiba.

Kiba dodged the attack, jumping onto the side of a nearby small mountain. Causing Kai's head to get stuck in the dirt.

Luckily he had two more.

One of the heads picked up a tree and threw it at Kiba, who in response picked up a rock and threw it at the tree at full strength.

The force of the rock was so great it split through the three like a bullet, cutting it in half and keeping it from harming her.

The rock hit Kai, smashing against his scaly skin.

"Ow! That stings!" Kai shook off the sting and finally pulled out his middle head from the ground. "Clever move dear sister. But allow me to retaliate!"

Meanwhile, on the side, Fu was filming the entire thing and keeping watch of chat.

"Holy crap this amazing!"

"Isn't this dangerous?!"

"Is this even legal!?"

To explain.

Kiba had found out that Kai also wanted to be a hero(there weren't exactly many jobs one could have for an enormous person who couldn't shrink.) and he was willing to spar with her.

And so after asking permission form Izuku to go into the forest to spar

Izuku said yes on the condition that Fu accompanies them and that Kiba streamed the whole thing. Conditions Kiba was more than happy to oblige.

"Dad owns all the land around here. So we can use our quirks as much as we want." Fu explained.

While he was explaining this Kiba uppercut one of Kai's heads. However, this left her in the air, completely defenseless.

Fortunately for her, the pain from the uppercut caused Kai to stumble back. And by the time he recovered he missed his chance to attack back.

Kiba landed on the ground and decided to keep on the offensive.

She ran toward Kai and did a jump kick, hitting him right in the belly.

However, the distance she ran was too short, meaning she didn't build up enough momentum to do sufficient damage to Kai. Meaning she just bounced off.

Kai stomped the ground, causing it to shake.

"Oof!" Kiba lost her footing and fell to the ground.

Kai saw this opportunity and raised it's foot, before bringing it down on Kiba. Not too hard, just in case she couldn't handle it.

Kiba could in fact handle it, however, and she used all four limbs to push against Kai's foot.

Kai increased the power of his stomp, but Kiba was at full strength and was able to handle it.

The ground below her, could not, however. And Kiba was forced underground, unable to repel Kai's foot due to his strength and size.

"Is the great Kiba done for!?"

"Impossible! Kiba is supreme!"

"My dude she's fighting a hydra! I'm impressed she lasted this long!"

"Rise Kiba! Rise!"

"I don't think rising is the key here," Fu said.

"Are you ready to give up dear sister? It looks as if you've been bested." Kai said.

Suddenly, Kai sunk deeper into the ground. And he felt Kiba's resistance against his foot vanish.

"Huh?! Sister!?" Kai panicked, thinking he may have crushed her and he raised his foot and lowered his heads towards the hole to check on her.

He couldn't see anything in the dark hole, so he brought his head closer, putting one of them in the hole.

And found that Kiba was simply not there.

Suddenly, Kiba burst out from the ground behind Kai.

"Surprise!" Kiba jumped onto Kai's back and started climbing his back and punching him.

"There she is!"

"Kiba used dig!"

"Ah! Clever trick, gah! Sister." Kai praised. "And right where my heads can't reach! However!"

Kai fell on his back, squishing Kiba between his back and the ground.

"Ahh!" Kiba cried in pain, before quickly gritting her teeth and getting her head back into the fight.

She let go of Kai and dug into the ground, digging through it quickly with her massive strength.

Kai got up after realizing this and moved it's three heads around it, giving it almost 360 vision.

Kiba popped out of the ground, but this time Kai was ready and grabbed her in his mouth.

Kiba used her strength and kept his jaw open, while also punching the roof of his mouth.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Kai cried out with his other heads.

He thought quickly and took into the sky.

After getting a few miles into the air, Kai stopped. "Sister, do you think you can take a fall from this height?"

"Can I? Ha!" Kiba scoffed. "With ease brother!"

"Very well!" Kai raised the head Kiba was in, before flinging it down and spitting out Kiba.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Kiba underestimated how terrifying it would be to fall from so high up.


Kiba hit the ground. Hard. Making a big cloud of dirt.

"Oh, crap."


"That looked bad."

"Fu. That's enough."

Fu looked at the user name of that last person. AllMightfan2033. Aka, Izuku.

Kai landed and Fu blew a whistle he brought along.

"That's enough. Dad's calling it off." Fu announced.

Kai nodded. "Yes, brother."

"N-no!" Kiba cried from within the dust cloud.

The dust started to clear, and Kiba was trying to stand up in a small crater.

Scratches and bruises covered her body, her dress was messy and torn(albeit not as much as you'd think it'd be thanks to the spider silk). She was trying to stand up but it was clear that impact had hurt. A lot.

She could, after a few seconds of recovery, still fight. But Izuku, who had been watching Kiba's stream, still decided enough was enough.

"Kiba. Know your limits."

"Wait is that her dad?"

"I think it is!?"

"Dad still says to call off the fight," Fu told her.

"Tch." Kiba grimaced. "F-fine."

"You did very well sister. I've never been injured like this before!" Kai praised her.

"Well next time prepare for a beating that trumps this one thoroughly," Kiba swore.

"Kiba is such a sore loser."

"She's an adorable loser."

"Kiba did not lose! She simply failed to win."

Fu actually cracked up a little bit on that last one. "Yeah, I'm sure that'd make her feel better."

Kai picked up Kiba and Fu with his heads, and pulled them onto his back, before flying back to the house.

New Room.

Kai stood in his enormous room with wonder in his eyes.

The room was right next to the backyard and was nearly as big as the main house itself. With the ceiling being a comfortable distance from Kai's head.

The floor was soft. Comfortable enough to sleep on, yet still firm.

There was a T.V. screen that was roughly the size of one of the regular rooms, and next to it was a control panel that acted as the remote.

"Sorry I couldn't get you a bed," Izuku told him as he introduced Kai to his new room. "And sorry if the T.V. might be a bit small."

"No no, it's great father! This room is far greater than the one at the facility." Kai said in awe. "And the T.V. is much bigger!"

"Oh, well I'm glad you like it." Izuku breathed a sigh of relief. "The button next to the T.V. controls it. It's like a big controller."

"Ohh." Kai turned on the T.V. using one of his heads, before turning it off again.

"There is a blanket in the corner so you can just put it over yourself when you go to sleep," Izuku explained. "I uh...also installed that button over there. It...actually you should just press it."

Kai pressed the button, and suddenly the roof started to shift and move, and in a few seconds it had completely opened up.

The Kaiju boy gasped.

Izuku rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "I thought you might want to fly out of here instead of walking."

Kai jumped up in excitement, but luckily the soft floor was made to distribute the weight. The force still knocked Izuku off his feet though.

"Thank you so much, father! This room is truly more than I could have ever asked for! Your kindness knows no bounds!" Kai praised.

Izuku blushed. "I'm glad you like it. S-son."

Kai seemed extremely happy, and after getting over his embarrassment Izuku smiled along with him.

Glad I got all those construction companies together. Even if the paperwork was nightmarish. Izuku would gladly go through all that trouble again. His kids deserved it.

New faces.

Otoko liked this place. The greenhouse to be specific.

Back at his time with D.O.C., he was forced to spend all his time in his room. No sun, no wind, no outside.

Here in the greenhouse, the sun shined down nicely upon his mossy skin, and the wind from the window brushed comfortably against his face.

Also, the company.

Now there were, of course, his plants.

Right now he was trying to grow a Sakura tree. It was still just a small sapling at the moment but he hoped it would grow to be much bigger and much prettier.

But then of course there was his more human company.

The three girls were Kioku, Eri, and Kei if he recalled correctly and they were..strange to him.

Eri seemed the most normal. She feared him, and she kept her distance. He was used to that. His form was frightening, he understood that. It saddened him, but he understood. At the very least she didn't seem too fearful of him. Nor did she seem disgusted by his very presence. So that was a plus.

Kioku did not seem to mind him at all. Not like she was ignoring him, more like him being there didn't bother her. Which was normal to most people, but to Otoko it was a welcome surprise.

And Kei was the strangest.

"What's this!?" Kei said, inspecting his tree, getting close to Otoko, not too close, but closer than anyone normally got.

Kei was completely and totally unafraid of his appearance. Which to be fair, shouldn't have surprised Otoko much given her own appearance.

After realizing he didn't like to be touched, Kei didn't attempt to touch him directly, but her eagerness and willingness to be so close to him was something he was unused to.

Otoko looked at Kei, he didn't bother signing. Unfortunately, Izuku was the only one who knew sign language, meaning that no one else in this house would understand him.

"Oh, right you can't talk," Kei said. "Sorry."

They were all they considerate for what it's worth. Much better than with D.O.C.

Warm sun, cool winds, nice people. Who could ask for more?

Swimming lessons.

Otoko stood at the edge of the pool, looking at it hesitantly.

Sansan had been encouraging him to go swimming with her, and after talking to Izuku and making sure no one else would be coming here for a while, Otoko agreed.

He felt...exposed without his cloak. He'd had it on most of the time. Only taking it off during showers. Now he only had on some swim trunks and a floatie.

Speaking of showers. Those were really his only experiences with water besides drinking it. He'd never been to a pool before because D.O.C. never really let him out of his room before, let alone let him go to a pool. He liked them. The feeling of water against his mossy skin felt nice. So by that logic, this should also feel nice.

Of course, there was still the issue of him not being able to swim that also made him nervous.

But that was what Izuku and Sansan were for.

"Ok, the first thing you need to worry about is not to panic," Izuku told him. "People naturally float so just don't flail around wildly."

Otoko signed to Izuku. "That's not telling me how to swim, that's just telling me how not to swim."

"Uh, yeah that's true," Izuku said. "W-well-"

One explanation later.

After a short explanation, Otoko was ready to jump in.

Sansan was already in the pool, waiting for him. It was very weird to see blue slime moving through a pool. Not swimming, just moving. Like she was part of the water.

Otoko took a deep breath and jumped in.


And he immediately started sinking.

Don't panic. Don't panic. Don't panic. Don't panic. Otoko did his best to follow Izuku's instructions while he waited to start floating.

Five seconds. Not floating.

Ten seconds, still not floating.

Twenty seconds, not floating and running out of breath.

Ok. Time to panic.

Otoko started moving his arms rapidly, trying and failing to push himself upwards.

Fortunately, he didn't have to struggle for very long.

Sansan grabbed his waist and quickly pulled him to the surface. Finally allowing Otoko to breathe.

"Oh my god Otoko I'm so sorry!" Izuku apologized frantically. "You must weigh significantly more than I thought!"

Sansan placed Otoko on the poolside and looked over him to make sure he wasn't still drowning.

"We're gonna have to get you something better than floaties." Izuku started muttering about what he could use. "I'm gonna go look for some better options, I'll send someone to get you a towel, just wait here!"

Izuku ran back towards the house, leaving Otoko and Sansan by themselves.

Otoko was...disappointed.

Despite his hesitation, he had been looking forward to swimming. And now, he would have to wait. Because of his stupid body. Once again ruining something for him.

Noticing her brother's despair and pouted(as well as a slime could pout). Trying to think about ways to solve this situation as soon as possible.

Then, she got an idea.

She wrapped herself around Otoko's body, taking the boy off guard, before opening herself up and taking in air and inflating herself.

Soon Sansan had turned herself into a big, blue, floatie.

"Go!" Sansan told him.

Otoko gave her an astonished look. Trying to nonverbally communicate the words "Are you sure?"

Sansan either didn't get the message or didn't care, because she thought he was taking too long and used her slimy body to launch him into the pool.


For a second, Otoko was worried as he felt himself become fully submerged once again, the cool pool water engulfing him from head to toe.

However seconds later his pat and pending "Sister Slime Floatie" worked her magic and he floated to the top.

He gave a sigh of relief, and now that he didn't have to worry about drowning, he could enjoy the water.

It was cool, and nice to touch.

He felt like he couldn't accidentally set anyone on fire here.

...It was official. He quite liked the pool.

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