
Do not trust the love of a woman (2)


"Are you seriously threatening me, Chen Han? After what you have done, you still have the face to look for me?" Shao Hui asked furiously. "Do you really have to disgust me like this?"

He couldn't believe that the woman whom he had once treated as a good friend was trying to corner him like such. 

Though he did not like Chen Han as she had, Shao Hui still had some platonic feelings for her. 

Back then even though he was furious at Chen Han for betraying their friendship, at least he was not disgusted by her. No matter what the two of them were once good friends after all. 

But after this, Shao Hui was thoroughly disgusted by her. If not for the fact that he absolutely had to talk to her, he would have refused to even speak a word to her, much less hold an entire conversation. 

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