
Fainted with eyes open

A/n: one of the two chapters would be slightly 18+ tomorrow can't tell which one as I haven't distributed it. But if it makes icky make sure to skip tomorrow's chapter lest you scold poor innocent me..teehee. 


Shao Hui's actions of putting the pillow behind his father's back paused. He completely forgot that Mo Qiang did not know about their tribe and she had no idea what he could do, of course he deliberately hid his powers from Mo Qiang because he was worried that she would ask him to do all sorts of weird things but now that she was no longer the same Mo Qiang, he was afraid that she would think of him as a monster and start avoiding him.

He had seen Mo Qiang playing safe and he knew that she liked being normal or things that were normal and he was far from normal! For weeks he had been pretending to be normal but forgot that even if pretended to act normal it did not mean that he would become normal. 

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