
Attracted the attention of the third prince

" This is impossible," Mo Qiang gritted out after roaming the market of this place called the dead star, she asked her father who was the most doting one among everyone in the family, for the direction of this market and then came looking for this place. Of course, she got lost three to four times and she could not even ask for directions from the people who were roaming on the streets because the second she turned to look at them, they would go 'EEP!' And then hide behind a pillar or alley,

One of them even jumped in the sewer that was filled with rotten waste just for the sake of avoiding her and when she made eye contact with a child, she swore the mer father of that child cried about taking his daughter to the priest was purification.

" You just have to try harder!" Little Jiao, who was resting on Mo Qiang's shoulder insisted causing the latter to sneer as she said, " How do you want me to work hard huh? We have been to all the shops in the market and yet they all looked at us like we were asking for their precious kidneys when I asked them for the oak and maple seeds."

She frowned when she noticed another woman who was coming in her direction turning around and walking back from where she came from when the woman saw Mo Qiang coming her way.

'Just how hated, this woman really is?' Thought Mo Qiang in her head as she clicked her tongue in annoyance.

" Maybe you are not looking at the correct place," said Little Jiao who did not want to admit that even the level one task was harder than the normal ones that were handed to other vessels that were picked up by the other patrons of the heavenly bodies. "It is not supposed to be that difficult!"

" Really? I bet that it is just as difficult as finding a three eyes orc——" Mo Qiang's words hardly left her mouth when she heard a seller behind her yell. "Three-eyed Zerg orc, meat as fresh as possible! Just hunted three days ago! Only for thirty thousand gold coins!"


Mo Qiang turned to look at the seller who was selling the orc's meat and almost gagged when she saw the greenish-blue meat dripping with dark purple blood.

" So, from the looks of it even a three eyes orc's meat is being sold on the roadside but not the seeds," Mo Qiang muttered as she looked at the meat that was being sold on the roadside stall and then turned to go back home. "Let's just forget it, maybe you can come up with an easier task."

Little Jiao gasped as she looked at Mo Qiang who was walking back home and immediately climbed on top of her head before stretching her little paws and then catching hold of Mo Qiang's eyelids as she pulled them up viciously and screeched at the top of her voice, " You cannot just give up this is the easiest task and if you do not level up then you cannot deal with the other tasks that are yet to come since the new skill is not open yet."

" Oh, damn you little——" Mo Qiang's tried to get the squirrel off her face while little Jiao tried her best to stay away from Mo Qiang's grabby fingers that were trying to get her off her face, the two of them tugged and pull for a while but then a loud chiming sound made the two of them pause.

" What kind of funeral march is this?" Mo Qiang questioned but then she realised that the sound was coming from her which startled her just as much.

"It's your monitor, stupid," said little Jiao as she looked at Mo Qiang as if she was looking at a woman who was a dumbass. "It's chiming because you got a message."

Only then did Mo Qiang's gaze drop down to her wrist where her watch-like monitor was glittering with a blue hue. She stared at it for a few minutes before stabbing it with her forefinger to shut down the terrible music that sounded like Hades was descending on this world.

" This is too stupid…so so stupid…" she muttered while looking at the screen of the monitor wanting to see what kind of notification did she receive that embarrassed her like this.

As her gaze dropped to the monitor, she looked at the notification that read —— [ Qi Hong posted a status.]

" Qi Hong, who is this——" she suddenly paused mid-question as realised that this Qi Hong was none other than the third prince with whom the owner of this body was obsessed, Mo Qiang blinked her eyes as she looked at the notification and then said, " Shouldn't this woman be blocked and reported by this prince?"

Xiao Jiao looked down at the notification and then pulled out the history of the original Mo Qiang before she answered, " She was, she had been blocked and reported by the prince fifty-five times and this is her sixth star net account that she made just a few days before passing away."

' Was this really obsession? From the looks of it, it seems that she needed medical help!' Mo Qiang thought in her head as she tapped on the status that was updated by the third prince. Maybe it was the bodily instincts of this body because Mo Qiang only snapped out of her daze when she was looking at the status.

" Don't tell me, you fell for that beautiful face as well?" Xiao Jiao asked as she looked at Mo Qiang with a disgusted expression, that called Mo Qiang out in several ways.

" Of course not!" Mo Qiang snapped back as she turned to look at the squirrel with wings on her shoulder. " My body moved before I could stop myself, you are sure that the original Mo Qiang is gone?"

" Of course she is, but that is not what is important, what is important is that…" she pointed at the screen of the monitor that said——

[ Got my heart broken, sobs. Holding a love ballad competition, the one who wins can ask anything except for my heavenly body.]

Mo Qiang: "...." So cringe.


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