
How Much?

Michael swallowed hard. His world turned upside down, and nothing seemed to make any sense.

"I only have one question…" That was a lie. Michael had numerous questions. In fact, his head was overflowing with them. However, there was only one thing the Will had to answer. If Will wasn't willing to answer or the answer was even more unpleasant than Michael expected, Michael would…do something. He wasn't sure what exactly he would do or what he could do against a being with more amassed Essence than the Primal and all gods together.

"How much did you influence my life?" Michael asked. The question was simple, yet not. Depending on how much the Will intervened in his life, something within Michael may or may not break. The Will knew that but it didn't even do something against Michael when he used Mind Watcher on him. On the contrary, the Will acknowledged and embraced Michael's vigilance. 

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