
Xavier Killian

Xavier Pov


I went through the documents that were strewn across my desk, but none of them were relevant to what I was looking for.


My eyes never cease scrutinizing the papers since I don't want to miss anything important in their examination.


The passage of time has made me irritable and weary, and these details are not groundbreaking in the least. Unconsciously, I shoved them all away, which startled my secretary who was standing in front of me.


She is able to see that I am not in a particularly cheerful state of mind because she has a firm grasp on the papers in her hand, and I can see that she is opening and closing her mouth as though she is afraid to voice any kind of terms.


"Yes Ms Dawn?" I'm not in the mood to compete with her in a staring contest right now. She knelt down to gather the strewn papers instead of informing me of the reason for her presence here.


"Ms. Dawn?!?, put those papers down; tell me, what do you need from me." She had the appearance of a rabbit that has been caught.


She attempted to regain control of her voice while simultaneously avoiding my look as she placed the files on my table and informed me that the developer had arrived and that she was going to assist them to the meeting room on the sixth level.


"I'm leaving now," she said as she rapidly made her way out of the office, as if she did not want to be in the same room as me. It's been less than a year, and she's already my 5th secretary. Up to this point, she has been the one that has remained the longest. It is unheard of for someone to have worked for me for more than three months at a time.


I collect the files, quickly examine each one to check its contents, and then return them to their original location on the table. I adjust the sleeves of my suit jacket and then roll them up before putting it on and going to the conference room. I watched as Ms. Dawn remained seated and hid behind the screen monitor in an effort to avoid me.


My train has stopped right in front of her desk.


"Are you going to make it?" astonishing, considering how knowledgeable and organized she is at the same time. The absence of Lou from the workplace this week made it impossible for me to continue working with Dawn. She stood up, made some adjustments to her outfit, and then made a motion  to get her writing materials as we walked together toward the meeting with the engineer.


As we stepped out of the elevator at the same time,


Dawn opened the glass door for me, I looked through and saw four members of the Golden constructions employee team, each of whom had their laptop turned on and was ready to present their concept for the plot of land on which I intended to develop the high-rise condominium.


They sent a group consisting of three men and one women to make a pitch on behalf of their company. The staff were having a good conversation with my engineers and quantity surveyor while they sat there.


The lady who was dressed in a bodice dress was standing there with a grin on her face and nodded to me before she stand in front of the projector. She went through the power point slides in order, reading each one before moving on to the next slide in the question and answer session.


"Why should we hire you to do the building piling when we already have enough man power to start our piling without a subcontractor for it?" is a reasonable question to ask.


After he had finished throwing the questions at the woman whose name was Mariah, I went to look at Bryce, who is one of my best engineers.


One of the individuals seated provided an answer to the questions that were asked. His explanations make sense, cost efficient. They will be given the contract based on a particular amount, and our safety inspector will be able to carry out the final inspections.


After that, Mariah continued reading the slides, and the men who were sat on the other side of the table from me responded to each of the questions.


During those few seconds that we looked at one other, Mariah smiled and tucked some of her burgundy hair behind her ear.


I am void of any emotions seeing her shamelessly flirting with me.


"I am sure Golden Constructions aware that we are building residential units and not a fun brothel isn't it?"

Bryce spewed out the water that he had been chugging, and the color quickly left the faces of the other men. When I looked across at Mariah, who was cautiously approaching the males, I couldn't help but crack another smile.


"Mr. Killian, we don't understand" I can tell that he is starting to sweat on his temple.


"Are you going to have a prostitute at this business meeting?" The fact that Mariah had a tattoo of a wheel on her wrist was sufficient for me to determine the groups to which she belongs. She had been paid to seduce either me or the other men that I employed in an effort to win the tender.


Dawn got up without me having to tell her to, and she opened the glass door for them so that they could leave the conference room. "Everyone can leave." That is exactly what I mean by effective and dense at the same time.


"Mr. Killian, do you have a condescending attitude toward the female members of our staff? We have no intention of acting in such a manner". He is both prideful and incredibly dimwitted at the same time.


I can tell Bryce is getting ready to respond, but I raised my hand to interrupt him because Golden Constructions doesn't even attempt to educate themselves on Killian Corporations.


"Do you have any idea who owned Killian Corporations before I seized control, Mr....? "

Their name was never revealed to me.


Could it be that I forgot? Coming to my aid and uttering the name in her hushed voice was Dawn.


"Yes, thank you Ms. Dawn…Where was I? Oh yes, Killian Corporations. Do you know, Mr. Gregory, who owned it before I did?


When I asked him who "Mr. Killian's father was what he said, he wasn't sure.


"NO, it was my mother's..how can you say I looked down on woman employee when the company I inherit is a fruit of labor of a woman?"


The man casts his gaze back and forth between the three of them and Mariah, who had begun to feel apprehensive about her roles.


When she heard someone spoke

"You can leave,"

she did not wait for a second reminder before tearing off running for her life. The country had a prohibition on prostitution, but there were still wheel organizations operating clandestinely. It is a courageous step for Golden Constructions to make use of a prostitute in their decision-making process.


"Mr. Killian, I am sure you misunderstood our intentions, Mariah is a gift from us to you, and if she is not to your liking, we can choose anyone that suited you, and we can gifted Mariah to your staffs instead" the arrogance of this man.


I yelled in disgust at their underhanded strategies, "THROW THEM OUT NOW," and I meant it. Wheels are smart enough to handle their shady business in the nation's capital. It is an open invitation to undermine me on my own turf and I  wont accept it.


Dawn had already contacted security to have them haul the employees out of the building before I took matters into my own hands. Golden Construction will paid the price today, this will be the last project they will be able to pitch, and Wheels group needs to learn their lesson after their daring attempt that they made earlier.

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