
Favor (3)

Shawn POV

For today, we went to the same practice room where Mr. Arthur showed us the different uses for sorcerers' weapons, and sure enough, Sterling is in there waiting for us along with a few of his guild members.

Everyone was wondering why my brother is absent, but people didn't really care at the end of the day, he's always showing everyone up with his incredible talent, so in a way, they're relieved, they want a chance to show off for a change.

And not everyone is happy that Perseus has such a head start, so most of them think of themselves as the best and will be the best when given more time, though I'm on my brother's side. And their complaints should have fallen on deaf ears since they also got a head start due to their better upbringing.

"Hey." Sterling greeted me "Long time no see, it's such a coincidence that you're in this class, fate works wonder."

"You and your fate, you seriously never change."

"Hah, Ezra has said the same thing before." he then laughed as he slapped my shoulder "Be proud of yourself, even your brother didn't earn himself qualification to the A class at your age."

"Well, you've never gotten in yourself and you're one of the greatest and strongest wizards I know."

"Of course, but make use of your resources, you've been given many." he said as he ruffled my hair and went to greet the principal.

"Where's your brother?" A person asked and I turned to see another member of the guild

He's a man about 175cm tall, looks to be around his late 20s, and has blond hair and dark red eyes. His name is Lane Rupert if I remember correctly.

"Oh, he opted to stay out of this class."

"Fair enough." He nodded and his head turned to a female comrade of his.

A woman who looks to be in her mid-30s, she's about 167 cm tall, and has dark blue eyes with long orange hair, was staring in our direction and once she saw me looking at her, she turned away.

"Sasha...she was one of the ones who gave him a bad time." he muttered

"Does she have any intentions of apologizing to him?"

"Nah, she's one of the stubborn ones, her headstrong attitude helped us many times, but in the case of a possible apology, forget it. Worse, she was about to receive an answer from your brother, they were so close to dating, but well, we remembered what happened."

"Yeah, he died."

"And your mother...poor woman...bless your dad for still being able to move forward, he's experienced many things in the short span of 2 weeks, but you guys went through it as well, how have you been? I haven't checked up on you guys in years."

"I'm good more or less."

"I'll be honest." he then scratched his head before his expression slowly shifted to a more serious one "You guys went through a lot, but take this advice from me with a grain of salt. It won't be the first, I've fought angels for years, heck, I've seen people come and go in my second year.

"The apprenticeship program...it's dangerous, it's sad to see that some of us won't be able to live past graduation, experiencing losses everyday, at some point, it'll become dull.

"All of us who are active wish we can just stay out of it sometimes, noble people like your brother didn't have to die, but we have no choice but to challenge the man upstairs, he wants us to prove our worth, and so we can only do that by continuing the fight.

"Steel yourself Shawn." he said "Experiencing the loss of ones close to you is a more common experience than you think, when the time comes, don't be discouraged, this is our life now, and we can't escape from it, work hard, and you'll no doubt be a great hero like your brother."


"No worries."

The class then started. Mr. Arthur relinquished his position as our instructor for today as the guild has one of the members each pair up with one of us to help us learn the lessons today.

One of which is mastering the use of a talisman. Usually, Mr. Arthur has to watch over all of us at the same time, so it's hard for him to accurately check on everyone at the same time, but not today, all of us have our own personal instructors, they were very helpful.

But it really puts it in perspective on how hard other students have it because the other classes have it harder than us, they have a lot more students in one class with only one teacher who can't give them all the same amount of care, not that they don't want to, but because they can't.

We are then told different stories as we're learning about our chosen topics for today, we're allowed to also note down these stories and can use them for our own benefit, the different fighting scenarios and how they reacted to each situation, it was useful.

Despite being experienced level 5 or 6 sorcerers, they made a lot of mistakes and are now lecturing us on how t avoid their mistakes, but I do notice a pattern of all of them just not being able to think clearly in the spur of the moment, fighting angels is such a hard task, and they don't have time to just stand still and decide the next course of action.

But I did learn something new, it's that there are a lot more incidents of fighting against fellow humans, and so for today, we're also taught how to fight humans with different techniques that can't be used against angels.

"Humans are not all on the same side." Sterling told the class "Some don't believe humanity should survive, and they will instead try to instead kill fellow humans as they believe that we deserve the divine punishment, if the time comes where you meet one, there's a chance where you'll have to kill them."

Vote with power stone and add to library please

PerseusSilvercreators' thoughts
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