
Little Night Demon_1

Sire withdrew her hand back to herself. She turned and paced back and forth. So much was on her mind right now. An upset Nathan, an injured ankle and so much more about the brown haired lady that she couldn't understand. She was devastated by everything.

"He's so mad at me." She mumbled to herself taking a few steps away from the door. The cottage was as always dimly lit by just the fire from the fire place. She sat by the corner hugging her knees. She placed her head on her knees. Her sad eyes wondering about for a little while, a sigh escaping her lips. "Of course he should be. I was wondering about and happened to interfer in what i had no idea about." She turned her face to a side. "What do i do now?." Sire asked herself. It was clear she had to apologize but would he even care to listen? Making up her mind she stood up from where she sat. Held her breath and made her way to the door. This time no hesitation. She told herself as she stretched forth her hand and twisted the door knob.

The place was moonlit and the sky starry. She looked around a bit before stepping out and carefully closing the door behind her. Nathan was surely around somewhere. Probably sky gazing or doing something to relief him of his anger. Her eyes wondered about a little. She couldn't pick out anything specific. Not even his shiny silver hair that glimmered in the darkest nights. She bit her lower lip. Surely she would receive another arrogant behavior if he found her wondering about but her pure mind wasn't willing to let her rest either. It was going to taunt her until she found him and at least apologized. Maybe then she would know that she at least tried.

Still wearing her cloak,Sire walked the woods in search of her partner. Just so she could apologize. It was silly wasn't it. Walking the dark woods just for that purpose. Well to her it mattered less any way. That silver haired man was her only ticket to that far away land she called home. If she lost him this early,when would she get home then? Sire turned left and right. Still not catching a glimpse of him.

"Where are you Nathan-." Her sentence went incomplete as she tripped falling down a slope. She rolled on the leaves and dirt so quickly she could barely make out what was happening. She finally stopped rolling. Her face down. She groaned softly not just in pain but clearly in frustration. Sire supported herself with her arms as she sat on her knees. She blew the locks of hair away from her face and looked around her. She let out a deep breath. "So much for finding Nathan." She mumbled to herself out of utter frustration.

"Can't a man have his peace?."

His husky deep voice asked jerking her back to reality.

Sire's head immediately snapped the direction the voice came with her eyes wide. If she was correct then that was..Nathan. He sat all alone by the lake.

His back her direction as he stared at the lake. Not sure what to do or say Sire hurriedly stood up. She walked stiffly towards him standing a few feet away.

"I-i had no idea you were here." She was quick to say.

"Then what were you doing wondering about yet again?. Did you not have quite the experience earlier in Pearlbrich?." Nathan asked looking sideways at her.

Sire swallowed the lump in her throat trying to annalyze her words and put it in speech to her partner. "Well,about that. I was actually coming out here to look for yo-."

"What for?." Nathan cut through her sentence still looking sideways at her.

"If only you would let me finish. I was looking for you to apologize." Nathan was quiet. Not saying anything to Sire. He left her confused during the few minutes of silence.

"What are you waiting for? Get on with it."

"Oh-i should-Eh-hem."She closed her eyes and let out a deep breath. "I here by apologize for my foolish mistake back at Pearlbrich." Saying this Sire opened her eyes. There was silence even after she awaited his reply. With the what now look she looked around her. There was a little bit of moon light under the huge tree she stood. Holding up her cloak she took off her shoes. Held them in one hand,with her other hand still in thesame position she took a few steps closer to Nathan and the lake. Her lips curved up into a smile as she stared up at the sky. It was a full moon and the sky looked as though it was covered with a blanket of a million beautiful and glittering stars.

She hastily went to sit beside him. Holding up higher her cloak so she could put her bare legs into the chill water of the lake. She looked at Nathan who didn't even budge. With a smile, She leaned back on her arms and turned to look up at the stars.

"Isn't the sky such a beauty?." She asked not certain she would get a reply. "I bet i could just reach out and-." Sire's sentence was once again interrupted but this time by her sudden fall. She had been supporting her weight with both her arms and since she reached one out for the sky,she found her self almost hitting the ground.

It was only fortunate how her partner was quite a man of fast reflexes. He held her. With his arm around her waist. He felt her stiffen for a moment and he sooner let her go.

"So you forgive me for my mistake?." She asked once he let her go.

"Not saying thank you can be counted as another offense." Nathan said sternly.

"Oh. I'm sorry. Thank you for your kind gesture." Sire said with a smile. Nathan didn't even bother looking her direction. She turned back to look at the stars. There was this shinmer of excitement in her eye as she looked up at the sky. This longing that no matter how long Nathan stared at her couldn't understand.

But even at this beautiful sight, darkness still creept in. There was growl and a bit of russelling in the bushes. Nathan, being fast caught a shadow movement with the corner of his eye. His hand immediately reached for the grip of his sword. He turned to glance at Sire who still had her gaze fixated on the stars. She was probably so focused she didn't even hear or notice the movement.

"Sire,stand." His voice said almost in a whisper to the girl beside him. Sire turned in question but hurried to make moves from where she sat.

Not sure what was happening,Sire felt Nathan hold her wrist and pull her closer to him. It was then she felt it. The dark energy so fast approaching she could hardly make out what it was.

"Stop!!." Sire yelled pulling herself from Nathan's hold. Confused as he was,he didn't do more than stare at her confused.

"Are you being a fool Si-."

"Do not attack." He was cut short with her ever so serious warning. Nathan narrowed his eyes in confusion. He watched her take light steps in the direction they were facing. Not sure whether to stop her he just stood there and stared.

Sire held up her cloak as she made way to were the energy was. Her vision wasn't clear. It was blurry and couldn't really lead her to where expected but she would find it. That energy was light and harmless. She couldn't risk Nathan harming something so.....Vulnerable.

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