
Did you think I wouldn’t arm myself with only the best

{At sea}

Ash was lying on top of Lapras scrolling through his phone as he was feeding her an Orange, it's been a few days and over it, Lapras had gotten less scared of Gyarados. Not by much but it was enough to not cry looking at him.

It actually took a bit but he was finally nearing the shore of Seven Grapefruit Islands, he was here for that Snorlax, and considering the Grapefruit are just about to be ripened then he was probably only a few hours late since Snorlax arrived on the Island.

Sure, he does like raising Pokemon younger but he doesn't have a Munchlax Egg, it was one of the few he wanted but didn't get from Team Rocket, but whatever he can settle for training a Snorlax now, well it depends on if it has good stats and all that too.

As Lapras sailed onto Grapefruit Island One, immediately he heard someone scream, "You there thief, so you showed your face again!"

Ash looked over and saw a green-haired woman with a bow holding an arrow back ready to shoot, "You have some nerve stealing these Grapefruit after we spent so long growing them!"

She shot the arrow not aiming to hit Ash but to scare him but Ash caught it as she was taken aback for a moment, "Hey, listen, mam, I just got here, I don't know what you're talking about."

The woman who was named Ruby grit her teeth as she cocked another arrow, "Yeah right, you expect me to believe that!"

But before she shot another arrow she heard her radio turn on, "Ruby! The Grapefruit thief, he's still here, he never left! We need your help!"

"What? But I thought…" Ruby mumbled as she looked back at Ash who still had the Arrow in his hand.

Ruby bowed, "I'm sorry, I thought you were the thief, but it looks like he's still here, I'm sorry I'd like to apologize properly but I have to go now," and with that, she started running towards the center of the forest.

Ash looked at Pikachu, he already knew what was going to happen so he sighed, Ash returned Lapras and followed the direction where Ruby went.

As he got to where he could hear screaming he saw multiple people trying to move a large Snorlax, who was eating everything from the fruit to the leaves and branches and it looked like everything in about a 50 ft Area was now gone.

Ruby was panicking as she looked to one of her co-workers, "What do we do if we can't stop Snorlax then we'll lose all our Grapefruit!"

The employee who she was holding had an idea, "What if we put it to sleep!"

Ruby let him go and sighed before clearing her throat, "Lalala! Rock-a-bye Snorlax, in a Grapefruit tree! When the wind blows the Snorlax will-"

But her singing was horrible and Snorlax sent her flying so that she would stop, as she was flying she yelled out, "Critic!"

As she fell down she landed right next to Ash's feet with spirals in her eyes, then she blinked and saw that Ash was looking down at her.

"O-oh, it's you, sorry but there's a Snorlax problem I need to solve first I can't help you with anything," Ruby said as she stumbled and got up.

Ash shrugged and stretched his arms as Pikachu jumped off his shoulder and started walking, "Well, I might as well take care of this"

In front of everyone Ash pulled out a Pokeball and threw it down casually releasing Machamp, then Ash looked at him and pointed at Snorlax, "Bet you won't squat that Snorlax, do it no balls."

Machamp saw Snorlax then he smiled as he cracked his knuckles and ran over punching Snorlax over the head knocking him out, then picking him up and doing squats with Snorlax on his back.

Everyone was watching surprised as Ash grabbed one of the Grapefruits and started peeling it putting a piece in his mouth, "Anyway, I guess I should go take this big guy then, have a nice harvest everyone, these Grapefruit are pretty good."

Ash started walking as Pikachu jumped back on his shoulder to take a piece of that Grapefruit.

Machamp followed behind doing lunges with Snorlax as everyone watched them walk away.



As the main force went in guns blazing through the front Ash, Owari, and Aster went through the back, Owari's Golbat taking down any flying Pokemon before they could be seen.

When they arrived at the door Aster tried the door which was locked, "Looks like they aren't as stupid as I hoped, can one of you pick a lock or must we break it?"

Owari shook his head but Ash knelt down, "Cover me," from his sleeve the purple sludge of Muk slithered out as he brought it to the door.

Muk's sludge went into the lock and started fiddling with the locking mechanism and started melting it as the handle fell off and Muk went back into his sleeve, Ash pushed the door open, "Let's go,"

Owari and Aster looked impressed, and both wondered how long that Muk was inside Ash's sleeve, wondering how it wasn't stinking and how he managed to fit it inside.

But in the end, they chose to ask questions later and just believed that Muk was just well trained, Aster especially smiled hoping to learn more and feeling glad that he could cultivate this talent so soon.

As they moved through the base they made sure to not draw attention to themselves since their main goal was to get to the boss and they didn't need grunts charging at them to slow them down.

Aster led the way seemingly knowing everything about this place as they went into a place that looked like a control room.

Immediately they saw a guy there who noticed them he reached for the emergency button but Ash shot his arm as a blast of purple sludge from Muk shot out from his sleeve and sent him flying to the wall where it hardened making him stick onto the wall and a bit covered his mouth.

Aster whistles, "I gotta say, that thing you got your Muk to do is impressive, I've never seen anything like it,"

Ash kept a cold demeanor that they were used to, "Save your flattery I can take care of this part," he went onto the computer and set it to the main plans and inserted a USB, he didn't know how to hack but Porygon2 did.

Owari nodded, "Good, get those plans then delete everything, following that we'll take care of the boss," then as he turned his head out the door he called out, "See if you can find anything about what Pokemon he uses."

Ash nodded and kept 'working' as Owari kept watch and Aster looked analyzing both their uses, seeing that both of them would be quite useful pawns, he had D. under his control now only to find a way for Owari.

Eventually, Ash finished and took the USB and tossed it to Owari who caught it no problem, and then Ash deleted everything by putting a virus (Porygon) into the system making it shut down with all the data in it.

Aster nodded, "Let's go, I know where the boss resides,"

He started casually walking, as if there wasn't a raid going on around them, and then eventually they got to a room where they entered they saw a secretary's office and then at the back, there was another door, although standing in front of them a man and a Machamp stood there.

"Nice try, but you Rockets must be stupid if you didn't think we weren't expecting you to come after the boss," he said.

Aster put his hand in front of Ash and Owari, "This is the second in command, he goes by Javelin, both of you go. I'll take care of this guy, I'll join you as soon as I finish him off."

Ash and Owari looked at each other, both not trusting that but still nodded and started running around.

Javelin frowned, "Oh no you don't, Machamp deal with those insolent brats!"

Machamp puffed out steam as it raised its fist in the air and jumped forward ready to crush them, but then a snap was heard and in a moment some vines were already holding Machamp's arm.

Over by Aster there was a Vileplume that was controlling the vines, "I told you already, I'm taking care of you, Vileplume."

Vileplume's eyes lit up as it whipped the vines and Machamp was sent into the ground as Ash and Owari got there and tackled the door down, and looking through the door there was a large hallway that also led deeper down.

Ash and Owari didn't have much of a choice as they could hear Machamp getting slammed into a wall behind them, so they chose to run down.

Once they were far enough where they couldn't hear the battle Owari looked at Ash, "So, you also think everything is too convenient?"

"Yeah, things have gone too smooth, and why would Aster tell us to run ahead while he takes care of the second in command, "

"Yes, and he knows of the layout of this base as well, it's too perfect to be a coincidence," Owari said as he looked over, "Did he try to recruit you as well?"

"Yeah, he seemed to want to take advantage of what I hide under this scarf," Ash said, "But you don't need to worry about me, I'm not so easily influenced by a few words and all that."

"Very well, and was there anything on his Pokemon?"

"Nothing, as far as what I found he doesn't have Pokemon which there is no way that's true,"

"I see, very well then, but we should continue being discreet. I know you lied about the state of your Pokemon, a good ploy you should stick to until we have no choice, after all, all of you think I only have 1 Pokemon."

Ash nodded as they stopped descending and found another door that after a simple push, they saw wasn't locked. They saw a large room where they could see water along the wall that was connected by the ocean around them.

It looked like there should be glass blocking it but with one quick glance they could tell that there was no glass, something else was stopping the water from flooding into this room.

In the center, they could see a man sitting down on what looked to be a throne and smiling at them, "Well well well, looks like we have some friends, how fun."

As he got up they got a good look at him, he had blond slick back hair and was smoking on a cigar, he had a button-up shirt and a blazer that he seemed to already have taken off, and even though they were underground he had sunglasses on.

He shrugged, "Well then let's get to business, I obviously know why you and those Rockets are here, so I don't think you'd be willing to sit down for a drink?"

Owari frowned hearing him, "Shut up, what is your name!"

He chuckled, smiling confidently, "Well I think it would be more polite if you did but I suppose we aren't being polite, call me Major, I like the sound of that, and I am the big bad boss of the raiders."

"I don't suppose you're willing to just surrender," Ash said as Muk was crawling to his fingers

Major shook his head and smiled, "No, but I have something better, name your price, I can meet any demand as long as you're both willing to join me?"

"Not even in your dreams," Owari said, "We were sent to take you down, you can't buy us with your disgusting experiments and blood money."

Major chuckled, "Oh really then, but why, if it's for those Pokemon you should know I am doing everything for Pokemon and their trainers, can't you imagine it, a world where all Pokemon can do everything, we can make gods here on earth, even those legendary Pokemon won't stand a chance against us!"

"Is that how you justify causing so much pain to the Pokemon and killing those you gain your samples from…"

"I'll admit, there were a few…errors in the process, but the process is nearly complete, we have created a pure version that gives it to them permanently and the casualties are minor, so what do you say, do you want to be part of a new world order," Major said taking a puff from his cigar.

"Thanks but no," Ash said, "Idealists like you are what cause so much pain for us,"

"Well that's a shame, but also not unexpected, I suppose we have to do this don't we," Major said putting his cigar back into his mouth and he snapped.

Then the room started shaking as the water 'walls' started rumbling, Ash and Owari could barely stand up straight as through the water 'walls' a Gyarados head crashed through..

Then one by one another Gyarados, and another, one after another until there were 6 breaking through the water 'wall', but only the first Gyarados looked normal.

On the other 5, each of their crowns was a slightly different color as one was red, another was light blue, one was Yellow, one was purple, and the last was brown as there were streaks of that color across their backs.

Major smiled and opened his arms wide, "I told you we nearly perfected it, so did you think I wouldn't arm myself with only the best!"

As Ash and Owari stood there opposed to 6 Gyarados they both gulped and got ready for the battle, as collectively the Gyarados all roared at them.

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