
Professor Ivy

"Brock you better hold on to that Bonsly," Ash said as he sat down at the wheel of the Speedboat.

Ash took control of the boat and started turning it to go directly to the shore next to the Lab instead of the docking station which was on the other side of the island.

He wasn't going crazy fast to the point where someone was going to fall out but it was enough to force Brock to stay seated or else he'll fall over.

As they were approaching the doc, from behind them, the water started bubbling and suddenly a Gyarados shot out from the water and roared behind them.

Brock noticed the incoming Gyarados and gulped as he leaned over to Ash, "Ash step on it we have some company!!!"

Ash leaned back and saw the incoming Gyarados, "Alright then hold on we're going into maximum overdrive!!!"

Ash stepped on the gass as the ship shot forward and the engines started making louder noises as they sped up getting away from the Gyarados but one thing they didn't account for was that they were moving too fast and now heading straight for the shore.

As they did, they turned back and saw that Gyarados stopped chasing them and was picking up someone, but they didn't see who since when they turned back the boat crashed into the beach.

When they washed up onto the sandy shore the engine slowed down and eventually stopped making noise, Ash and Brock sigh as they jumped out and finally looked back.

When they turned around they saw the Gyarados approaching their direction and Brock would be scared if there wasn't someone on top of it riding the Gyarados.

The person was an attractive young woman with short purple hair and tired eyes, she was currently just wearing a swimsuit as she approached then jumped off Gyarados landing in front of them, then out of nowhere 3 girls ran up and threw a lab coat, which she caught and put on in one swift motion.

"Hello there," Professor Ivy said walking up to them, "Sorry Gyarados scared you, and sorry about your boat. Do you need something I can help with?"

Brock was stunned seeing Professor Ivy and his legs were shaking, "e-e-e I-I" he stuttered

Ash shook his head, "Hello, Professor Oak sent us for something you have for him,"

Professor Ivy smiled, "Oh, you must be Ash then, yes the Professor told me about you, well then pleased to meet you I'm Professor Ivy."

Brock stayed silent and blushing as Professor Ivy turned to her assistants, "Charity, Hope, Faith bring our friends inside there the ones we need to give the GS ball to,"

The assistants nodded and said in unison, "Rodger"

But right before they left Ash asked for a second and went over to the boat, opening up the part of the engine he wasn't a mechanic but he could see the thing was fried, so with a sigh he grabbed Abra by her scruff and put her in the seat then left and she teleported out with the boat.

A few minutes later they got to the lab led by the assistants, Ivy ran over somewhere and met back up with them in her normal clothes back in the lab wearing a pink tank top and a skirt.

When they all got to the lab Ivy pressed a button and a pedestal it opened up revealing a golden Pokeball and it had the words GS carved into it.

"Well, there's the Pokeball, we call it the GS ball," Ivy said holding it out for Ash to take

Ash grabbed it as Brock took a closer look, "Hey, why is it all gold and silver?"

Ivy shook her head, "We haven't been able to figure that out, much less open the thing we've tried almost everything,"

"I wished I could uncover the mysteries myself but if anyone can it's Professor Oak, so Ash I hope you can get it to him safely."

"Alright, I'll get it to him in a bit, but by the way is there a computer I can call him with to let him know I've got it?" Ash asked

"Unfortunately not anymore, we had one but it was outdated so we sent it for an upgrade, now we can only exchange emails with each other," Ivy said closing her eyes

"I see, well that's fine, I'll just call him on another island," Ash said as he put the Pokeball in his 'bag'.

"Alright then, so what now?" Hope asked

"Should we show you around?" Charity asked

"Yeah, that would be super fun?" Faith added

"Well I was going to make my rounds, would you boys like to join me and see what I do around this island?" Ivy asked

Before Ash said anything Brock stiffened up, "W-we'd love to!"

Ivy clapped her hands happily, "Great, then let's go!" 

After a few hours of walking around the island and seeing everything that was on it including the different kinds of Pokemon compared to over in mainland Kanto, Brock also helped a Butterfree eat its food.

Eventually, they returned to the cabin where they all lived, which was built into the lab, and when they walked in Ash and Brock were greeted by a horrible odor and the sight of a messy room, no messy is too clean for what they saw.

Ivy scratched her head "Sorry about the mess, we just got caught up in research that we just one day gave up keeping this part of the lab clean and decided to call it-"

Charity, Hope, and Faith: "Our little Dump!" x3

Brock looked at everything for a moment then clenched his hands, "Floors to sweep, dirty clothes, moping, polishing, cleaning, this is just like home!"

Brock pulled out cleaning equipment out of nowhere and stepped up, "Leave it to Super Brock!"

Then in a flash he started running around and started cleaning at a rapid pace and at the same time he was also cooking and using the stove.

Not even 10 minutes later the house looked completely different, being spotless compared to the dump it was before, once again their words not his, and on the table there was a full dinner made for everyone.

"Everyone Dinner is served!" Brock said trying to catch his breath.

"Let's thank Brock!" Ivy said happily

Charity, Hope, and Faith: "Later, let's eat!" x3

Then the 4 of them ran forward completely knocking Brock down as they started eating like they never heard of food before making happy noises as they ate and Ash was half sure they weren't breathing as they ate.

Ash walked over and helped Brock up, "Yo good dude?"

"Yeah, it's just like home," Brock said happily

"Yeah, but I mean it looks like you might want to cook some more if we want something to eat because it looks like they already finished everything," Ash said, pointing at the table where it was once covered in food now there were only dirty plates and the 4 girls sighing happily.

"Yeah… just like home."

After dinner, they were given a room to sleep in but while Ash laid down Brock decided to follow the girls as they went out for some night research, when Brock left Ash sighed and got up to go to the Pokemon center because he knew where this was going.

A few minutes later after notifying the Joy in the center they where sent out to the forest where they found Ivy coughing and holding a paralyzed Raticate next to Brock.

Ivy looked at everyone, "Contact the Pokemon center!"

"No need, we are already here," Joy said as she rushed over to grab Raticate and Chansey put Ivy on a stretcher, 

"This is the 3rd time this week Ivy we told you to stop worrying us like that!" Joy said as she gave some basic medicine to Raticate and then handed it to Chansey.

"Yeah sorry, I won't do it again,"

"That's what you said last time," Joy said

"And the time before that," Charity said

"And the time before THAT," Hope added

"And the time before that even way back," Faith nodded

"Hehe sorry," Ivy said as she was carried away.

Brock stayed there for a moment seeing everything, stunned for a bit processing everything but then he felt a tap on his shoulder when he looked over he saw Ash.

"Hey dude, I know that face, you want to stay here to take care of them don't you?"

Brock slightly flinched but nodded, "So you found out, can't even say I'm surprised anymore,"

"Yeah, the cleaning kinda gave it away and you mumbling, just like home didn't help."

"Yeah sorry, it's just this place really reminds me of how I took care of my siblings, and also Ivy is pretty,"

"Yeah I won't doubt you Ivy is pretty hot, but that's beside the point,"

"Yeah, sorry I know I said we'd be traveling the Orange Islands together but I feel like they need me more than you do, I mean at least you can cook," Brock chuckled

"Nah don't worry about it, you do what you wanna do and if that's staying here learning about Pokemon and taking care of them then go ahead, just remember no matter where you go I can still find you," Ash said smiling.

Brock smiled and gave Ash a light punch on the shoulder, "Thanks for understanding man."

"Come on we're friends, don't mention it," Ash said.

The next morning when they woke up Ash walked out seeing that Brock wasn't in the room, and after got ready he walked out he saw the 4 girls looking onto the roof, when he walked out he saw what they were looking at, it was Brock who was repairing the roof and his Pokemon were also out helping with some other stuff.

"Ok, that roof shouldn't leak anymore!" Brock said as he finished repairing it

Ivy was looking up then turned to Ash, "Well it looks like Brock wants to stay with us,"

"Yeah, he told me last night, but if it's what he wants I won't stop him," Ash said

Brock jumped down, "Yeah here I'll be able to learn a lot about Pokemon,"

Ash smiled back and held his hand out for a fistbump, "Yeah just remember if you ever want to come back and travel you're always welcome my dude,"

Brock returned it, "Thanks, and if you need me you always have my number."

Ivy cut in between the two, "By the way, how are you going to get off the island? Your ship isn't around and it looked like it wasn't fit to go anymore."

Ash shrugged and pulled out a Pokeball, "Don't worry about it I've got my own way around," then he threw the Pokeball off the cliff releasing his Gyarados, as soon as he was free he splashed into the warm waters roaring as he jumped out.

Ash saluted as he jumped off the cliff and hoping onto Gyarados's back, "I've always got a way!"

then they started to wave at him as Gyarados started swimming away, "Bye!" x 5

Ash and Pikachu smiled and waved back, "We'll meet again, ye landlubber!"

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