
Night before the Final

{Abra show}

[Welcome back junior brothers and sisters to the greatest show in all the world better than that evil second Chanceys] Abra said.

[For those of you just joining us, we are in the middle of the Indigo League Conference, and we have a true battle on our hands, tell them, senior brother!] Abratwo said

Alakazam was bashing his head on the table, [*sigh* well as of now the finals have been decided, with Trainer Gary defeating Green, and Trainer Ash beating Remo.]

Then Drowzee picked up a piece of paper, [And it looks like, tomorrow they will begin with the losers bracket to find out who will take 3rd place between Green and Remo, then they'll do the finals.]

[And that's how it should be a battle of spiritual pressure, who will fall first and who will emerge victorious, we'll keep you all informed of any and all news!] Abra said

[Psyduck still misses his girlfriend, and Psyduck still believes this is against the law, Psyduck would like to leave] Psyduck said

[Silly Junior brother, don't you know that your mana core is sealed, you can't leave,]


After today's battles were over and People started leaving the stadium, Lance and the Elite 4 of Kanto and Johto along with Oak, Agitha, and Goodshow stayed in the top VIP section to talk.

Lance whistled, "My lord Oak, all 3 of them can Mega Evolve and they got to the top 4, what do you put in the water over in Pallet town?"

Oak shrugged, "I didn't do anything extra special to them, I just taught them normally as I always would, I wasn't even the one to give them Mega stones."

"What, so you just assumed that they popped out of thin air, what actual logic is that, do you expect us to believe that you old coot," Agatha said.

"Err but-"

"I have to agree with Lady Agatha, those are not just found in Kanto regularly," Damian said

"Not to mention the fact that all 3 of them apparently only started this year, and yet they all made it, seriously are you trying to make an army of supersoldiers to take over the world," Lance joked.

"Psssh, that would be super funny," Tempest said imagining what that could look like, 

Darwin shook his head "Having a full army of trainers to take over the world all trained by the legendary Professor Oak,"

Oak felt a sweat drop fall from his head, "But the problem is I really didn't do anything special to them, I also didn't give them those stones heck those aren't even the ones they used when they came back."

Koga raised an eyebrow, "So you're saying they each have at least 2? You can't possibly expect us to believe that,"

"But it's true, I didn't give them any of it, they found it along their journey," OAk tried to defend himself.

Lance sighed, "Well whatever the reason doesn't matter, even if it did we can't do anything, I'm more wondering how 3 trainers started at the same time and not only got all 8 official licensed badges but also did it early."

"That I also can't answer, it's not like I gave them a Pokemon to teleport them around," Oak admitted.

"Seriously, how is that possible, Pallet hasn't had any true exceptional trainers since Red and Blue all those years ago, then it went into average only to jump back with 3 trainers," Agatha said.

"Hey the others weren't that bad, a few of them even got to the Indigo League, and one even won it,"

"After 3 years of trying again and again, and those who entered it in their first year never even got to the top 64, and you're telling me that's not completely average."

"I must agree," Bruno finally opened his eyes, "I sense nothing normal about those 3, in there battles the way they battled even the way they breathed seemed coordinated, especially that one boy,"

"Hey they got a compliment out of big big bad and brooding over here," Lorelei said, "And I thought all you did was meditate all day,"

Karen chuckled, "Oh he does, even during our meeting which only made this more impressive."

"Well back on topic," Lance said, "Pallet town is already the town that has produced the most Champion-ranked trainers, heck you're the main reason that Kanto has produced the most Champion-ranked trainers,"

"I feel like in any other circumstance that would be a compliment," Oak said helplessly.

Goodshow who was watching chuckled to himself, "Well whatever the reason I'm sure this means that this year will be one to remember,"

In the afterparty the sounds of clinking glasses could be heard, when you look inside the building you'd see a party going on with everyone from the top 64 and some extras including the Gang.

Ash and Gary were the center of attention since tomorrow the finals would be decided by them and everyone wanted to see who would come out on top.

As the party kept going well into the night with everyone congratulating them people like Joe to Ritchie to A.J. and Samurai, etc.

As the night went on some people started leaving and the party went down to a more manageable size.

Ash was holding a now sleeping Pikachu, "So this is it huh?"

"Yeah it is isn't it, tomorrow we finally settle who the better trainer is," Gary said smugly

"Man kinda hard to believe we started less than a year ago," Green reminisced

Yellow was holding a cup of juice, "So who do you think will win?"

"Yellow you should know better by now, I'm going to say I'll win, Gary will say he'll win, Green will probably say I'll win just to spite Gary, and you guys will say I'll win because we're better friends, I'm just not going to start that argument."

"I mean he has a point," Gary says

"Yeah I mean I was completely going to say Ash would win just to make Gary mad," Green nodded.

"Oh sorry," Yellow said, sipping on her juice.

"Don't worry about it, but there is one question that needs to be asked," Ash said, putting on a serious expression.

"What is it?" Brock asked, and everyone else was also curious

Ash pointed, at Gary's pants, "What the heck is going on with that, I mean I get the jacket but those pants, why do they have such big pockets are you trying to fit an entire Blastoise in it?"

"Wh- what do you mean this is fashion, not like you would get it!" Gray argued

"I don't know about that one chief, those things look like I could fit inside of them, I mean the pants you had were fine, but that is just...it looks like cargo pants tried to put pouches on them like I'm not convinced you don't let the Baby Kangaskhan sleep in there while you train the mama," Green said

"I will admit nothing!"

"*pfff* Oh you totally do don't you, I'm so telling Daisy," Green said smugly.

"Do it and I'll tell her to never let you have any more of her cookies," Gary said

Green gasped overdramatically and Yellow whispered to everyone else, "Daisy is Gary's sister, and her cookies are really tasty, but Green eats the most,"

"Yellow I heard that!" Green said making Yellow flinch, "But any way you can't stop me, we both know she likes me more than she likes you,"

"Hey, that's not true! I'm her brother!"

Ash cut in, "No it is, it completely is and you know it,"

"I hate you both," Gary said into his hands

"Love you to Gary" Ash and Green said at the same time

Sometime later more people started leaving and they decided to call it a night, but before that Ash caught up to talk to A.J. and Samurai, who 'coincidentally' were walking with Jeanette.

"Yo, guys you got a sec?" Ash said as he caught up to them

"Yeah Ash, what is it?" A.J. said

"Well, do you guys have plans for after this, the League I mean, what are you planning on doing?"

"Err, well I'll probably go back home and keep training," A.J. said

"Yes, I will likely return to the forest," Samurai responded

"I'm probably going to have to go back to my family clan to hold up their dumb traditions and all that," Jeanette also said

Ash smiled, "What if I help you guys out?"


"Well," Ash smirked, "You wanna run a Gym?"


{The next day}

It was time for the battle on who would be in 3rd place, Green vs Remo this was more of the appetizer for the main course but that didn't mean the Crowd was any less excited for it.

Currently, the battle has already been going on for a good bit, it was following the same 6v6 rules that they have been using and this battle was much more even than it was with Ash.

They were both down 4 Pokemon and on their 5th with Green's Gengar and Remo's Rhypo who were both looking worse for wear, though Gengar was a bit worse.

"Rhypo finish this with [Stone Edge]," Remo called out

As Rhypo stomped his foot down spikes made of stones started breaking through the ground and shooting at Gengar.

But Green didn't panic, "If you're going down take him down with you, use [Destiny Bond]!"

Gengar's eyes glowed as a shadowy orb entered into his shadow, then the stones finally fell onto him knocking him to the ground with a loud thud Gengar's body fell back to Green's side with spirals in his eyes.

But then before he could celebrate the shadow from before came out of Gengar's shadow and launched themselves grabbing and forcing themselves to be absorbed by Rhypo, and when they did Rhypo fell as well.

Both of them were down to their last Pokemon now, as they returned their unconscious Pokemon they each threw out their next, Venusaur and Garchoo each came out.

Remo smiled and spun his umbrella around, "I'm not holding back, Mega Evolve!" he pressed the Keystone as Garchoo began glowing.

Garchoo grew and went into his Mega form, making Remo think he had the win guaranteed.

But Green also smiled, "I'm not either," then she pressed the Keystone she had as an earring, "Mega Evolve." then Venusaur started glowing.

Remo was taken aback since to him he believed Green only had the one for Gengar, as Venusaur's body and flower grew revealing Mega-Venusaur.

Remo clenched his teeth as the crowd cheered, "Garchoo use [Stone Edge]!"

Green smiled, "Don't think so, [Earth Power]!"

Both Garchoo and Venusaur stomped on the ground as Stone started approaching Venusaur the cracks on the ground began releasing their golden light and when they collided the stones started glowing and blew up before they could even get to Venusaur, but the [Earth Power] continued and blew up under Garchoo.

As Garchoo fell to a knee Green raised her arm, "Now, [Leech Seed]!"

Venusaur started shooting out multiple seeds at Garchoo, Garchoo was just too slow to dodge all of them as one grabbed his arm, another around his legs, and the last fell on his back fin.

"[Swords Dance] then [Fire Fang]!" Remo commanded!

Garchoo managed to rip the one on his foot but the others were still there as the swords appeared around him and he dashed at Venusaur.

Venusaur just raised a vine and held it in front of him to catch Garchoo as it began trying to bite through it but it was no use due to Venusaur's ability.

Green smiled at the opportunity, "Now [Power Whip]!"

Venusaur raised Garchoo higher before slamming the dragon onto the ground, when it didn't let go he did it again, and the thing was Venusaur's vines were covered in poison and Garchoo had been doing nothing but biting them.

So Garchoo let go as he got poisoned but not before the [Leech Seed] stole some health back.

Remo started panicking again, he cursed himself because he let himself get too cocky again, "Garchoo [Fire Blast]!"

Garchoo quickly shot a blast of fire at Venusaur that went directly to his face, but it didn't do much since the ability that was saving him was Thick Fat.

Garchoo didn't keep the fire going for that long though since he got chipped with the poison and the seeds.

Green smiled and raised her arm, "I may not be as flashy as Ash but I get the job done, [Venoshock]!"

Venusaur aimed his glower and from it multiple needle-like poison darts that all started stabbing into Garchoo one after the other then when the final one hit Garchoo fell over as the plant from the [Leech Seed] died since there was nothing left.

As Garchoo went back to base the Announcer spoke up, "And that is it, we have our 3rd place winner for the Indigo League! Green of Pallet town!"

As the crowd started cheering he continued, "And don't you worry because the true final battle will begin soon, so get ready because this year will be one to remember!"


Yep, so it's almost time, to wrap the League up, if everything goes well and I don't lose the chapter it will be done by the end of the week. So stones for good luck? I have lost chapters before

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