
Indigo League: Top 16 complete

{Gary vs Raymond}

Gary was down 1 Pokemon and had Kangaskhan out who was looking relatively healthy, meanwhile, Raymond was on his last Pokemon being his Donphan while his previous 2 being Machamp and Golem were taken out.

Raymond grit his teeth, "It's not over yet, Donphan [Rollout]!"

"Kangaskhan grab it and [Seismic Toss]!" Gary commanded as Kangaskhan braced herself.

Donphan curled into a ball as it started spinning faster and faster then when it reached Kangaskhan she held her hands out and grabbed Donphan.

The spinning caused Kangaskhan's hands to get contact burn but she grit her teeth and with cheers from the little baby she got a good grab and threw the Elephant into the air.

Donphan couldn't comprehend suddenly being flung into the air so it uncoiled and panicked trying to find a way it could land.

Raymond quickly yelled, "Donphan no stay in your ball!"

Gary smirked, "Too late, Kangaskhan end this with [Giga Impact]!"

Kangaskhan's fist started glowing a bright white light as she condensed all the energy to her fist and as Donphan came down she delivered a powerful punch strength into the defenseless Donphan.

Everyone heard a loud bang as the fist collided with Donphan's unprotected stomach and sent it flying into a rock destroying it completely and leaving it there knocked out.

"Donphan is unable to battle, the winner is Kangaskhan! The Winner is Gary Oak!" the referee declared, and the board immediately turned off Donphan's icon as the crowd cheered.

"What a great battle, ladies and gentlemen! Despite their efforts, Donphan and Raymond were bested by Kangaskhan and Gary! And with this, Gary moves on to the next round!"

{Corey vs Green}

Corey was on his last Pokemon, his Venusaur and Rhydon were already taken out leaving only his Pidgeot. Meanwhile Green was on her second being her Ditto that transformed into his Rhydon.

Corey looked nervous, "Pidgeot let's get up into the sky and make a sandstorm with [Sand Attack]"

Green smiled, "That's no fair, let's give them a taste of their own medicine [Rock Blast],"

As Pidgeot flew into the sly Ditto dug its hands into the ground pulling out stones and started throwing them into the sky one after the other, Pidgeot tried to dodge and it succeeded with a few but eventually, it got hit.

Pidgeot got hit in the wing causing it to lose balance and start fluttering down letting Green take advantage, "[Smack Down]"

Ditto the Rhydon ran forward as its hands glowed a whitish brown and it jumped to get next to Pidgeot before slamming the bird on the back and sending it into the ground.

Corey panicked, "Pidgeot are you ok!"

Pidgeot weakly managed to get up but its wing was hurt so it couldn't fly anymore, "If you can keep going then use [Echoed Voice],"

Pidgeot raised its beak and started shouting creating a blast of sound that started hitting Ditto the Rhydon, but it didn't do as much as he hoped.

Green raised her arm and pointed towards them, "Let's end this, use [Earthquake],"

Ditto raised its large and heavy foot and stomped on the ground causing the ground to start shaking from the shockwaves and sending Pidgeot falling before it got hit and knocked out.

"Pidgeot is unable to battle, the winner is Rhy- Ditto! The Winner is Green!" the referee declared, and the board immediately turned off Pidgeot's icon as the crowd started cheering.

"What an exciting battle, ladies and gentlemen! But in the end, there can only be 1 that moves on to the next round and this time it was Green!"

{Otoshi vs Samurai}

Samurai was down to his last Pokemon Scyther, meanwhile, Otoshi was using his third Marowak, mainly because he chose to lead with his weaker Pokemon being a Dodrio and a Nidoking.

But at the moment Scyther was more beat up than Marowak, both Samurai and Otoshi were fighting like this was a duel, at all times their hands were on their fake swords.

Samurai looked down his helmet shining, "This has truly been a wonderful battle, it was an honor to fight another of the way of the Samurai,"

"As it was for me, I thought not that we would be able to battle again since the ship, you truly have improved," Otoshi complemented.

Samurai shook his head, "But not enough, I know when I am beat, but that doesn't mean I will not go down fighting, that goes against my honor, we'll go down fighting."

"Well said, then we shall honor you by doing the same, let's end this in one final exchange," Otoshi said

Otoshi and Samurai held their fake swords as Scyther got in a similar position as Samurai and Marowak held his bone like Otoshi.

For a moment everything was quiet as everyone was holding their breaths waiting to see who would win, then as a random leaf slowly fell into the center of the arena they both opened their eyes.


"[Bone Rush]"

They both said simultaneously as they drew their fake swords and pointed them at each other, so Scyther and Marowak shot toward each other.

They exchanged the hit and then stood behind each other, Marowak fell to his knee first but then Scyther fell over with spirals in his eyes.

"Scyther is unable to battle, meaning Marowak and Otoshi are the winners!" the announcer said as the crowd started cheering.

Otoshi went down to meet with Marowak and Samurai walked down to return Scyther, when he did they both looked at each other and gave a bow.

{Pete vs Jeanette}

Pete and Jeanette were both down to their last Pokemon, Pete had his Arcanine and Jeanette had her Bellsprout, although Arcanine was already a little damaged it was still fine.

Which caused people to look at her funny for even Pete was cycling at her desperate move.

"Well I hope you don't cry, Arcanine use [Fire Fang]!" Pete commanded.

Arcanine ran forward with its jaw spewing flames aiming to bite into Bellsprout, however neither Jeanette, Bellsprout or anyone who knew them panicked.

Bellsprout swerved out of the way without even Jeanette's command; it was just built into Bellsprout's martial arts.

Jeanette then raised her arms, "Do it now Bellsprout,"

As Arcanine ran past Bellsprout grabbed it by the foot and then twisted its body around before slamming Arcanine on the ground with a *bang*

But it didn't end there because Bellsprout continued swinging Arcanine around back and forth


The announcer and everyone remained speechless, "I can't believe my eyes, a Bellsprout is swinging an Arcanine like it is nothing, if this is a dream don't wake me up!"

Then with a final swing, Arcanine stopped struggling and was knocked out. Making the crowd start cheering.

"Arcanine is unable to battle, the winner is Bellsprout!"

{Assunta vs Cross}

Cross came here to Kanto to participate in the Indigo League, over in Alola where he was from there wasn't a traditional league, so there wasn't anyone his age that could challenge him so he came in hopes of finding someone to challenge him.

Then he saw Ho-Oh and decided he wanted to capture it, but things didn't turn out like he wanted because then he met Ash, he still doesn't remember everything that happened on the mountain even now months later.

He just remembers that Ash beat him so finally he had a challenge and he is here to prove he is better, not just to Ash but to those back home.

Right now Cross had his Incineroar which was the only Pokemon he was using, meanwhile, Assunta was down to her last Pokemon being her Venusaur, her other 2 got taken out easily.

Even though Incineroar had the advantage, Venusaur showed no signs of wanting to retreat.

"Use [Flamethrower]!" Cross commanded

"[Sludge Bomb] Venusaur!" Assunta yelled back

From Incineroar's belt, a stream of flames erupted out and shot towards Venusaur who charged up a large pump of purple sludge and threw it in the center clashing with the fire and creating a smoke cloud near the center.

Assunta and Venusaur couldn't see anything from it but they did hear Cross yell out, "[Throat Chop!]"

From the smoke, Incineroar rushed out like a missile as he ran forward arms glowing purple and delivered a chop at Venusaur's throat causing an audible gasp coming from the frog.

Assunta gulped, "[Power Whip]!"

Venusaur released vines out of the flower and as they gathered Venusaur raised them over Incineroar ready to whip the cat.

Cross scoffed, "Catch it with [Fire Fang]!"

As the vine came down Incineroar caught it in his mouth, taking Assunta by surprise as Venusaur tried getting him to let go but he didn't.

"Now let's end this, [Flare Blitz]!" Cross commanded

A flame lit in Incineroar's eyes as he jumped down and swung using the vines, the fire gathering around him as he fell the fire all condensed into his elbow and dropped right on top of Venusaur.

Venusaur was knocked out, "Venusaur cannot continue the battle! The winner is Incineroar and the match goes to Cross!" the announcer said.

{Mina vs Melissa}

Mina considered herself a freelance artist first and a trainer second, she aspired to travel the world to improve her painting while making some money on the side as a trainer.

Why is she here in Kanto? You may ask, well it's quite simple.

{5 Months earlier}

Mina came to Kanto to see the beautiful sea, in fact, she spent so much time sketching the ocean that she missed her ship to return to Alola.

She could see the ship sailing away without her so she sighed as she looked at her partner Ribombee, "Well I guess we missed our ship, Hmmm, I guess we can stay the color of Kanto is so nice hehe,"

Then she reached into her pocket and grabbed the boat ticket, this thing cost her most of her remaining money and she was running low.

Food wasn't a problem after all the Pokemon Center provided that for licensed trainers, of course, it wasn't good but it was something, the main problem was that she couldn't afford another ticket and worse no more art supplies.

So as she sat in the Pokemon center in Vermilion City she saw a poster for the League and a rundown of the Gyms, over in Alola they didn't have Gyms so she looked it over.

As she read it she thought one thing as she read through it, "I wonder how much prize money I'd get if I beat the Gym, I wonder how much if I won the League,"

She looked at her Ribombee who was looking at her excitedly so she sighed, "Alright why not I'll participate, maybe I'll even find some new inspiration,"


And that's how we are here, Mina had Ribombee facing off against Melissa's final Pokemon her Golem.

"Golem use [Stone Edge]!" Melissa commanded

"Ribombee use [Energy Ball]," Mina said casually pointing at Golem.

Golem stomped on the ground causing stones to rise and fly towards Ribombee, but Ribombee was really small and zipped past them then when a big one came she spun around it and had a [Energy Ball] charged up that she shot at Golem.

That hit with an x4 was enough to send Golem falling down and making Mina the winner.

{Ritchie vs Remo}

Ritchie was fighting the fight of his life, both Zippo and Happy were taken down while fighting Remo's Bouffalant, and Sparky came out to take out his Gurdurr, which meant that Remo was down to his last Pokemon but Sparky was running on empty.

Remo smiled at Ritchie, "You know kid you're not bad, so as a reward I'll let you see my most powerful Pokemon, Garchoo come on out."

From the Pokeball, a large Garchomp wearing a weird necklace came out and brandished his claws looking at Sparky.

Ritchie knew there was almost no chance of him winning but he still had to try, "Sparky [Brick Break]"

Sparky ran forward and jumped over Garchomp's claw delivering a glowing red punch across Garchoo's jaw, but it didn't do much as Garchoo then looked down at Sparky and exhaled.

"Now [Headbutt]!"

Sparky used the previous momentum to push his head over and give a Headbutt at Garchoo but that didn't even make him flinch.

Remo spun his umbrella and slammed it on the ground, "Let's end this Garchoo, [Dragon Claw]!"

Garchoo's claws extended into large green claws as he then sent a slash at Sparky that sent him flying back to Ritchie's side with spirals in his eyes.

"Pikachu is unable to battle, meaning Garchomp is the winner, meaning Remo is our next and final winner for today."

"Thank you all folks for coming here today this has been the battle of the top 16, but don't worry tomorrow will start the top 8 meaning the climax of the League is coming up!"

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