
Return to Monke

"Weezing [Sludge Bomb]"

"Nidoking use [Dragon Pulse] on the ground!"

The field got enveloped in a purple color as the poison and blue fire, the dragon fire and poison formed a purple fire that surrounded them making the people nearest to the field have to take a step back.

"Not this time, Weezing uses [Stockpile] then [Will-O-Wisp]!" Janine commanded.

Weezing started sucking in air and dirt and some of the purple fire, then it got spit out in a circular motion creating a ring that shot toward Nidoking.

Ash raised his arm and smirked, "Breakthrough with [Poison sting] then [Thunderbolt]"

Nidoking's fist glowed purple as he punched the fire and dispersed it, even though some did touch him it had no effect, then Nidoking's eyes sparked as his horn cracked with electricity, and then it was fired igniting Weezing in yellow light.

Weezing took the electricity but looked fine, as Janine raised her arm, "Weezing use [Dark Pulse]"

As Weezing floated back into the air a ball of purple rings of energy appeared in front of Weezing's mouth as it shot multiple rings directly into Nidoking's stomach.

Ash frowned seeing Nidoking fall to one knee for a moment, "Nidoking use [Shadow Ball]!"

"Not this time, dodge then [Smokescreen]"

Weezing spun around as the orb of darkness from Nidoking barely missed as it spat out black smoke into Nidoking's eyes and the area started getting covered in smoke.

Janine smiled as she brought her finger to her face, "Let's end this, [Ash Pile Burning]" 

As the smoke was coming out of Weezing's big mouth, the smallmouth bit its teeth creating a spark immediately igniting it and creating a controlled explosion.

After a few moments of silence the center of the area was still steaming with smoke from the heat, Weezing floated out with a few burns but was overall fine until a claw reached from the smoke and grabbed the poison rock.

Before anyone could react the arm pulled Weezing back in and a second arm with a [Shadow Ball] slammed into it Rasengan style, all while still being held

Then as Nidoking's body revealed itself he threw Weezing to the ground and started dragging Weezing through the dirt and stealth rocks.

As this was happening Ash looked at Janine's shocked face, "I admit I'm flattered you named a move after me, but that won't stop what I need to do, [Earth Power]!"

Now there is something important to know, things like Levitate aren't perfect. There are ways for a Levitating Pokemon to still be hit by ground moves, one of which is forcing it to the ground.

Nidoking threw Weezing across from him as he stopped on the ground creating golden cracks to form under and creating a crater that slammed into Weezing launching it into the air, as it fell down it didn't start levitating again.

Nidoking roared into the air in victory before falling to one knee and breathing heavily, that explosion dealt more than he would like to admit.

Ash saw this and returned his big poison type, "I guess I got too careless."

Janine returned Weezing as well, "I didn't expect Nidoking to stay standing, that move is even stronger than Weezing's explosion."

Ash shrugged, "What can I say, when a move is named after me I aim to please."

Janine rolled her eyes as she pulled out her next Pokeball, "Keep telling yourself that, I still have a few more and I think I should give you a taste of your own medicine, Nidoqueen get ready!"

Out of her Pokeball came a blue poison type that had a striking similarity to Nidoking only less spiky and slightly smaller by a few feet, there was also a Life orb on its neck.

Ash saw it and gave a complex expression, this was one of the Pokemon he didn't have a good answer to, but he did have 'him'.

Ash sighed and pulled out a Pokeball and looked at it, "I didn't think I needed to use this here. I was saving this for Sabrina but I guess I have no better option."

{Flashback no Jutsu}

A few days ago when Ash was training all of his Pokemon he was focusing on the team he was planning on using the most, but that didn't stop the adrenaline junkies like Pidgeot and Fearow from giving it their all.

Fearow: [Alright what's the score number 5]

Pidgeot: [Stop calling me that, I won last time so we are tied at 16:16 with 5 ties]

Fearow: [If you want me to stop, try to beat more than one Pokemon in a battle.]

Pidgeot: [(#`Д´)" Haaa! You wanna say that again, 2-stage!]

Fearow: [I'll say it a million times, Mullet]

Pidgeot: [you're just jealous of my majestic hair]

Fearow: [You know what, yeah it looks great… for a Walrein!]

Pidgeot: [Why you(╬▔皿▔)]

It was currently a few hours after most people were sleeping, his current project was Scizor and Primeape. 

Scizor pretty much remastered how to fight and Primeape switched out his Weights for the Power Weight to work on HP.

Speaking of which Primeape was nearly ready so Ash called him over to talk separately.

"Alright, you've nearly caught up to everyone, your strength has improved quickly." Ash praised the monkey.

[(•̀ω•́)✧, Of course, how could I the future strongest Primeape be weak.] Primeape huffed proudly.

"About that…" Ash responded, "Are you satisfied with what you have?"

Primeape looked confused by the question [What?]

"Your strength I mean, is that what you want or do you want something else, I have a choice for you. You can stay as you are in which case I want you to never use [Rage Fist] again, or you can go beyond"

Primeape stared into Ash's serious eyes as he looked down at his fists, he grew faster by the day much different than when he was in the wild, and expected to continue growing so he never thought of anything changing.

But at the same time, he got so used to this feeling, that itch the back of his head, it was almost like a tingle that he could never scratch. Like something was missing.

Primeape looked at Ash as he ignited his fist in the same white and black flame and slammed his chest

Ash smiled and held out his hand covered in a barrier, "That's what I like to hear, now one more time, use [Rage Fist]."

{Back to the battle}

The crowd was waiting to see what Ash's next Pokemon would be, even a certain brown-headed girl was watching intently.

Ash took one final breath, "Showtime Annihilape!"

Before anyone could react to his choice of name the Pokeball opened revealing a tall and unmoving monkey, he had red eyes with gray fur, and the metal chains on its wrist and legs were cracked, but the most striking thing was the flowing white hair.

Everyone was in awe seeing this Pokemon none of them had ever seen, even Janine looked shocked.

Ash didn't waste the chance, "Annihilape [Bulk up] then [Power-Up Punch]."

"Grrrrr…" Annihilape's muscles pulsed as in a blink of an eye he appeared next to Nidoqueen and delivered a punch directly to the stomach knocking the wind out of the big Pokemon. And forcing her to take a step back.

Janine blinked as she snapped out of her trance, "Nidoqueen quickly uses [Poison Jab]."

Nidoqueen shook off the hit from earlier as she ran up with her fist glowing purple and sent a jab directly to the big monkey.

Annihilape didn't dodge instead he tanked the hit and looked unbothered, then he heard Ash Yell out, "Use Low Kick"

Nidoqueen braced her feet, but Annihilape didn't go for the legs, instead, he reached up and grabbed Nidoqueen's arm and flipped her over his shoulder, and slammed her into the ground, also getting stabbed by the [Stealth rock] again.

Janine blinked in surprise, "Nidoqueen no! Use [Ice Beam] on his arm!"

From the ground, Nidoqueen looked up and shot a beam of ice at Annihilape's arm enveloping it in Ice allowing Nidoqueen to get back on her feet as Annihilape breaks the ice with one arm.

Nidoqueen and Annihilape were nearly face to face, less than 5 feet away, "Knock him away with [Fury Swipes] then [Thunderbolt]"

Nidoqueen's claws extended as she started sweeping Annihilape who didn't bother dodging instead just stood there, when Nidoqueen was done she jumped back and sent a bolt of electricity directly at Annihilape.

With everything that Annihilape took he was starting to get roughed up but his expression didn't change and neither did Ash's, "Let's get some of that back, use [Drain Punch]"

"Ape…" With a breath, Annihilape disappeared out of sight from everyone and reappeared near Nidoqueen's head and delivered a punch that sent her barreling into the ground face first.

Ash smiled as Janine was worried for Nidoqueen "Now end this, [Karate Chop]."

Before Nidoqueen could get up Annihilape reappeared above her and fell down with his hand opened and glowing red, then it connected directly in the stomach of the poison type, breaking the ground underneath her and making her cough up spit before her eyes went into spirals.

Annihilape puffed as he turned back and walked away back to Ash's side, meanwhile, Janine was still shocked as was everyone watching this Pokemon.

And something to know was that this stream was being recorded and streamed by People, just the mere presence of Janine a Gym leader made the streams somewhat popular, but due to Annihilape, this battle was currently trending on social media.

Janine returned Nidoqueen as she looked towards Ash, "I'd ask, but I know you're not going to tell me,"

"I mean you never know, I might be feeling generous," Ash said, giving a smug smirk.

"Ok, so what is that Pokemon?" Janine asked looking at Annihilape

Ash then gave a bigger smile, "I'm not telling you that, this is still a battle, and the less you know the better, tell you what though, if you can beat him I'll tell you everything you want."

Janine lowered her eyebrow and returned the smile, "All I need is to beat you, easiest thing of my life, Come on out Ariados!"

A familiar spider-like Pokemon with its purple and red pattern, on its eye there was a scope lens resting on the mandibles.

Janine raised her arm, "Ariados [Focus energy] then [Cross Poison]."

Ariados's eye glowed a familiar red color as its arms glowed a purple color, and in the blink of an eye, it appeared behind Annihilape who had a purple X mark on his chest, as the attack crit.

Even though Poison was resisted, with the bosted crit damage and stab it still dealt a lot of damage making Annihilape look down at the mark on his chest.

Ash raised his left arm, "Annihilape use [Shadow Punch]"

Annihilape puffed and his fist was covered in shadows and aimed to punch Ariados until his fists were stopped, when he looked at his arm he saw his arm being held back in webs.

Janine smiled, "What's wrong didn't think I had some tricks down my sleeve, Ariados [Night Slash]"

As Annihilape was tearing off the webs from his arms, Ariados' claw glowed black as he delivered another slash and got another crit.

Annihilape fell to one knee after taking so much damage, so much that he bit into the Sitrus Berry he had in his mouth getting some healing back as he got back to his feet.

"Ariados don't let him recover, [Cross Poison]" 

As Ariados' claws glowed purple again and armed to stab Annihilape again, he held his arms and caught it catching the spider by surprise.

"I think we've let this go on long enough, Annihilape use [Rage Fist]"

Now let's do some math, Annihilape has been hit 8 times so he had the max 6 stacks making the base power go from 50, to 350 base power, and Annihilape is currently at +2 and this is stab, and he has a + Atack nature.

As Annihilape's fist glowed white and Black flames, he delivered a punch that made the ground rumble underneath them and as he brought the fist down Ariados got pushed into the ground so hard a crater was left.

Thankfully Annihilape was holding back so the bug wasn't left as a smudge on the ground, but it was probably going to walk with a limp for a while.

As Annihilape raised his fist revealing the unconscious spider he grunted and walked out leaving everyone watching in shock, watching the ape walk back to Ash's side.

Ash raised his two fingers and raised them to the crowd, "And that's game."

As soon as he said that, the crowd erupted in cheers and the Announcer spoke up.

[Ariados is unable to battle, what an exciting turn of events, I don't think any of us could have seen this coming, but with this outcome, the winner is Ash Ketchum!]

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