
I'll tell you if you beat me

(As Ash was training with Surge, let's go back to see how everyone else was doing.)

After Fearow dropped off Brock at his Gym he immediately left to drop off Yellow, eventually, they did land back in Viridian, Yellow was going to offer Fearow something but he immediately flew away going to route 1.

Yellow was left standing there, she sighed and walked over to her uncle Wilton's house. It was getting pretty late. Usually, Wilton would be back from fishing so she knocked on the door.

A few seconds passed before the door was opened and there was a Nidoking, when the king saw her he immediately recognized her and pulled her into a soft hug.

"Nini! It's good to see you again how you have been."

"King" Nidoking enthusiastically answered, then another voice came from inside.

"Hey Nidoking, who's at the door?" then walking out from inside was Wilton, when he saw Yellow he also rushed over to hug her, "Yellow you're back!"

"Uncle Wilton!" Yellow said as she was being squished between the two.

"Well don't just stand there, come on in," Wilton said, but Yellow was still being held in Nidoking's arms, so she was just carried in by him.

Nidoking eventually let her go and she sat down at the table seeing Wilton's Butterfree sitting on top of the lights. 

Wilton also sat down, "So how have you been, do you have any more Pokemon?"

"Yes but most of them are sleeping right now, but I'm doing good, how has everyone been since I left,"

"Well to be honest with you, most of the Pokemon have been a bit rowdy, especially with the Gym leader currently M.I.A, so I have been working twice as hard filling in some of those duties, thankfully I still have those Remoraid, those work fine as starters."

"Oh, I didn't know,"

"Don't put on that face, I know that face too well it's not your fault so don't blame yourself you had nothing to do with this, it was just Correlation, not causation. But anyway what brings you back so soon,"

Yellow straightened up a bit, "Well there are 2 things, firstly I missed everyone and I wanted to visit, but also I wanted to ask if you can help me train."

"I didn't expect you to start battling,"

"Well it's just I don't want to feel useless most of the time, and my Pokemon want to evolve but I don't know how to do that."

Wilton chuckled, "Yeah maybe I should have shown you the basics before you left, sure why not I can help you"

Yellow looked excited before her stomach grumbled and she turned red

"Well, it seems like you're in luck, we were just about to have dinner," Wilton said as he called for someone.

Then from the kitchen came an Octillery with an apron and bowls in each hand, and gave one to everybody.

They all enjoy dinner like they used to, but about halfway through Dody jumps out of his Pokeball to do his usual thing.

The evening was filled with happiness and catching up, after some time it got a laugh and Yellow went to her original room, it was the same as how she left it, she let her Pokemon out and went to sleep.

The next morning Yellow was woken up by Dody nudging her, then pulling her out of the bed.

"Alright alright, I'm up," Yellow said still half asleep but she got onto her feet and went out to feed everyone since Dody only wakes her up when he is hungry.

When she got into the kitchen she saw Octillery working in the kitchen and Wilton sitting in the kitchen reading the paper.

"Hey Yellow, you're up and you look like you got hit by a Tauros, let me guess Dody."

"Yeah Dody is hungry so now it's everyone's problem," Yellow said, sitting down as Octillery threw a plate of Pancakes to her.

Before she could eat them though, Dody did bird things and stole one from the top.

Octillery sent a slap at the bird and then gave it its food. Dody ate it begrudgingly.

"Do you want to call your other Pokemon out so I know what I'm working with and so they can get some breakfast."

"Oh yeah, I should shouldn't I," Yellow said as she walked back upstairs and called down her Pokemon that came rolling down.

After everyone got situated they ate and then went outside to start, Butterfree took Kitty into the forest for something, and everyone else was taken by Wilton to train, the day went by with everyone training hard and Dody trying to run but failing.

Eventually, they got a break, Wilton sat down with Yellow and handed her a popsicle and they started talking. Until Yellow asked something.

"Hey, what happened to my parents?"

Wilton almost choked on his drink as he heard what Yellow asked, "W-why do you ask?"

"Well, I don't remember anything about them, as far as I can remember I've been with you."

"Well I don't know much about your father but I do know something about my sister."

Yellow's eyes lit up, "Can you tell me."

Wilton looked at Yellow and then at the forest before he smiled, "Sure I'll tell you if you can defeat me in a Pokemon battle." 

Meanwhile, in the forest, Kitty was hanging from the trees in webs as Butterfree was eating a strawberry, Kitty did evolve into a Metapod but was currently stuck in Butterfree's webs.

(Meanwhile with Brock)

It has been a night since he returned, his siblings almost climbed onto him as Forrest went to greet him properly. But Flint almost went on the floor and begged Brock to cook dinner.

Brock agreed and everyone in the house had their first decent meal in almost 3 months, Flint almost cried as he ate and his siblings did the usual giving him 100 requests including but not limited to Sewing ripped clothes.

Eventually, they all got tired, and Brock made sure to tuck them all into bed. By the time he was done only he and Forrest were awake in the room.

"You really should work less hard," Forest told Brock.

Brock was yawning, but he turned to his brother Forrest and gave him a kind smile, "You of all people should not be saying that, especially with how hard you're working, you need more rest than I do, I still need to talk to Father."

Forrest smiled at him, "Well you know somebody has to take care of the gym in case Dad tries running out again, and we don't want Mom to turn this place into a water gym again, remember the first time." Forrest joked.

Brock chuckled, "Yeah the league almost took the gym."

Despite popular belief, the Pewter Gym holds a high standing in the Kanto alliance, and the position of Gym leader provides them with more than enough money to have twice as many people as they do.

But Gyms are more than battle domes, they also hand out starters to new trainers, afterall not every town has a professor to hand out overpowered Pokemon. Pewter Gym specifically has a breeding facility for Geodude, it's actually where Brock has most of his experience in being a 'breeder'.

However the term Breeder is misleading, breeders don't do what you think, instead, they mainly incubate eggs, provide specific diets for Pokemon, tend to them/beautification, and raise them to be strong although it is not always for battles. In fact, one of the two legends of Kanto, the trainer Blue, was considered to be a Breeder.

But the Pewter Gym also takes care of the Pewter Museum, which is actually where he was originally given his fossil for his Kabuto.

Brock shaked himself out of his thoughts and he also sent Forrest to bed as he went to go see Flint. Flint was sitting at the table and drinking some coffee waiting for Brock.

When Brock arrived Flint stopped drinking and stood up to speak to Brock.

"Well, I see things are going fine since I left, how many badges have you given out," Brock asked as he sat down.

"3, though the first time was because I had to use a different team I wanted to after that Forrest helped me practice," Flint said.

"He certainly is doing better than I did at his age," Brock said.

"That's probably my fault, no children should have to live without their parents," Flint said.

"Yeah about that, have you called Mom?"

"Yes actually but she went to another region so she won't be back for at least a few more months."

Brock sighed and looked at his father, "Hey Dad, I think we need to help each other."

Flint nodded since he could already guess what he was going to say.

"You can't do normal housework and I need better training for my Pokemon so we should help each other, afterall you do have more experience training Rock types than I do."

"Yeah I'm sorry about that, I should have been here to teach you about them instead of leaving, but better late than never let's do this."


(In Cerulean City)

After Pidgeotto dropped off Misty he actually stayed around, Misty looked at her Broken Gym and sighed, and went inside.

There she was greeted by her sisters sitting in beach chairs, Misty sneaked behind them and when she was behind them she spoke up, "Well I see you 3 are having fun."

The sisters almost jumped out of their chairs looking back at Misty as she gave them an evil smile.

"Misty what are you doing here, I thought you were traveling with those two guys and that girl," Daisy franticly said.

"Yeah I was, but we decided to separate for a bit so that we could visit our families, though it seems like you guys have purposely not tried to fix the gym."

"Well, you see there is a very and reasonable Explanation to why," Lily said.

"Oh really, well then can you tell me the explanation."

"I don't know, I didn't think I'd get this far."

"Well, It seems like we need to start together now, after all, if we don't we might lose the gym," Misty said, grabbing Daisy and Violet by the scruff of their shirts and dragging them away.

A few days later the 4 sisters were working on the Gym along with some other People who were hired to help rebuild the Gym. Daisy, Violet, and Lily only agreed after they were told they could remodel the Gym, but they still weren't happy about it.

After the working day was over and everyone else went home the sisters sat down to relax a bit.

"I'm honestly surprised you guys are doing as well as you are, I was half expecting one of you to complain about a chipped nail," Misty said, chuckling.

"Well you shouldn't underestimate the sensational sisters," Daisy said overdramatically.

"And besides we haven't been able to go get a pedicure in a week, that's like twice as long as we usually do," Lily said

"Oh that reminds me, Misty I need to tell you something," Daisy said.


"Mom and Dad are coming back."


"That's like what we thought," Violet said.

"Wait, is Dad coming out of retirement, or is he just passing by?"

Daisy just shrugged her shoulders, "They didn't say, I'm not even sure they know what happened with, you know."

"Hm, well when are they going to get here,"

"When is who getting here?" a male voice came out from the hole in the wall.

They all looked at them shaking, at the door was a handsome man with black hair, he had a compact but powerful swimmer physique with Viridian collared eyes. He was wearing what looked to be a button-up shirt. 

Next to him was also a beautiful woman with Orange hair and large...attributes. She was probably in her early 30s yet only looked like she was in her 20s and had blue eyes.

"So does anyone want to tell me what happened while we were gone?" 

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