
First Evolution

After Brock finished saying his goodbyes to his family he walked over to Ash.

"Hey Ash do you mind if I join you on your journey," Brock asked

"Sure, why not the more the merrier, how about you get ready and I'll see you at the Pokemon center," Ash responded, which received a nod from Brock.

Ash and Yellow walked out of the Gym and walked to the Pokemon Center only to be greeted by Nurse Joy.

As Ash walked forward and handed her his Pokeballs and Pikachu Nurse Joy had a sympathetic look, "Hey it's alright almost no one beats Brock on the first try"

"But I won" Ash responded

"I am sure y- what did you say?" Nurse Joy said, "Did you say you won?"

"Yes, Is it that unlikely for someone to win on the first time?" Ash said, showing her the badge.

"No- I mean yes, I mean congratulations I'll go heal your Pokemon" Joy responded as she walked into the back room.

"What was that about?" Yellow asked.

"How should I know?" Ash responded and he shrugged it off, "Anyway I'm going to call Oak, you want to do anything?"

"I will probably go play with Dody and Ratty," Yellow responded

Ash nodded and moved towards the PC and called Oak, and when he picked up the phone he could see Oak had a few cuts and his room was messy.

"Hello my boy, how have you been?"

"Professor, I just won my first Badge but what happened to you?" Ash responded.

"Oh nothing to worry about your Scyther has just been a little aggressive, nothing I haven't dealt with before, anyway how many times did it take before you won?" Oak said as if nothing was wrong.

"Firstly sorry, I couldn't give it a proper battle, secondly I won on the first try," Ash responded.

"Well that makes sense Scyther is ver- did you say you won on the first try?" Oak Asked.

"Yes, is that so unlikely, how many times has it taken for Green or Gary?" Ash was getting confused about how big of a deal everyone was making of this.

"Well, Gary hasn't called me since Viridian City. and Green said she won on her second try, which is already very impressive, but you managed to win on your first."

"Well ain't that interesting, well I'll text Gary later today and ask him but if you remember we made a little deal a week ago once I won."

Oak laughed a little bit before pulling up his computer, "Ok, since I know you are responsible enough, I have given you permission to carry 2 more Pokemon, once you finish let's say the fourth Gym we'll talk about more."

"Perfect, thank you Oak, I'll take Scyther out of your care, I already tamed one aggressive Pokemon, what's one more," Ash said as he took out Scyther and Magikarp.

"Well just be careful Scyther is very dangerous, and that one is very aggressive, so until later my Boy," Oak said as he hung up.

Ash grabbed the Pokeballs from the teleporter and walked over to the table as he waited for his Pokemon.

Nurse Joy eventually walked back to Ash holding his Pokeballs and Pikachu, who jumped back into Ash's Bag, "Pika-Pikachu"

Joy was about to say something before the front doors of the Pokemon center opened, revealing Brock holding a bundle of flowers and running forward, almost pushing Ash out of the way as he went on one knee and handed Joy the flowers.

"Oh, my beautiful Rose I regret to tell you I am finally leaving so I must ask will you marry me one last time!" Brock said in a very eccentric voice.

(I just pulled up a random name generator since Brock would absolutely know this Joy's name. So she will be Rose Joy)

Rose Joy just smiled and took the flowers, "You're finally getting to leave, congratulations, you can finally become a Pokemon breeder like you always wanted." she responded, this was clearly not the first time this had happened.

"But if you are leaving then I can't marry you so I must unfortunately decline," Joy responded as she seemed to be playing along.

"You are making it hard for me to leave, but I must go," Brock said as he grabbed Joy's hand, "But I will return one day Rose, so until that day comes I must unfortunately say goodbye," Brock said as he leaves for dramatic effect.

Yellow was sitting in a corner watching the whole thing before She turns to Joy, "Does he usually do that,"

Joy just put the Flowers into a pot she got ready in the morning knowing this would happen, "Almost every day, can't say I won't miss getting flowers every day, but he should follow his dream."

Yellow nodded then looked at Ash, "Should we follow him" to which Ash responded by sighing and walking out.

"Ok," Yellow says as they wave goodbye to Joy and walk out to meet Brock.

"So is it really alright for me to follow you guys, won't I just slow you down," Brock said as he grabbed his blue hiker's Bag.

Ash nodded his head, "Of course, it is always better to travel with others, besides why wouldn't I want a Rock-type expert in my back pocket." to which Yellow just nodded in agreement.

"Well let's go then, what path are we going to take?" Brock asked as he pulled out a map.

"Well I was planning on going through Mt. Moon but making a stop in route 3" Ash explained receiving a nod as they started the journey.


After a day of traveling, they had just barely gotten into the path for route 3 before they decided to camp for the night, Brock and Ash made lunch for all of them including the Pokemon, and Ash prepared Pokeblokes, to which Brock was curious about.

"Hey Ash, what are those things you are feeding your Pokemon?"

'Oh yeah, I forgot Brock doesn't know how to make poke blocks yet, well no harm in teaching him how to make them early.' Ash thought.

"Well these are Pokeblokes, they are basically treats made with berries that are super nutritious and help pokemon Grow, I can teach you if you want."

"Interesting, if you don't mind I would love to learn," Brock said as Ash explained the basic principles of making Pokeblocks.

After everyone ate they decided to call it a night and went to their tents, but in the tent, Ash decided to pull out his Pokedex and text Gary and Green.


Kanto Kids

Pokemonenjoyer: Hey guys you up?

Smellyoulater: New dex who dis

Leavesonthevine : I'm up

Pokemonenjoyer: Anyway I just got my badge, on my first try too, what about you guys have you left for the next Gym?

Leavesonthevine: Oh congratulations, Yeah I got mine on the second try, though Gary did get his first.

Smellyoulater: Yep I'm just great, I got mine on my first try and one week before you did.

Leavesonthevine: Dude, I was there, you won because your cheerleaders distracted the Gym leader.

Pokemonenjoyer: And you got it a week before me because I started with a handicap and you got a car

Pokemonenjoyer: Also you actually picked up those cheerleaders?

Smellyoulater: So what, I already got the second badge while you guys are still stuck, I bet you haven't even gotten past Mt. Moon.

Leavesonthevine: Firstly we all know the second badge just gives you the badge without a battle, secondly YOU HAVE A CAR!

Pokemonenjoyer Anyway, I am going to take a detour into Route 3 then go through Mt. Moon. What about you guys?

Leavesonthevine: Well I am going to go through Mt. Moon tomorrow.

Smellyoulater: Well since I am so much ahead of you two I will go take out one of the other Gyms that aren't officially licensed by the league.

Pokemonenjoyer: Well I'll go to sleep, see you guys, also Gary You should go call Oak.


As he texted that he decided to stop, before remembering he wanted to turn off the auto teleportation feature. And thankfully because of his chip he can override it quite easily, he only needed permission from Oak to carry more than 6.

After that Ash put his Dex away and went to sleep.

(The Next Day)

Ash had woken up to be greeted by Brock who had woken up earlier and was cooking breakfast.

"Good morning," Brock said, "I usually get up earlier to make breakfast for my siblings, old habits die hard I guess."

"Well that's fine, though I'm going to go into the forest, I need to do something and I don't know how dangerous it will be," Ash said as he grabbed Scyther's Pokeball.

"Well If you are sure, but if you are in danger just call out and I'll help you," Brock said as Ash nodded

Ash then walked a little into the trees farther away before releasing Pidgey from his Pokeball.

Pidgey was drowsy, which made sense since it was early in the morning.

"Hey buddy, do you want round 2 against a Scyther, like the one that beat you during Viridian forest," Ash said.

Pidgey heard this and immediately woke up and was ready. Ash nodded before releasing Scyther.

Scyther as soon as he was released looked around before seeing Ash and remembering what happened in the forest.

"Hey buddy, sorry you didn't get in a real battle so how about we finish this right now, one on one, if you win I'll release you if I win you become my Pokemon," Ash said as he made sure Scyther didn't attack him as he was talking.

Scyther thought about it before nodding, "Scyther," and getting into a fighting stance.

"Well Pidgey, are you ready to get redemption?" Ash asked, getting a yell from Pidgey.

"Let's go then Quick attack now"

Pidgey flew in for a fast hit, to which Scyther also used Quick attack making them clash. Then Scyther used his claws to push Pidgey back.

"Pidgey fly up now, then Tailwind, use the momentum to fly in with a steel wing."

Pidgey flew up, and at that moment Scyther also spread his wings and tried to follow. But Pidgey used his tail to create strong winds to push Scyther back down, then Pidgy used the Speed to dive bomb into Scyther.

Right before he hit Scyther his wings started glowing in steel energy and clashing with Scyther's own arms, then his entire body started glowing as well. And in Pidgey's place stood a larger bird that started pushing the Scyther back


[Pidgeotto (M)]

[Ability: Keen Eye, hidden ability Sniper.]

[Current moves: Quick attack (Basic), Feather Dance, Sand Attack, Steel wing(Basic), Tailwind, Double team, Dual Wingbeat(New), Whirlwind(New)]


As soon as Ash saw this he smiled before turning to the clash, "Pidgeotto, push him back, and let's end this with Dual Wingbeat."

Pidgeotto pushed Scyther back before using his wings to slam the large bug twice leaving Scyther barely standing, before he fell on his knees.

Ash walked forward and patted Pidgeotto before walking up to Scyther and using some Aura healing on him, Scyther felt better and looked towards Ash.

"Well, I won so that means you will be coming with me, don't worry I will make sure you become so strong you'll never have to lose again," Ash said as Scyther bowed, seemingly accepting its defeat.

"Well let's go have breakfast then, we need to introduce you two to everyone."

As they walked back Yellow had gotten up and Brock was still watching where he left, seemingly ready to go running if anything went wrong.

Yellow recognized the large bug that was walking next to Ash and was surprised at first before calming down and seeing Pidgeotto.

"Is that what you went out to do?" Brock asked as he put away the Pokeball he had at the ready.

"Yep, I needed to battle this prideful Scyther, and my small bird evolved," Ash said as he put his arms around his two Pokemon.

"Well Ok then I am glad you're safe so let's eat."


BTW here is Brock's Pokemon.

Geodude, Ability: Sturdy. Moves: Defense curl, Tackle, Rollout, Rock tomb

Kabuto, Ability: Battle Armor, Weak Armor. Moves: Harden, Absorb, Rock tomb

Rhyhorn, Ability: Rock Head. Moves: Horn Attack, smackdown, Stomp, Rock slide

Onix, Ability: Sturdy, Rock Head. Moves: Harden, Tackle, Rock tomb, Rock Polish, Bind, Dig

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