
(Back in action.)

Chapter fourteen:

Kylo Ren raised the crossguard crimson red lightsaber and stared at the hole he had made. It was millimeters away from Rey's body. "What's wrong with me?" Said the Knight of Ren. He started to remember the past battles that they had. Rey was the same as Emperor Palpatine and Emperor Palpatine would find out why that is. Besides he couldn't kill her yet. If he was destroy Emperor Palpatine and seize the Final Order he would need her. "I will kill her after I have seized the Final Order." Said Kylo Ren. Kylo Ren then grabbed the bed that Cale and Rey was sleeping on. He grabbed the mattress and flipped it over. Cale and Rey than jumped up with a start. "Good your up. It's time to start your training down the dark path. Prepare to hate me more than anyone you've ever known." Said Kylo Ren. "I already hate you for waking me up so early." Replied Cale Lestin. "Good than we are half way there." Said Kylo Ren.

"Thank you for the information General Pryde." Said Emperor Palpatine. The link was then cut. "It seems that Supreme Leader Snoke failed me. At least he died on the Supremacy because if he didn't I would make death seem like a paradise." Emperor Palpatine said to himself. A holo image of Kylo Ren, Cale Lestin, and Rey appeared before Emperor Palpatine. "You wish to speak to me Master?" Asked Kylo Ren. "Ah, I see you have the scavenger girl known as Rey and her apprentice Cale Lestin beside you today Kylo Ren." Said Emperor Palpatine. "Yes Master a Navy vessel found them." Replied Kylo Ren. "Well that's good Rey and her apprentice Cale Lestin can accompany you on your next mission." Said Emperor Palpatine. "To Kamino Master?" Asked Kylo Ren.

"Yes it seems that my speculation was correct." Said Emperor Palpatine. "If I can train Rey down the dark side of the Force for at least one more week Master she would become a great asset." Replied Kylo Ren. Emperor Palpatine sighed and said. "I will allow it." Kylo Ren nodded a thank you and Emperor Palpatine cut his link. Kylo Ren stood up and told Rey to stand. "I want you to watch this recording." Said Kylo Ren. "I want to know if you think you could keep up with these two in battle." Replied Kylo Ren. The monitor switched on and Rey saw Emperor Palpatine speaking to Master Yoda. After watching the battle Kylo Ren turned to Rey. "Do you think that you could keep up with them Rey?" Asked Kylo Ren. "No, they are to quick for me Ben." Replied Rey. Kylo Ren turned his head to look at the screen. "Do you think that I am incompetent?" Kylo Ren asked. "What?" Replied Rey.

"Rey you may not have the power yet but you will. Someday you will rise up and destroy Emperor Palpatine and I." Said Kylo Ren. "Ben I would never destroy you." Replied Rey. Kylo Ren interrupted her once again. "Rey have you heard of the Sith'ari?" Asked Kylo Ren. "No, what is it." Replied Rey. "It is a prophecy that a person will be born and lead the Sith to victory. And another to bring balance back to the Force. Emperor Palpatine and everyone else thought that the person it mentioned was my grandfather. But now it seems that it was talking about two people. Emperor Palpatine the one who lead the Sith to victory and then you to bring balance back to the Force by destroying Emperor Palpatine and I. But until that time comes I at least know one thing. You are Emperor Palpatine's granddaughter." Said Kylo Ren. Rey stood there in shock. She then fell to her knees. "But what about my parents on Jakku?" Rey asked him. "They were sterile Rey. Emperor Palpatine is your grandfather. Search your feelings Rey, you know it be true." As Kylo Ren said that he walked out of the room with a confused and shocked Rey behind him. Rey then fell to the floor with tears in her eyes, while Cale Lestin placed a hand on her shoulder rubbing it back and forth to comfort her. Her parents was so kind and she loved them. Now, to know that they were related to Emperor Palpatine was heartbreaking. As much as Rey loved her parents she couldn't consider Emperor Palpatine a grandfather, and after what she and her apprentice Cale Lestin saw in their Force visions it was hard to like a man who killed the Jedis. Maybe if she stayed by Kylo Ren's side she could find a way to reawaken Ben Solo.

Kylo Ren sat in a chair thinking of what he just told Rey. "Maybe I shouldn't have told her." He said to himself. Just then the door slid open. Kylo Ren stood up from his chair. "How did Emperor Palpatine meet my grandmother?" Asked Rey. "Emperor Palpatine never met your grandmother Rey." Replied Kylo Ren. "What?" Said Rey. "Emperor Palpatine's body must have sensed that it was dying and in the final stages of the battle of Yavin he must have gave some of his essence to you when you were still in your mother's womb. Which took your father's DNA and replaced it with his own." Said Kylo Ren. Rey's eyes grew wide. "It's unbelievable I know, but it's the truth." Said Kylo Ren. There was a silence in the room that seemed to last an eternity. The only thing that could be heard was their breathing. Then Kylo Ren finally spoke. "Get ready your training down the dark side of the Force starts now." Said Kylo Ren. "I am ready." Replied Rey.

After the training session had ended Kylo Ren, Rey, and her apprentice Cale Lestin walked into the waiting room. "During this mission to Kamino, Rey and Cale Lestin, y'all will lead a squad of Imperial Commandos to sever the security system so our garrison of troopers can invade the complex." Said Kylo Ren. "No, offense Ben but they will only slow me down." Replied Rey. "Maybe, but they have weapons that you and Cale don't have. Meet your new teammates. This is 07 or Sev. 40 or Fixer. 62 or Scorch, and 38 Boss." Said Kylo Ren.

"Nice to meet you Empress Rey Palpatine and her apprentice Cale Lestin." Said Scorch as she bowed.

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