
65 A true cause


It was a terrible place , wherever we were . It was dark , there were chains hanging from the ceiling and I couldn't tell where they were coming from.

I was chained by my leg and a few feet away was Bee . He was chained completely .

His neck , his arms , his legs and even his waist was chained to a solid wall of concrete . I had tried to reach him but my chains prevented it and then there was the sound.

Everytime I moved towards Bee a growling sound echoed around us , as if in warning . I had given up going to Bee and only watched him . He was motionless and for a stupid moment I thought he was dead but remembered he was already dead when we met .

" Arise ."

I snapped from my thoughts as a ball of red fire moved across the floor . It streaked around and moved like a mouse chasing cheese . It moved towards me and then towards Bee and finally it stood infront of us . The small flame rose and grew out until it formed the outline of a man .

The man was lithe , with dark red hair and a fuzzy beard . He wore a garment of black, like coal and on his head was a crown of ambers floating away . His eyes were pure black and he opened his hands to reveal black claws of crimson onyx .

" Arise Corpse or see your Beloved reduced to ashes ." he said and pointed a finger at me . A red glow began to form at the end of his claw and I swallowed heavily . He was going to kill me !

" Stay away ... from Nymph ." Bee said getting up slowly. He looked pale and his skin was grey looking . His eyes were sunken and I felt my heart shake at the look of him .

" Good . Now we can begin ." the strange man said , " I am Lord Voc , king of Amber and descendant of Magmia . I brought you here because you are the only being capable of helping my kind again , as your predecessor before you ."

" I ... will not . " Bee said slowly and Lord Voc spat on the floor , making it sizzle where his spit hit .

" Do you believe this is a choice on your part ? I have your Beloved and as such , you will help me ." Lord Voc said moved towards Bee , " Or is it because you believe in the Order of existence ? If you do , you are a fool . "

" I don't help those ... who kill humans without reason . " Bee said looking at Lord Voc with narrowed eyes .

" Reason ? " Lord Voc asked , " What other reason than because it is simply the natural order of things . The strong over the weak , the powerful over the pitiful . That is reason enough and even humans agree . "

" I will not help - "

Lord Voc raised his hand and waved it in a arc , a black ashy cloud moved and clawed off a piece of Bee's face and I cried out in alarm . Bee groaned as if in pain but then I saw him grit his teeth . A chunk of flesh was gone from his cheek and I felt my anxious heart break .

" I would cut off your tongue this moment , Corpse." Lord Voc said , " You still believe I offer you a choice . You will help me or I will simply tear the flesh of that mortal you care for . "

" Leave him alone ! " Bee said struggling against his chains .

" I will do as I please . " Lord Voc said turning to me and I moved back instinctively .

" I said leave him ! " Bee said straining harder as Lord Voc moved towards me and I almost screamed when he reached his hand down to me . A moment later a cracking sound resounded and I glanced behind him to see Bee ... ripping his right arm off . He had pulled his hand through the chain was then pulling his arm of it's socket .

" Bee ! " I cried out as he ripped it off and then he threw it at Lord Voc .

Lord Voc turned around and swatted it away and it fell onto the ground . The hand lay a moment and then it rose and stood on it's fingers like a spider . For a moment I felt slight horror as it scurried on the floor and raced towards Lord Voc .

" Enough ! " Lord Voc yelled and he raised his hand and a flash of red fire shot at the animated limb . After a brief flash , there was nothing but ash .

" Listen to me , Corpse ." Lord Voc said turning to Bee again , " You are here because I chose you for one purpose ; To help us destroy the Order of existence and finally take this world back . Why do you fight this ? I know deep down , that you ,as a Corpse ,have no true value for human life if it does not concern your Beloved . All Corpses a like this . Why do pretend to care ? "

" Olibia told me of - "

" Oh , a daughter of Life ? " Lord Voc said moving between us , " She told you tales of long ago and now you believe you know what's right . Fool . She merely told you what you had to hear inorder to abide by the Order . There is more I am sure she did not tell you ."

" You are lying ... Olibia did not - " Bee started but Lord Voc turned around and held a finger .

" Did not lie ? You believe this daughter of Gena to be pure and good . Of course you do , she appears as pure as light ." Lord Voc said and then he gave a gutteral sound I realized was a laugh .

" Tell me this ; Has she told you who you are ? " Lord Voc asked and I was put aback .

" She does not - " Bee started but Lord Voc interrupted again .

" She knows who you were , she knows why you are here and she knows more about you and she will never tell you ." Lord Voc said, " You foolish creature , did you not notice or sense in all this time since your return , some sense of deception ? Or are you so naive as to believe anything you are told ? "

" You're lying . " I said for the first time and Lord Voc turned time with a look of disgust , " Olibia cares for Bee , she wouldn't lie to him."

" You are as foolish as him then . " Lord Voc said , " That two , to be a Corpse's Beloved . You made a fatal mistake there , mortal ."

" I love Bee and I don't regret being his Beloved ." I said bravely and Lord Voc spat on the floor again .

" Disgusting . " he said and I thought of Bobby again .

" What's wrong with me being with him ? Why do you djinn have a problem with that ? " I demanded and my mind told my tongue it was a fool . Don't anger the thing !

" It is wrong , and as profane as the act of creating djinni . " Lord Voc said and then he came and stopped infront of me , " But that will not persuade you , I am sure . Then maybe a little fact about the nature of Corpses and their Beloveds . Tell me mortal ; Do you know what happens when a Corpse goes into hunger and there are no mortals around ? "

I stayed quiet , I did not know the answer and felt sure I wouldn't like it .

" You do not , I see . Let me tell you a story then but I think it is one you know ." Lord Voc said , " The story of the Djinn lover ; Offali . She is said to have fallen for a djinn and that in love she returned to him ... That is a lie ."

" What ? " Bee asked him and Lord Voc turned to him .

" The real reason that Offali came back was not to be with her love but to avenge him . " Lord Voc said , " For you see he was killed by another Corpse , one consumed by hunger . Offali came back to kill all Corpses and all those who stood with them . She was not the Djinn lover but the Djinn martyr of vengeance . "

" What does this have to do with me ? " I asked him and he smiled showing sharp teeth like hooks .

" When Offali killed all those Corpses ... their Beloveds died aswell ." he said and I opened my eyes wide , " Surprised , I see . She did not tell you that if a Corpse is killed , then their Beloved die aswell . Your souls are linked and when one leaves this realm then BOTH perish . "

" You're ... lying . " I said slowly , " Olibia said that when Bee left then I would only feel a pain and that's all ."

" And you believed it . " he said contemptuously .

" Why should we believe you ? " Bee demanded and I nodded my head .

" You can believe me or not ,but I know of one way to prove it ." Lord Voc said and he raised his hand and looked at it . I saw there was a black smear on his wrist and realised it was Bee's blood from the cloud .

" Corpses are nearly invincible ," Lord Voc said with deliberation , and he turned to me ," and their Beloveds are resilient aswell . But both are each other's strength and weakness . "

In quick steps Lord Voc came and clawed my chest with a viscous swipe .

" UGH ! " I cried as my flesh was ripped open. He had come so fast I didn't even know what he was doing until my shirt was torn open .

" Nymph ! " Bee shouted and I layed on the floor trying not to be overwhelmed by the searing pain . It was like fire burning through me .

" Corpse ,look at your own chest ." Lord Voc said and Bee glanced down onto his chest . They had taken his shirt off earlier and he was only in pants .

On his chest were three slashes , dripping black blood and Bee touched them with his left hand .

" What is - " Bee asked and Lord Voc have that terrible guttural sound again .

" The blood of the dead is able to kill a Corpse and injure it but ," he turned to me ," Only through injuring or killing their Beloved . You're linked souls make you vulnerable to each other . "

" Let him go ! " Bee yelled and Lord Voc growled viciously .

" You order no one here , and NEVER me ! " he said and turned away from us ," If you will not fight willingly then ... other means will do . I will rule this world , even if I have to tear your soul in two . "

A moment later he stormed away and we were left in the dark again .

" Nymph . Are you alright ? " Bee asked me and I tried to say yes but my pain wouldn't allow me .

" Rest now . I'll try to find a way to escape . " Bee said and I felt like laughing . Escape ? I thought sadly , there was no escape . We were going to die here ...

I only wish I could be closer to Bee before then , I thought fleetingly .

Now , I know everyone would love a grand Battle royal ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ

<( ̄︶ ̄)>and since I love my readers and their comments ( please write a comment )

we're going to have one ... briefly ,^_________^

Nixel_Lazulicreators' thoughts
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