

It was rumoured that the woman Nico was seeing was the wife of a man who owned a large amount of stakes in a large company making them the biggest shareholder and owner of the company.

The wife was having an affair with Nico according to rumours and he was one of her most loyal followers.

He would do all kinds of bad deeds for her if she asked it of him.

If she asked him to take out the woman her husband was seen meeting in secret then he would arrange it so that they would be disgraced and would never show themselves in front of her husband again.

The wife and husband had a poor relationship from the start and they mainly married due to their family connections.

Her husband was the first one to seek out other women so she had nobody to rely on for a long time until Nico showed up.

All that she could do was to ask Nico to help solve her troubles even if it meant that he would target the women around her husband.

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