
Universal Species' Tier Ranking System

What you are about to read is a simplified ranking system used by most of the universal class species.

Please keep in mind that this list was dumbed down for human viers, and this list only applies to humanoid species.

The ranking system uses in numerical terms a 0-10 distribution system with 10 being the best.

Tier 0 species - Mostly unintelligent, have simple culture, low survivability, simplistic technology, low threat level, and can be handled by non-magical arms such as guns.

Tier 1 species - Basic intelligence, has a defined culture, dominant species of a planet, can communicate and barter, has entered space, has physical, magical, or technological enhancements, survivability off of their host planet, and can be handled by basic war magic or explosive arms.

Lesser Tier 2 species (-2) - Humans of pathetic unenhanced Earth (Modern day humans of our universe)

Tier 2 species - has world-ending technology (nukes), once they take root only destruction of a planet can cause them to die off, dominant species in their solar system, has colonies on multiple planets, has space fairing capabilities, has advanced culture and language, and can only be removed from the universe after extensive effort.

Tier 3 species - Can utilize the complete energy of their host solar system, can wipe out a tier 2 species as a collective group, understands the basic Dao of causality, and has the protection of at least a constellation.

Tier 4 species - Entry-level Galactic species, has galactic fairing capabilities, can easily destroy a plant with no external support, and has the protection of a power equal to multiple constellations.

Tier 5 species - Can absorb energy using only their bodies, can harness the energy of a black hole, can destroy a solar system without external support, and has multiple outsider-level powers.

Tier 6 species - Has potential at birth to absorb the energy of a black hole, can control multiple solar systems with ease, has universal level threat scale, and has access to advanced knowledge of the Dao of probability.

Tier 7 species - Constellation level, surpassed mortal coils causing galactic phenomena at birth, can influence a galaxy with ease, can destroy a tier three species and below with ease, and touches on the understanding of the absolute Dao.

Tier 8 species - Outsider Level, can cause universal phenomena at birth, can influence the universe with planning, can destroy all species below tier 4, and understands the basics of the absolute Dao of causality.

Tier 9 species - Born at the level of an outsider, can destroy a universe with extensive cost, has the protection of the energies, and understands the absolute Dao of causality.

Tier 10 species - Functionally immortal, can destroy an entire universe with minimal effort, on or above the level of the Energies, and can alter the Dao of causality, can create universes at a cost.

While there exists a realm above tier 10, that can alter the principles of Dao, as well as create and destroy infinite universes at will, this tier only belongs to the pinnacle of existence, Demi.

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