
Attack On Ti-Ants

Currently, I am sitting inside helicopter with every Korean S-Rank, even Jin-Woo was also there, and Hae-In on front of him with blush on face. We are just above Jeju Island and waiting for initiation of raid.

I am wearing a normal black shirt and pant and over the shirt I equipped lightweight white chest plate like Bell from Danmachi and on left arm I equipped white Arm guard and finally on both leg I have equipped with leg guard and boot like Licht from Plunderer. And it was looking too cool, with Knotting a jacket at waist. And also carried two katana on the waist.

Some time later, huge mana was exposed by Japanese hunter in different corner of the island. Many ants came out of nest and attack at different direction. And some of the fucking ants started chase our helicopter.

"Allow me to take care of that." Choi Jong-In stepped forward, and putting his finger between the spectacle and flashed it. 'CHOTO MATE' Did he just flashed his glass? That was not in the canon.

And he stared to fire his spell and then jumped to use AOE attack. And Jin-Woo spread his Shadow army to clean and send all other on different direction. We later followed Choi Jong-In and with little much combat assist we reach near a hill like structure.

On entering, it was completely hollow and there was many holes for way into there home.

"That hole has deeper way and I sense one strong lifeforce, some average life force and many unborn life force." I stepped forward and said.

Choi Jong-In, Hae-In and Jin-Woo trusted on me and all entered together inside it.

"I will be guarding outside, I sensed most strongest ant flying outside in greater speed."

No one said anything to me, they thought I am just child and is finding an excuse to not enter inside. But Jin-Woo and Hae-In know that, How much of Battle maniac was I? And he sent a shadow soldier inside my shadow.

After I got out I ran toward where Shimizu was. As I reached I saw Beru attacking Shimizu.

'Nice timing' I rushed and blocked the attack on Shimizu, 'Clank' Beru claw were stopped by my Katana, Shimizu was terrified a she realized What would have happened if I was not there. Everyone also sweated about how fast both of us were.

'Blergh' I vomited, fuck this is too f*cking disgusting smell coming from Beru, 'I should have brought mask', I used Biokinesis to cut sense of smell from me.

Beru than started to attack me continuously and I parried it repeatedly, I can feel that he was smiling on inside to fight, after all he was a battle maniac.

I say that Shimizu and other talking through communicational channel. I suppose they are informing Goto about the Ant and me.

As, we both were attacking each other, suddenly Beru started to use his leg and also copied my movement technique. I want to make him my shadow soldier but NO I have other candidate on mind as I know I can travel through multiverse.

'Swoosh' I saw Goto stepping forward to attack Beru, but as Beru was fighting me he just flicked his hand a little and Goto one arm got cut and he crashed into a tree.

'Nice, I owe you one' I mentally gave a thumbs up to Beru.

"Hey, Shadow, call your King and say that he will have fine general to add in his army."

A second later Jin-Woo came and stared at Beru and felt his potential.

"Thanks, I owe you one."

"Then, I am going to beat Queen."

The reason I called Jin-Woo to fight him because if Jin-Woo himself don't defeat Beru, Beru will not submit and will resist his summon as Shadow, and as basically queen is not need by Jin-Woo, I should just kill her.

I gave a teleportation dagger to Hae-In before, so I directly teleported near her. I then started to kill the Royal guard one by one.

"Where did Jin-Woo went?"

"Oh, he was needed outside, as you can see one egg hatched here is a super weapon of the queen which was made to kill and grow and he is the most powerful and Jin-Woo is fighting him."

And like that we advanced toward Queen.

I used Ice attack directly inside ant or use Katana to break through the f*cking shell. And we were clearing way toward the Queen.

And Ant Queen arrived, no it should be renamed as Breeding pig ant. Anyway, she is easy to kill other than her hard tortoise shell. And I have to careful of body slam.

I used sword wave to cut her antenna before she call other ant, and one by one we cut her leg, Jong-In was Taunting her with rapid fire and Flash fire, meanwhile the giant was tanking to protect Jong-In. The healer guy buffed all of us. Baek, Hae-in and me all surrounded her and attacked together.

And Finally I maintained distance and Mimicked Crimson Abyss final attack stance.

"Multiple Normal Slash" And with Swoosh-Swoosh, I cut through the Queen ant, and Did I saw, dimension also being shifted a little? I doubt that whether Lucia Crimson Abyss is illegitimate child of Vergil.

"I gotta go outside." I teleported outside, I surprisingly found one thing that I can feel the frequency of ant signal through Queen Antenna, So I raised her antenna and poured electric pulse and resonated with frequency and with Omni Linguistic skill, I mimicked Ant language and said to return back to Island. And ha ha, Every ant outside the Island returned and were crowded in one place.

"Now I gonna try this, "GATE OF BABYLON"" *Swoosh**Swoosh*.....

Many thousand weapon came out and rained over the crowded ant and Jin-Woo collected all the ant shadow, A complete win-win situation.

"Hey are you not ashamed to peek on girl through shadow."

Jin-Woo appeared near me, "When did you noticed."

"Oh, I calculated that the angle of sun above my ends with 60 Degree and with that my shadow should be root 3 times smaller than me blah blah blah..."

"Stop, stop, I got it."

"Anyway, Congratulation, from tomorrow onward you will be used as phone wallpaper on every girl phone." Now that I think, even I will become popular, Wouldn't I become Fap material for everyone? "NO WAY".


Currently, I am in front of TV and watching my own video which is being viral everywhere, from Beru Brawl to Cheap GOB. And even a nickname was granted to me 'SWORD PRINCESS' and WAS IT NECESSARY TO ADD PRINCESS WITH THAT?

Anyway I became too super popular that, I am hiding away from media, who are crowding outside my apartment. Good thing is that there was no Death count in the Raid, and bad thing is that Goto was healed by Shimizu at least his pride got shattered.


Now, I am front of Jin-Ah apartment, as they called me for dinner. As I ringed the bell I saw Jin-Ah mom opening the door, "Oh are you Jin-Ah friend."

"Yes Aunty, nice to meet you."

And after entering I saw Hae-In sitting inside, and as she saw me she acted like she has cheated me. "Oh, it seem Unnie forgot about her little sister because of his husband."


"Mean, you will marry in future, Congrats in advance, I hope to get a Little Niece soon."

"SEO-AH YOU!" It seem she noticed that I was teasing her. She grabbed my ear and twisted it.

"Ow ow, sorry, I will not tease you anymore." She release her grip.

"For today only." I ran and entered Jin-Ah room, to find Jin-Ah Undressing, and staring me with blush.

I undressed my cloth, "Wha_" "We are fair now." I cut her word.

"That's not What I mean." Thuk.. we both say Jin-Ah mom entered.

She stared and "Sorry for disturbing you. Come to Living room after you finish your work." Thuk..

We both were dumbfounded that we were approved but Jin-Ah ran after her for explaining.

I facepalmed, first brother, now mother, only his father is left to catch us together.


Now, I am eating on dinning table, and dishes are fried chicken, soup, rice etc. And Jin-Ah mom was talking to Hae-In about her life and later she talked with me and also asked about Jin-Ah in School.

Anyway, after dinner, I went out but stopped by man in black, I mean An American with professional suit.

"Is it Hunter Seo-Ah."


"I am Senior agent Adam White, from US's Hunter Bureau"

"How can I help you?"

"I can give you an important information but you have to meet someone for that."

"Show me the way."

He took me into a resort, Inside a room there were many Americans office worker from A-C rank hunter.

"Nice to meet you, I am deputy director Michael Connor."

"I am Seo-Ah"

"I will be straightforward hunter Seo-Ah, this is Paper to immigrate to America, with one sign you can become American Citizen."

"Why would I do that?"

"Have you heard of upgrader, an Awakener who further Awaken a Hunter."

"How would I believe that?"

"Escort Miss Selner to room."

"Only Awakener who can help Hunter to exceed their limit, She is Miss Norma Selner"

"Miss Norma you can explain from here onward."

"You can't believe it? Don't you? All the other hunter had your eyes at first, but once you experience it, you will have no choice but to cling on to it."

"No, I don't want to addicted to drugs. Sir Connor, I think you mistakely brought a Drug dealer,"

"Pfffft" one on the back tried to suppress it but laughed out, and everyone facepalmed.

"What I mean that, you would want to gain more more upgrade as it is only limited to Once per year because of cooldown, but only thrice will work on every hunter."

"How about, I unlock once as service, then you may decide what to do."

"Fine, let's start with it."


I will make sure this brat beg me later to get upgrade after all she insulted me as drug dealer.

I hold her hand. "Look into my eye closely."

After sometime I enter her mind scape, I saw a whole beautiful scene with ocean, floating island, and finally the red ruby like core, I suppose that is her potential. I have never this beautiful mindscape in any other hunter.

I stepped forward to touch her potential, but it didn't came to my hand, and suddenly a tremor came and a giant dragon formed from the Red Ruby, it was made of black and blue scales, with red eye and was too majestic, but it turned toward me and pressured me with killing intent.

I suffocated and saw strand of my soul are dispersing little by little


I came out but I still felt suffocated, she is true monster.


As I thought she had same experience as she had with Jin-Woo in canon, I think this all thanks to Infinite Potential EX.

Finally, they apologized to waste my time and sent me away, somehow I feel disgusted that I let her upgrade my potential.

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