
47. Let’s Get Bloody Serious

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"Basilisk?!" Harry and Hermione exclaimed together.

"Take a seat," Happy told them and read the short description from the book. "This snake, which may reach a gigantic size and live many hundreds of years, is born from a chicken's egg... This snake, which may reach a gigantic size... has a murderous stare, and all who are fixed with the beam of its eye shall suffer instant death!"

Happy looked at the two. "There was water when I found Lockhart. He likely didn't see the Basilisk's eyes directly. The same was the case with Neville, as described by George and Fred. As for Ginny, she was in the bathroom, a place with mirrors, and Malfoy was found standing in front of a trophy rack, which had a glass casing. And Harry, did you say you heard sounds, angry hissing?"

Harry nodded. "I did."

"Have you experienced any strange situation that involved a snake before? Try to remember," Happy inquired.

Harry instantly remembered the Zoo incident before receiving the Hogwarts letter. "I once talked to a snake in the Zoo. I mistakenly used magic and freed it, and the snake said thanks."

"Then you're a parseltongue—you can talk to snakes," Happy exclaimed, acting shocked himself. "The one who gave you the scar could do it too."

Harry involuntarily touched the scar on his forehead. "Then... I'm the heir or something?"

"No, but close," Happy blurted. "Anyway, I looked further into everything. The same thing happened in forty-three, almost half a century ago. Back then, Hagrid and his pet spider were blamed, and he was expelled from school. Myrtle was the girl who died from the direct gaze of the snake back then, and the school nearly came to a closure."

Happy had realized that the plot of Harry Potter's story that he knew about was almost redundant. He could not rely on details of what was going to happen, but he felt he could still at least rely on the secrets that were hidden, the hidden pasts of the people, and the general knowledge of the world. Who was good, and who was bad.

"But how is this possible? Basilisks have gone extinct," Hermione exclaimed. "I read about it in the same book you gave me, Happy, the one about Herpo The Foul."

"As I said, Basilisks can live for hundreds of years. The general knowledge is that no Basilisks have been 'seen' in a long time. However, that does not mean they are not living somewhere hidden or in hibernation. What if the Basilisk in the school was hibernating inside the closed chamber of secrets? And got freed once the chambers opened?"

'I can't tell them this is Voldemort's doing for now since Harry didn't find the diary. Hermione is too intelligent. She might catch on to my unnatural knowledge.' Happy thought and decided to pull back a bit.

Harry and Hermione blankly sat there and thought about everything. They wondered if telling the professors would work, but on another note, they were deterred by what happened in the past. Nobody was sane enough to believe a Basilisk was roaming inside the school half a century ago. So why would they believe it now?

Hermione looked at Happy's face, which appeared confident as if he had made up his mind. Having known him so well, she instantly felt horrified. "No, Happy—You're not doing it. I know what you're thinking... you can't fight a giant Basilisk."

'What the!' Happy was honestly shocked. 'How did she guess that? Am I that predictable?'

At that point, Harry jumped. "She's right, Happy. It's dangerous, so let's go together."

(•ˋ _ ˊ•)

"No! Let's first go and speak with Professor Dumbledore. He's stronger than any of us combined. What can three kids even do against a Basilisk?" Hermione questioned.

Happy had no qualms with her complaining because she neither had the protagonist's armor nor his memory. For her, imagining Harry killing the snake and defeating the Dark Lord alone was as impossible as the sun rising from the West.

"Fine, let's go then." Happy picked up the book, just in case he was proven wrong.


They hurried through the corridors, and reached McGonagall's office, only to find it vacant too.

Harry's frustration mounted. "Where is she?"

Their worry deepened as they continued their search for Professor Flitwick instead. However, their quest for answers yielded another shocking revelation.

They stumbled upon a group of whispering Ravenclaws. It turned out that Dumbledore and McGonagall had been forcibly removed from their positions by the Board of Governors.

They also learned of Hagrid's fate. The groundskeeper was sent to Azkaban, adding another layer of problems.

Disheartened, just as they walked back to the library, preparing to discuss their dwindling options, an echoing voice reverberated through the corridors, drawing their attention. It was an announcement, summoning all the students to gather in the Great Hall.

The Great Hall, usually filled with laughter, now hummed with an air of uncertainty. Professor Flitwick stood before them, his small stature seemingly burdened by the weight of the news he carried.

His voice trembled with sadness and frustration, "Due to the demands of the parents, the school will be shutting down. They insist on the immediate removal of their children. Muggle parents will also be informed of the situation..."

A hushed silence fell over the students, broken only by the gasps of disbelief.

"It's probably Draco's father," Happy commented. "He's on the school's board of governors. But I can't blame him. His son was petrified, after all."

"Without Dumbledore, how will we stop this?" Hermione asked in defeat. "They don't even know what's causing this."

Happy sighed and decided to postpone any actions for the time being. He was not prepared yet, and he needed to make a plan first, not only for the Chamber of Secrets but for any future problems too.

"Let's stop for now and return to our rooms to think. We need to clear our heads first," he suggested to them. "Don't go out either. I don't want you two to end up petrified now."

"Talk about yourself." Hermione pointed her finger at his face. "If anyone, we know it'll be you running around."

"Because I have Koko, who can make rooster noises. The snake can't threaten me, Hermione. So let's go."

They returned to the Gryffindor common room, seeking refuge amidst the tense atmosphere that had engulfed the school. But as they entered, the sight that greeted them was disheartening. Dozens of students were scattered around, their bags packed, waiting anxiously for their parents to arrive and take them home.

They also saw all the older Weasley brothers gathered together with sorrowful faces.

"Fred! George!" Harry ran over.

"How is Ginny?" Hermione asked.

"They sent her to Saint Mungo's with all the other victims," Percy answered.

"You should also go home." George Weasely came to advise Happy. The mischievous boy had lost the smile on his face after Ginny's incident.

"I have nowhere else to go." Happy replied honestly. "I'm in more danger outside than here."

"What about you, Harry?" George looked further at the couch. "Muggle world has got to be safer for you."

Harry, sadly, had no idea. "I don't think Dursleys will accept me back home this early. How is Ron, by the way? We haven't seen him."

"He left already to Saint Mungo's with Ginny." Fred appeared and briefed. "We're going there too. Stay safe, you three. See you later."

With that, the boys also left. Slowly, more and more students came and bid their farewell before heading out. Only a few muggle-borns were left after that, as muggle parents could not be as fast to deal with all the magical affairs.

Seeing that, Happy felt more worried for them. 'Considering Voldemort's hatred for Muggle-borns, this will become a bigger problem. And if any of them were to die, the school would definitely be closed. I can't let that happen; this is my safe zone for the next few years.'

"Harry, I'm going to the Hospital Wing to get some potion for a headache. See you later." Happy rose and walked out, not waiting for Harry to speak and follow him.

Happy walked around the school corridors, noticing students waiting for their parents in groups.

He saw the Slytherin students leaving one by one, picked up by their parents, walking out the front gates. Then there were the Hufflepuff students, and lastly, the Ravenclaws. Slowly, Hogwarts got emptier and emptier.

But then, a girl broke away from a group of girls and approached Happy.

"Cho? Are those your parents?" Happy looked at the two adults waiting by the gates.

"Yeah, they came to pick me up. Before I leave, I just wanted to say goodbye, Happy. I hope to see you again when this is all over...Be safe." Cho couldn't say everything she wanted to. She blurted out a couple of words before waving and running off to her parents.

He waved back and continued walking. Once he was sure nobody was looking, he went straight to Professor Snape's office in the potion lab. The door was unlocked, meaning the man was inside. But Happy didn't shout and went directly to the office.

"Lost your manners, Lestrange?" Snape's judging voice came soon enough.

It honestly made Happy a bit calmer, seeing Snape never really acted surprised or flustered. The man seemed to be calm and confident at all times.

'I need his help, not just this time but also in the future. I have to bring him to my side—not the dark, not the light—MY SIDE.' Happy had made up his mind and had formed a crude plan to help Severus Snape achieve what he desired the most, after Lily, of course.

Happy knew Snape more than the man knew himself. Snape was a repressed, solitary man with no friends. In his early life, he was insecure and vulnerable, and yearned to be part of something better. As a child, the bleak normality of working-class suburbia compounded with his neglectful Muggle father inspired his hate for ordinariness. This urgent desire to be a part of something powerful and important was what drew him to Lord Voldemort's inner circle.

But what did he find there? Even more despair. The master he served used him and killed the woman he loved so dearly.

The man wanted recognition, admiration, and respect from others, but the character he cultivated from his experiences was a hindrance in his own way forward.

'I may just be a fifteen-year-old kid, but I can't let this second life be wasted. My luck is useless if I never take any initiative and only hope for a miracle to occur without moving. So, Professor Severus Snape—let's first turn you into a legend.'

Veins popped on Happy's temple as he pondered a lot regarding his next word, which would change not just his but also the other man's destiny.

"I'm sorry, Professor, but I need your help—please teach me a stronger dueling attack!" Happy requested, making the most pitiful puppy face possible. "I really need it to save myself out there!"

Snape glanced back and kept on looking at Happy's face. He noticed a strange look of helplessness and fear.

That was when he remembered that if the school got closed, Happy was going to be thrown into the palms of Death Eater, who wanted nothing but his blood.


Special thanks to *phong thanh nguyen* *andy cohen* *Martin Bosley*

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