
Parts of Masika (Part 3)

DIMENSION: MANGA (The One That Saves the Day)

"What do you mean is it Miho?" Jounouchi asked Yuugi. He glared at Honda. "Hey Friend-back-from-the-dead, I've been waiting for this moment for so long, but I gotta ask? What does Yuugi mean? Are you, 'cause you better not be, and I'm all emotional right now so- you're not screwing around on Shizuka?!"

"No, no!" Honda waved his arms. "Nothing like that."

"Who is Shizuka?" Miho asked.

"Um?" Honda didn't know how to answer. He looked back at Jounouchi. "It's just friends."

"Then why are you glowing red with a ton of sin?" Jounouchi asked. "I know you, Man, you were doing something wrong and you got caught!"

"Oh, I know the answer to this dilemma," Satiah answered casually. "It has nothing to do with the woman in his arms now."

"I don't need any help, really," Honda said to her.

"Then what's it about?" Atem asked her.

"Nothing large," Satiah answered. "He just held me in the borders between the living world and afterlife."

Honda got very expressive and nervous with a chuckle. "Ixnay!"

Anzu just smiled. "It's fine, it was just a friendly hug."

"There were no clothes in the afterlife," Satiah continued. "We were both naked and it made him uncomfortable."

Honda made that strange laugh again, lighting up as red as a light bulb. "Hey, friendship!"

"He was there for me when I needed him. I did not know him much before, but he was brave and helpful. A brave warrior in a crisis," Satiah said. "Nothing ever unmanly happened, he died with a wonderful grace to save me."

"Anzu looks like Satiah," Yuugi uttered.

"He saved her," Anzu said slowly. "Then again, Satiah is never bashful with her body."

"Clothes are protection, nothing more," Satiah answered her.

"I was just trying to make her feel better and save her life, I'm no perv, I swear!" Honda yelled. "Ah, hey? How's it feel having all those powers to like get anything in the world right now? Must be pretty spectacular?"

"You're more of a disease than a boyfriend."

Everyone turned to look at Kaiba. He didn't say anything else.

"Yuugi, it's fine," Jounouchi told him. "It wasn't Anzu or nothing. It's like getting mad at someone for seeing another twin naked or something."

"Um? Not. Mad," Yuugi said slowly. Oddly. "Just."

"Not. Mad," Anzu said too. "Just. Weird." She shook her head at Honda, then nodded, then shook it again. "Thanks for saving her, and doing what you had to, Honda. She's really important to me," she smiled at Honda. "That was a real friend of you. But?" Her expression changed into anger as her eyebrow twitched. "Don't do that ever again!"

"Yeah, no, I promise! I'll never look at her again, I didn't even like what I saw!" Honda shouted. "I mean? I mean not that I hated it," he said as he looked at her. "Just. I appreciated the aesthetics of it instead of it's sexiness?"

Miho just laughed at him. "I forgot what a silly man you were." She stroked her cheek. "I always knew you were silly, but, you are more than silly when it counts."

"I apologize, Jounouchi," Kaiba said to Jounouchi.

"Uh?" Jounouchi looked toward Yuugi. "I know you're getting a lot of power for wishes to come true, but you didn't just wish that? I mean, do dreams come true or . . .?"

"It's the least I can say," Kaiba said. "All these years I thought you were the most wasted use of space that mankind had to deal with. Your card tactics are pitiful for as long as you've been playing, you still get rash with your moves making tons of mistakes. There isn't anything much I can say good about you, except that you aren't as much of the vermin of humanity I thought you were."

"It's a sort of . . . nice thing?" Yuugi shrugged at Jounouchi, not really getting it.

"Yeah, I kinda get it?" Jounouchi didn't know what else to say. "Why are you saying all these sort-of-nice things to me?"

"Because, I don't notice the real vermin to call them out," Kaiba answered, looking toward Honda. "They are so low to the ground, they are always getting stepped on. You don't even know they exist until they get in your way."

///Yuugi: Uh? Atem, is Kaiba talking about Honda? He's never even paid attention to him.///

///Atem: He never had to notice him. It is sadly similar to what Kaiba just said, he never had need to notice Honda.///

///Yuugi: Strange. I didn't think he'd say anything until at least Shizuka was here.///

"What are we waiting on?" Kaiba complained. "There's a thousand more things to fix, aren't there?"

They restored all the fallen souls that were lost because of what happened. They restored the battleships with their immortal soul freedom, or their lives if they just passed recently. They asked for restoration of Domino City, and for restoration of other things destroyed because of the occurrence.

They didn't want to disturb time. Humanity would have to make up its own mind about what happened because erasing all the bad times would also erase the good. Yuugi being with Anzu and having his son. Jounouchi having Mana the way she had been.

The next question was Bakura, The Bandit Thief King.

"He can stay here with me," Ryou Bakura said. "I don't mind. I've been getting used to him, and he still needs some help to learn to become a better person." He smiled. "Like not cursing me out inside when I say things like that. We'll get there." He gestured to Satiah. "I'm sure you can become good friends again."

She just smiled as she went toward Anzu and Hikaru. Mokuba was over there too now.

"Okay, I think that's everything," Jounouchi told Yuugi. "Except, you know, the thing that matters most. My sister? Why isn't she ready yet, where's Shizuka?"

"She broke from her monster to defend it's attack," Bastet told Yuugi. "It will be at least another year before she can come back without it. She gave it to Kaiba."

"Then tell her to take it back," Kaiba demanded.

"Still, real caring for my sister. I think?" Jounouchi seemed unsure. "You know, I wish you'd kind of be mean to her like you are everyone else. Guys that are super nice to girls are usually looking for something."

"Like friendship?" Kaiba scoffed. "Are you going to give me a damn friendship speech?"

"I don't think he's trying to give you a friendship speech," Mokuba told his brother. "I think maybe Jounouchi sees something between you and his sister."

Anzu leaned toward Yuugi. "Have I been missing something?"

Yuugi leaned back toward her. "Maybe. With the shop restored, we could play a game tonight?" He watched her expression. "Um. Unless? I mean." He looked at Hikaru that was no resting in Anzu's arms. "If you still want to be a dancer in America, you can be, but I want to move there with you. We have Hikaru, and I? You know how I feel about you. You've known a long time."

"Oh, Yuugi." Anzu hugged him, mindful of Hikaru in her arms. "Let's see where we end up later. I just want to enjoy my life with you two." She smiled. "Wherever I go? You'll be there with me."

"Works for me, Anzu Mazaki," he said as he gave her a kiss.

Jounouchi glanced from Kaiba, to Honda, to Kaiba, to Honda. "I don't like any options."

"What are you even talking about?" Honda asked. "What options? Why does it have to take so long for Shizuka?"

Then, a familiar glimmer they had seen several times before had revealed itself.

"Shizuka," Kaiba called out first.

"Seto!" She grabbed onto him and Mokuba. "You two are okay."

"Seto?" Honda looked toward Jounouchi. "What?"

"That was the stupidest move you could make, while being the most brilliant too!" He criticised and complimented her. "Mokuba is alive because you sacrificed yourself for him."

"I am?" Mokuba asked. "Wow, thanks Shizuka."

"But that thing?" Kaiba pointed toward Honda. "He's a cheating, lying, perverted bastard that has ill intentions and no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Dump him."

Yuugi blinked. ///Yuugi: He is not even going to act subtle about it, is he Atem?///

Atem just smirked. ///Atem: Since when has Kaiba ever done subtle?///

"Wait, what?" Honda said to Kaiba. "What the hell? That's not fair, I haven't done anything! Why are you even bothering to pick on me? You always go for Jounouchi."

"Honda." Shizuka backed away from Kaiba, fidgeting with her fingers. "I'm glad your safe, hi."

"Hi. Hi, hi." Honda moved some from Miho. "You helped save the world. Pretty big move for you? What are you wearing?"

"She's out of her usual drabs when she's with me," Kaiba answered for her.

"Drabs?" Honda sighed. "That guy, he's never nice." He just smiled at Shizuka. "It's good to see you." He glanced to Miho. "This is Miho, a friend from high school I bumped into in the afterlife."

"Hello." Miho held out her hand. "Um?"

"Uh? Oh, you're still blind? I thought the wishing would have corrected that?" Honda asked Yuugi. "That not part of it?"

"Her winnings she turned in for Mai," Yuugi told him. "They can't reverse it. Not for anything involved in a gods game."

"Oh. Damn, sorry," Honda apologized to her. "Do you want a hug?"

Yuugi looked toward Shizuka.

"He is very good at hugging," Satiah tried to help. "He hugged me."

"That's different, that stuff, let's not talk about that stuff," Honda said awkwardly. "Hey, I saved a life. Pretty good, right?"

"Um. Yeah." Shizuka looked kind of odd too. "There's something, I know, that I should . . ."

"He's not worth telling," Kaiba said. "You still control the power of the dragon, you don't need that bottom dweller."

"Seriously, what is your problem?" Honda said to him. "Saving the world is done, you don't have any more control over Shizuka."

"Seto doesn't control me," Shizuka disagreed. "Don't talk like that. Please. Let's talk privately." They left the area.

Atem glanced at Kaiba giving Mokuba something. Mokuba headed toward Shizuka and Honda but didn't interrupt. ///Atem: A new beginning is not always easy for everyone. This happy reunion won't stay happy for long. Perhaps you should take Anzu and Hikaru out of here.///

////Yuugi: Yeah, if she tells Honda, it might get kind of sticky around here./// "Anzu, are you ready to go back home? I think it might be a good idea?" He said it in a way for her to understand.

"If you think so, then we better go," Anzu agreed. "I'm free and happy and I don't want anything to ruin that feeling."

"Sure. We need to go to my game shop," Yuugi said to Isis. "Atem can handle the rest."

"The kindness you show, Yuugi," Atem said toward him with a shake of his head and then a smirk. "We helped save the world. I'll handle the cleanup. I will see you soon."

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