
Capital of Eldariel

When we arrived at the elven capital, we got off the giant mining cart and stretched before walking around.

The same elf that gave us the tour was the one who guided us through the town.

Even though this was the capital, it wasn't nearly as big as other non-capital cities in other countries.

Contrary to the Silverleaf settlement, the capital had stone paths and roads. However, they looked quite rough, and it was easy to tell that those streets weren't made for carriages to ride on.

The capital had a lot more elves living in it, which was expected. Still, everyone stared at us when they saw us walking by.

When we got closer to the castle, two elf guards blocked our path with their spears and inquired about our visit.

Out of all the elves that we had seen, the two guards seemed the most unfazed about our presence in their city. In fact, they didn't even make eye contact with us.

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