
HP: Daphne's Slave Jasmine Potter

Autor: 0DarkWolf0
Libros y Literatura
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Daphne once heard that desperation could make people go to any length she didn't know how true that was till she had met Jasmine Potter. Fem! Harry, BDSM, SMUT, Lemon Fem!Harry/Multi -I don't own Harry Potter. This story does not belong to me. The original can be found by name in the search engine.

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Chapter 1Chapter 1: Escaping Privet Drive

Jasmine let out a sigh at her situation. She was into her third week of summer break from Hogwarts, and unlike every other kid in the world, she couldn't wait for school to start again.

At first, the summer holidays weren't that bad. She was allowed to go out on her own, and her Aunt and Uncle even encouraged it, unlike every other year when she was forced to do every chore in the house and all the gardening work.

The only downside was that neither Ron nor Hermione replied to any of the letters she had sent them. And then it went from okay to possibly the worst summer holiday she had ever had.

First, her Aunt and Uncle had some people over to seal a deal with her uncle's business. They had been bragging about it for the last week or so, but Jasmine didn't care, and ever since, she had learned about the untold amount of gold she had. Jasmine was just counting down every year till she moved out and never saw her Aunt and Uncle ever again.

She hadn't been allowed to be at the dinner that they were throwing, not that she wanted to. The less time she spent around them, the better, as far as Jasmine thought.

Even five days later, Jasmine still wasn't sure how everything could have gone so wrong. It had all started when she had gone to her room unexpectedly there was something waiting for her in her room.

A house-elf called Dobby was waiting in her room. She had never heard of a house elf before but couldn't help but feel bad for the creature. His clothing was even worse than hers, and her clothing all came from charity shops. She was just glad she wasn't a boy, or she guessed she would be forced to wear Dudley's old clothes.

Apparently, Dobby had come to stop her from returning to Hogwarts as something terrible was going to happen this year at Hogwarts. Jasmine guessed Dobby didn't know that Voldemort was teaching at school last year.

She had quickly learnt that Dobby had been intercepting her post between her and her friends in an attempt to make her not want to return to Hogwarts. Jasmine had then let her anger get the better of her as she tried to snatch the letters out of Dobby's hand, who had quickly jumped out of the way before running downstairs.

Dobby then tried to make her swear that she wouldn't return back to Hogwarts, which she refused to do as Hogwarts was a place that felt like home to her, and she wouldn't ever give that up.

Dobby had then used his magic to levitate a cake and drop it on her Uncle and Aunt's guests, which caused the deal to fall through.

In response, the Ministry of Magic sent her a letter about using magic outside of school, letting her Aunt and Uncle know she wasn't allowed to use magic.

For the last five days, she had been locked in her room all day, every day other when she was allowed to the bathroom once in the morning, and again at night, she wasn't even allowed out to get food having it delivered via a cat flap that her uncle had installed in her door.

Her owl had also been locked up in her cage, so she could no longer fly at night. If it weren't for the lack of bars on the window, Jasmine would have been sure that she was in prison.

Jasmine let out another sigh as she rolled her wand between her fingers. Part of her was really tempted to do magic again and hope that a worker from the Ministry would come, and as long as she showed them how she was locked in and her owl caged, she would most likely not get in trouble.

As she looked out the window, she noticed something that just didn't seem right. There were two points of light in the sky that appeared to be moving and getting closer.

As the light got loser, Jasmine reached under her pillow and grabbed her father's invisibility cloak. Other than her wand, it was the one item that never left her person.

Not only was it an incredibly useful item, but it was also the only thing of her dad's that she had, and she would never let it out of her sight. She quickly wrapped herself in the cloak and vanished from sight as the light got close enough to light up her entire room.

Jasmine quickly noticed that it was a flying car, and in the front, she saw Fred and Gorge and noticed that there was someone else in the back seat that she guessed was Ron.

Seeing that they were not enemies, Jasmine pulled her cloak off as the car pulled up to the window, and she walked over to the window and slid it open.

"Hey, Jasmine fancy seeing you here," Fred said with a smirk.

"Fred, George, Ron, what are you all doing here?" Jasmine asked, still surprised to see them in a flying car.

"Well, you didn't answer any of mine or Hermione's letters in the last one. I said if you didn't reply, we would come to get you," Ron said.

"Ya, a house elf has been intercepting my mail," Jasmine said, still annoyed at the amount of trouble that Dobby had caused her.

"Never mind that, let's get your stuff and get out of here," Fred or George said, crawling out of the car and into Jasmine's room.

"The door is locked, and we can't use magic to open it," Jasmine said.

"Well, it's a good thing we have this then, isn't it," Fred said, pulling out a swiss army knife.

Seeing Jasmine still confused, the twins explained. "This can open up any muggle lock and undo normal binding as well. Most wizards would think it's useless, but it has come in handy many times."

The twins pushed one of the picks into the lock that opened with a click.

"My trunk is in the cupboard under the stairs. Be careful. The 3rd to the last step creaks loudly," Jasmine warned them as she grabbed Hegwid's cage and handed it to Ron in the back of the car.

The next few minutes felt like a lifetime to Jasmine as she waited for Fred and George to come back with her truck. In fairness, as long as she got her broom, she could just rebuy everything else that she had as she wasn't going to be using the books from year one again.

Or maybe she could donate them to Ron's sister as she doubted the Weasleys would be buying Ginny a new copy due to the cost, and hers were in excellent condition.

As she was thinking, Fred and George came back into her room, with one carrying her trunk and the other carrying her broom.

"Let me get the car spun around, and they can be placed in the boot," one of the twins said as he crawled back into the car.

The car silently was turned around, something that Jasmine was glad for as she was sure, her Uncle had trained himself to wake up at any hint of noise from her room. It would be commendable if it was done so he would have a reason to punish her for anything.

The boot opened, and Jasmine was surprised to see that the boot was far larger than it should have been and looked like it could easily fit five or six trucks in the boot.

Closing the boot, one of the twins spun the car around again, and both the other twin and Jasmine crawled into the car. Part of Jasmine wished she could see what her Aunt and Uncle's face looked like when they found her gone in the morning.

She didn't bother to leave them a letter as they wouldn't care that she wasn't there in the morning.

"Let's go," Ron said as the car turned invisible and flew into the sky.

Jasmine looked out the window as they flew higher into the sky. No matter how many times she had flown, she had never seen such a sight before.

It was hard to picture the size of the town that she had lived in all of her life, but so high up in the sky, she could see how small Little Whinging was. Jasmine made a promise to herself that after she was an adult, we would travel around and explore the magical world.

She was sure that each country had its own history, appearance, and customs vastly different from the UK magical world. Jasmine was sure if she asked Hermione, she would be able to tell her how each and every one was different, but it wouldn't be the same as actually seeing it with her own eyes.

Jasmine wasn't exactly sure how the twins knew where they were going, but the journey only took a few hours, far less than she guessed it would if they had to drive on the road. Jasmine was curious how long it would have taken on her broomstick, given it was much faster than the car.

Jasmine looked out the window as the Weasley home came into view, and it had to be the strangest home that Jasmine had ever seen. The ground floor was a large square shape with a jutting rectangle coming from the middle that went up two or maybe three stories, with another rectangle joined to that with wooden posts that came down just next to the front door.

"It's not much, but it's home," Ron said happily.

"I think it's great," Jasmine said nicely.

In truth, she was a little worried about it coming crashing down but put it down to magic. However, she was still a little lost about why it was such a strange shape but didn't have a way to ask without it seeming rude.

The car slowly floated down before touching the ground with some bumping. Now that they were closer to the ground, Jasmine could see that the Burrow had livestock like pigs and chickens running around.

They all carefully got out of the car, trying to be as quiet as possible before sneaking into the house. The twins went first before waving Ron and Jasmine in, seeing the coast was clear.

Jasmine was surprised at the inside of the house and was left with many different questions. There was a pot washing itself in the sink via magic. She wasn't exactly sure how the spell worked, but she loved the idea.

The table had some bread left out on it but was drew Jasmine's attention the most was the large grandfather-type clock. Only it wasn't anything like any type of clock she had ever seen before.

There were no times on the clock at all. Just ten different locations which were: Garden, School, Home, Dentist, Prison, Lost, Quidditch, Travelling, Mortal Peril and at work.

And then, there were hands with the name of the Family member on them with a small picture that seemed to move depending on where the person was. Jasmine could see that the hands of Ron, George and Fred as just moved from travelling to home.

It, by far, was one of the more amazing pieces of magic that Jasmine had seen, right up there with the Mirror of Erised once you got past its addictiveness. She knew deep down the mirror was an evil piece of magic that ensnared people, but it had shown Jasmine her first-ever picture of her parents.

"Where have you been!" A voice shouted as they walked around the corner.

Jasmine noticed a ginger-haired woman standing waiting for them looking very cross.

The moment she laid eyes on Jasmine, the anger vanished from her face in an instant and was replaced with a warm and inviting smile.

"Jasmine, how nice it is to see you," Mrs Weasley as she walked over to them.

"Beds empty, no note and the car gone. You could have died or been seen. What were you thinking," Mrs Weasley asked, the anger back in her voice.

"Of course, I don't blame you, Jasmine dear," Mrs Weasley added after shouting at her kids.

"They locked his owl up, mum. We thought she was in trouble because she never replied," Ron said, looking up.

"You best hope I don't lock you up," Mrs Weasley threatened.

"Now, let's get you some breakfast, Jasmine," Mrs Weasley said as she led Jasmine to the dining table and started cooking breakfast.

Jasmine sat at the table feeling awkward. She really wanted to speak in defence of Ron and the twins, but she didn't know what to say and didn't want to make it worse for the three of them.

Jasmine was amazed at how Mrs Weasly went about cooking. She had pots and pans flying around the kitchen with knives chopping things up without seemingly any input from Mrs Weasly before floating over to be cooked.

Jasmine wondered what spells were being used. They looked a lot like all the basic spells that were used in the first year, other than whatever charm was used to send food from one place to another.

They seemed far more useful than the dancing feet charm they had learned in the first year.

Jasmine could see how knowing the Levitation Charm, the softening spell, and the fire charm would all be useful but not so much the dancing charm. She could forgive not learning many spells in DADA as they needed to build up the theory first, not that it was easy with the fake stuttering teacher.

Jasmine would have to go over her first-year books again and maybe even redo some of the first-year potions just in case Snape tried to catch them out on any knowledge from last year.

Soon the entire table was filled with more food than Jasmine had ever seen outside of Hogwarts, and her mouth watered at the idea of being able to get a proper meal for once. She had resigned herself to soup and bread for the rest of the summer as if she wasn't skinny enough.

As Jasmine started to fill up her plate, the girl that she had seen last year came running into the kitchen.

"Mom have you seen my jumper?" the girl asked.

"Yes, it was on the cat," Mrs Weasley replied.

The girl then looked around the room, seeing her brothers, before noticing Jasmine. Her eyes went wide, looking a bit shocked before taking a step back and rushing back upstairs before Jasmine could say anything.

Jasmine looked around, a little confused.

"That was Ginny. She has been looking forward to meeting you all summer," Ron said quietly.

It wasn't the first time someone had been shellshocked at meeting her, something that Jasmine hated. It made her uncomfortable, and she never knew if people wanted to be her friend or just wanted to be seen as the Girl Who Lived's friend.

She could only hope that Ginny wouldn't be someone that hero-worshipped her.

"Morning, Weasleys," a man said, walking into the house.

"Morning Dad," everyone greeted back.

Jasmine jumped a little she hadn't noticed Percy and Ginny entering the room as they took a seat at the table.

"What a night. Nine raids, nine!" Mr Weasley said, putting his bad down.

"Raids?" Jasmine asked Ron wondering if it was the same as police raids.

"Dad works in the Ministry of Magic in the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts. Dad loves muggles. He thinks they are fascinating," Ron said.

Jasmine wondered how he would feel about muggles if he ever had to meet her Aunt and Uncle or had to grow up with them. Jasmine was sure that once she graduated from Hogwarts, she would seldom return to the muggle world.

"And who are you?" Mr Weasly asked, sitting down at the table.

Jasmine wasn't sure if he actually didn't know who she was or if he was just asking to be kind. So far, almost everyone she had met had known who she was without introducing herself, and she doubted that Ron hadn't mentioned her to his parents.

"Oh, sorry, sir. I'm Jasmine," Jasmine said in greeting.

"Good lord. Well, Ron has told us all about you, of course. When did she get here?" Mr Weasley asked, looking a bit confused.

"This morning. Your three sons took that blasted car of yours to Surrey and back last night," Mrs Weasly said, causing the twins and Ron to look very interested in their food to avoid Mrs Weasley's gaze.

"Did you really? How did it go?" Mr Weasley asked, looking excited. Mrs Weasley turned around and gave her husband an angry look.

"I mean- That was very wrong indeed, boys. Very wrong," Mr Weasley said in a very unconvincing way.

"So Jasmine, you must know all about muggles. Tell me, what exactly is the function of a rubber duck," Mr Weasley asked, looking serious.

Jasmine looked around confused before she looked back at Mr Weasley, who seemed to be waiting for an answer.

"Oh, err, well, they are for toddlers, I guess, to get them used to the water and to play around in with the bath," Jasmine said, not really knowing what else to say.

Thankfully before she could be asked any more questions, there was a screech of an owl, causing everyone to look outside the window where a tiered brown owl was flying towards the window.

"Oh, that will be Erold with the post," Mrs Weasley said.

The owl flew to the window before crashing into the closed side of the window, causing Jasmine to wince. The owl seemed fine as he flew to the open side of the window as Percy grabbed a bundle of letters from his mouth.

Before handing them to everyone at the table, Jasmine wasn't sure if she should be surprised or not that Hogwarts knew that she was at the Weasleys. After all the letters knew she lived under the stairs and when she moved to the smallest bedroom or the hotel they stayed in.

Jasmine looked down at the long list and was surprised to see that 7 out of the 12 books that they needed were all written by the same author.

"This lot won't come, cheap mom, the spell books alone are expensive, and we can't buy them 2nd hand," one of the twins said, looking down at his list.

Jasmine felt quite awkward when money was mentioned. She was well aware that she had an enormous amount of money, and if she understood what her Aunt and Uncle were telling Dudley, then she guessed the vault she had gone to was her trust vault and not the main vault.

Something that she would need to check with the goblins. Maybe there would be some things left behind by her parents if her family had a main vault.

"We'll manage," Mrs Weasly said, looking at Jasmine's list.

The next five days were quite boring for Jasmine. Ginny had wanted to introduce her to Luna, a girl who was the same age and was also going to be starting Hogwarts this year but apparently, they had gone on holiday and wouldn't be back till the end of the week.

Thankfully now that she wasn't living with muggles, she was allowed to do magic again. She did wonder if Hermione had taken her parents to Diagon Alley so that she could show them the magic she had learned in the first year.

But she had been able to brush up on all the spells for the first year and even had the chance to look through some of the old snd yearbooks that she was sure would contain some of the spells that she would be learning this year.

She had also helped deal with the Gnomes in the garden, which Jasmine thought worked well for aim practice. It was simple to knock them out with the Flipendo charm and then pick them and throw them over the fence back into the field.

Finally, it was the day that she and everyone else in the Burrow had been waiting for their trip to Diagon Alley. Jasmine was making sure that she had everything that she needed for her trip.

Her invisibility cloak was folded up in her pocket, her vault key was safe on a chain around her neck, and her wand was in her pocket. Happy that she had everything, Jasmine walked down to the main floor of the burrow, wondering how they were getting to Diagon.

Entering the main room, Jasmine looked around a little odd at all of the Weasley wearing cloaks and standing around the fireplace with Mrs Weasley holding a pot in her hand.

"Ah, Jasmine, im guessing you have never used the Floo before," Mrs Weasley asked.

"The Floo?" Jasmine asked, confused.

"Well, Ron can go first as an example, and then Jasmine can go after," Mrs Weasley said.

Jasmine watched as Ron grabbed a hand full of power from the pot that Mrs Weasly was holding out to him and walked to the edge of the fire, and threw the powder into the flames.

The orange fire turned a strange emerald green colour, and the fire rose higher than Ron, who stepped right into it, shouted, "Diagon Alley!" and vanished.

"You must speak clearly, dear," Mrs Weasley told Jasmine as George dipped his hand into the flowerpot.

"Oh, and be sure to get out at the right grate," George said, vanishing into the fire.

"The right what?" Jasmine asked, even more confused. Wasn't the point in her saying where she wanted to go to ensure that is where she ended up?

Jasmine took a pinch of Floo powder and walked to the edge of the fire. She took a deep breath, scattered the powder into the flames, and stepped forward; thankfully, the fire felt like a warm breeze; she opened his mouth and immediately swallowed a lot of hot ash.

"D-Dia-gon Alley," she coughed.

Jasmine felt like she seemed to be spinning very fast. The roaring in her ears was deafening—she tried to keep his eyes open—but the whirl of green flames made it impossible without her feeling sick.

She felt her arm hit something hard with a shooting pain before pulling her arms in as close as possible and clamping her eyes shut, and just waiting for it to end.

Dizzy and confused, Jasmine tried to push herself up from the floor and had to stop herself from letting out a gasp of pain as her entire right arm lit aflame with pain.

Using her good arm, Jasmine sat up and grabbed her broken glasses and held them to her face to look around. All she could tell was that she was in a dimly lit wizard's shop but knew nothing in here was something that a student would be buying for Hogwarts.

There was a mummified-looking hand in some kind of glass jar, a bloodstained pack of cards, a sharp and dangerous-looking knife and creepy masks on the wall, all looking down at her. Standing up, she noticed a necklace with a tag on it.

"Cursed Necklace so far taken 12 muggles lives 400g."

In the corner, there was what Jasmine guessed was a pile of human bones that sent shivers down her spine. This was a really bad place to be, even more so for someone like her. Through the dusty shop window, Jasmine could see a dark, narrow street that was definitely not Diagon Alley.

Instantly, Jasmine reached into her pocket, pulled out her invisibility cloak, and wrapped herself in it not a moment too soon. Two people had just walked into the store, and one of them was the very last person Jasmine wanted to meet even when she wasn't lost, wearing broken glasses and with an injured arm: Draco Malfoy.

Jasmine guessed that she shouldn't have been that surprised to see him and what she guessed was his dad in a shop like this. He had the same pale, pointed face, but unlike Draco, he had cold grey eyes that sent shivers down Jasmine's spine.

Ron had always said that the Malfoys had been evil. No matter what they said about changing their ways, they hadn't really and seeing Mr Malfoy, she was inclined to believe that he hadn't turned good all of a sudden.

Jasmine was glad she brought her cloak everywhere, or she would have no choice but to hide in that creepy-looking coffin with a tortured face mask.

Mr Malfoy crossed the shop, looking lazily at the items on display, and rang a bell on the counter before turning to his son and saying, "Touch nothing, Draco."

Malfoy, who had reached for the jar with the withered hand, said, "I thought you were going to buy me a present."

"I said I would buy you a racing broom," said his father, drumming his fingers on the counter impatiently.

"Im not even on the house team," Draco said, looking sulky and annoyed.

A stooping man had appeared behind the counter as the two Malfoys had been talking, smoothing his greasy hair back from his face.

"Ah, what a pleasure to see you again, Mr Malfoy." The man said in an oily voice.

"I'm not buying today, Mr Borgin, but selling," said Mr Malfoy said, placing a small but intricate decorated box onto the counter.


"You no doubt have heard that the Ministry is conducting more raids thanks to that muggle lover Arthur."

"The Ministry wouldn't presume to trouble you, sir, surely?"

"I have not been visited yet. The name Malfoy still commands a certain respect," Mr Malfoy said with a sneer.

Jasmine looked away to see Draco looking around the shop and inspecting the pile of bones. She wasn't sure why anyone would want a pile of bones before he walked over to the metal coffin that Jasmine was glad she didn't have to hide in.

Mr Malfoy and Mr Burke started to haggle, and Jasmine made a note to tell Arthur about Mr Malfoy selling poisons. While she doubted he could do anything with it, it wouldn't hurt to let him know.

Jasmine watched as Draco turned away and saw a cabinet right in front of him. He walked forward, and he stretched out his hand for the handle...

"Done," said Mr Malfoy at the counter. "Come, Draco... Good day to you, Mr Borgin."

Jasmine swallowed and quickly followed after the two Malfoys guessing they would no doubt be heading back to Diagon Alley. She followed them all the way along the twisting alleyway and finally out into bright sunlight.

Jasmine saw a familiar, snow-white marble building in the distance—Gringotts Bank. Quickly ducking into the shadows, Jasmine took off her cloak and folded it back up and stuffed it into her pocket.

Jasmine stepped back into the large crowd, all going about their shopping, no doubt for the new school year and made her way towards Gringotts Bank.

As she got to the stairs to the bank, Jasmine looked around, hoping to see the iconic hair of the Weasleys, but she couldn't see a single one of them just as she was about to give up...

"Jasmine! Jasmine! Over here!"

Jasmine looked up towards where the voice had been shouting at her and saw Hermione Granger standing at the top of the white flight of steps to Gringotts. She ran down to meet Jasmine, her bushy brown hair flying behind her.

"What happened to your glasses?" Hermione asked.

" I broke my glasses when exiting the Floo. Are your parents already inside?" Jasmine asked, looking around for Hermione's parents.

"Yes, they are inside already, but the Weasleys aren't here yet," Hermione said. "Oh, there they are," Hermione said, pointing behind Jasmine.

Just walking up towards the bank was the Weasleys, with Mr and Mrs Weasley looking a little panicked and frantic.

"Jasmine," Mr Weasley panted as he rushed to see if she was okay. "We had hoped you'd only gone one grate too far…."

"Where did you end up?" Ron asked.

"Knockturn Alley," Jasmine replied.

"Excellent! we have always wanted to go down there," said Fred and George together.

"I wouldn't think so!" Mrs Weasley said, running up to check over Jasmine and got rid of the ash on her clothing with a silent wave of her wand.

"Well, let's go meet my parents. They are in the bank already exchanging money into Galleons," Hermione said to Mr and Mrs Weasley.

"How does it work for muggle money to wizard money?" Jasmine asked Hermione as they walked into the bank.

"Five pounds is 1 Galleon. Thankfully the first year is the most expansive. We just need to buy books and stock up on potion ingredients," Hermione said.

"We will meet you back here," Jasmine said to Hermione a goblin led The Weasleys off to their vault, and another one took Jasmine to her vault.

The vaults were reached by the means of small, goblin-driven carts that sped along miniature train tracks through the bank's underground tunnels, and Jasmine loved the feeling of the wind in her hair as they sped faster and faster to her vault

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LazySageDao · Libros y Literatura
651 Chs