
Ahh Torture, Why Are You So Sweet?

When the spy finally awoke from his slumber, he found himself stuck with his back pressed tightly against a giant boulder. But despite having been in a forest before passing out, he now found himself in a damp cave with the stench of blood covering his surroundings.

Yet the spy wasn't scared, unlike the previous person who was tortured in this cave, he had been trained to expect torture if he was ever caught.

This wouldn't be an issue, I just have to change the plan up a little bit.

I stepped out from the darkness behind him with my unsheathed sword in my hand. He those who aren't scared of death don't open their mouths so easily, but those know hell will blab their mouths as much as needed to not be sent back.

The spy's eyes did not waver when I appeared before him, he was clearly expecting me to appear from somewhere. As he doubted they would just leave him in a cave to die when he could have information about their enemies.

"So, let's get this straight." I said as I lightly pushed the tip of my sword into his left shoulder, "You, a Namgung clan bastard, were ordered by your clan leader to spy on me and my new disciples after hearing news of the middle-aged man's death? Correct?"

The spy was taken aback by how much I knew without even asking him a single question, but that wasn't enough to shake his resolve.

"I won't speak anymore after this, just kill me now." The spy said bluntly, staring straight into my eyes with no emotions on display.

This is nice, a man should be resolved to die for the sake of those around him.

I lowered my sword and stepped closer to the spy, gathering internal energy on my fingertips as I did so, "You won't speak huh? Then I guess you don't need the ability to speak for now."

I swiftly pressed the pressure points on the spy's neck, rendering the muscles used to speak immobile until I released the pressure points.

"Now, let's test that resolve of yours." I said with a grin and I placed the tip of my sword on the spy's left shoulder once more.

But there was once difference this time, instead of just resting on his shoulder, my sword pierced all the way through to the boulder on the other side, leaving a stain of blood on the clothes surrounding the wound.


Despite being unable to speak, the spy could still groan at the pain he experienced, but a little bit of pain wouldn't make him speak, even I knew that.

But the fun had not yet ended, I slowly began twisting the sword still inside of the spy's shoulder, slowly scraping away the muscles, nerves, veins, arteries, and bone with the razor-sharp edges of my sword.

The spy's eyes reddened because of the pain he experienced, the muscles in his neck strained themselves to the point it seemed like they would pop out of his skin. Despite the pain, he was trying his best not to give in and tell me what I wanted to know.

At this point, this spy will never be able to use his left arm again. Almost all his nerves and muscles had been severed beyond repair, and if he didn't get treatment soon, he might bleed out and die.

I gathered internal energy on my fingertips once more and pressed the pressure points on his shoulder, halting all blood flow going to his left shoulder to slow down. Almost to the point that blood didn't flow to his left arm at all.

I pulled my sword out from the spy's shoulder and leaned in to whisper in his ear.

"You managed to withstand one hole, but can you manage seven more?"

The spy's eyes widened and stared at me with murderous intent as I spoke those words. He had barely managed to maintain his sanity while one hole was being made in his shoulder, how would he manage to withstand seven more holes being made?

The spy began shaking his head violently and groaned in protest. He clearly wanted to tell me anything I wanted to know now that he had experienced such unbearable pain.

But this much wasn't enough, if I stopped here, he would only give me half truths. I pulled back my sword and thrusted it through the spy's bicep two times, breaking his bones and tearing all the muscles and nerves that my sword touched.

The spy's eyes quickly turned blood red as the pain coursed through his body, every second began to feel like hours as the pain seared itself into the spy's brain.

I placed my sword into the first hole I made in his bicep and began twisting. But it was not the same as the hole in his shoulder, as I made sure to twist the sword more crookedly to cause him more pain.

The spy began to shake his head much more violently than before, clearly trying to get my attention and to make the pain stop. Even when torturing someone, you should give them time to speak their mind, so unnecessary actions don't occur.

I gathered my internal energy onto my fingers and released the spy's pressure points, allowing him to speak. But if he didn't tell me what I wanted, I'd be ready to seal ability to speak once more.

"You want to speak, don't you? Just nod your head if you'll tell me what I want to know."

The spy nodded his head as fast as he could, his face turning pale as the loss of blood began to affect him.

"Good, now. Tell me the name of the Namgung clan leader."

The spy's mouth began to tremble between his ragged breaths, but a few words began to form after a few seconds of waiting.

"His name is... Haaaaaahh... Namgung Tae-Yeon... Haaahhhhh... But his true name... Is Baek Tae-Yeon."

Baek Tae-Yeon... No, that couldn't be the truth. That name, there's no way that person would lead the Namgung clan to become Unorthodox.

"This Baek Tae-Yeon... does he have black hair and a square shaped scar on the back of his right shoulder?"

The spy's eyes widened when I asked those words, even though this man was a spy. He had seen the clan leader without his robes on once, and saw the scar I had just described on his right shoulder.

"Yes... Hahhh... How did... You know... About that?"

"FUCK!" I yelled as I removed my sword from the spy's arm and slammed it into the boulder behind him, cracking both the boulder and my sword in the process.

Baek Tae-Yeon! You dare betray the Mount Song Sect and lead an Unorthodox clan against the world!?

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