
The Operations Part 4.

Sorry about the late upload Folk.

Author Note: This is a kind of !!!CRACKISH!!! Fanfiction. I don't own Marvel and DC, nor I am some sort of loremaster.

I only writing this for fun and I am not British.


(♪ Payday 2 OST - Razormind ♪)

Gotham City.

The Old Factory.


Gallahan POV.

I made my way towards Druuna who was holding out in the container, keeping my guard up and scanning the area for any signs of The Orchestration or Victor Zsasz. As I reached Druuna, I glanced at Artemis and Akila Trying to focus on their faces and not on their toned and exposed bodies underneath their torn and disheveled gladiator costumes, both still bound but now free from the immediate danger. I cleared my throat, pulling myself away from my thoughts, forcing myself to focus on the task at hand and not the beautiful woman in front of me. But I can't say the same for The raven hair femme fatale beside me, Druuna was openly admiring the Amazonians, her eyes filled with intrigue and lust. Rolling my eyes, I choose to ignore the feeling radiating from her mind, instead focusing on the task at hand. I elbow Druuna, pulling her away from her daydreaming, and forcing her to focus on our mission.

"We need to get out of here quickly," I said, my voice urgent. "The alarms have been triggered, and I have a feeling more guards will be on their way."

The raven-haired temptress clears her throat, returning to her stoic and serious demeanor as if nothing happened. "I agree. We can't afford to stay here any longer."

I turn my sight back to both Artemis and Akila. I can see that both of them have recovered some of their strength. Akila looks to have regained consciousness and is now speaking to Artemis, her eyes filled with concern. Artemis seems to be telling her something, her voice low and reassuring, her cuff hand on Akila's arm.

"Are you alright milady?" I asked, my voice filled with concern.

Artemis looked up at me, her eyes filled with both exhaustion and gratitude. "We've had better days," she replied, her voice strong despite her circumstances.

"But thank you anyway," Akila murmured, her voice slightly husky, "We are in your debt."

I reached into my inventory and pulled out a small multitool, using it to carefully remove the handcuffs and restraints from both Artemis and Akila. As soon as they were free, they stretched their limbs and flexed their muscles, preparing themselves for what may come next.

"We need to move quickly," I said, my voice filled with urgency. "The reinforcements will be here soon, and we don't want to be caught in the middle of it." I then smirk. "But luckily for you both, I have a way out Just...be prepared for what you're about to see..."

Both of the Amazonian look at each other before shrugging their shoulders. With the Sling ring, I opened a golden portal far outside the factory and motioned for Artemis and Akila to step through. They hesitated for a moment, their eyes filled with curiosity and uncertainty, but they trusted me enough to leap.

As soon as they stepped through the portal, Druuna followed close behind but before I could step through and out of danger, something unexpected happened. The wall beside me suddenly burst open and there came one of the APC vehicles. I was able to close the portal quickly leaving only me in the warehouse before it rammed into me knocking me back several feet, shattering my gas mask, and into the metal container, and denting a man-size hole into it.



As my body began to heal and mend from the impact, I heard a clapping sound and from the Top of the APC, stood The Orchestration. He was clapping as he looked at me.

"I am impressed..." The Orchestration said, his voice low and mocking. "You're not even Batman or Catwoman and You've managed to completely steal everything from me and You managed to rescue All of the "stock" without anyone of my guard raising an alarm. Bravo."

"You that type of Villain eh?" I smirked, pushing myself off the damaged container, throwing off my broken gasmask, my wound mending quickly, and getting back on my feet. "Away with the theatrics. So where is your friend?"

The Orchestration chuckled, his silver mask glinting in the dim light. "Oh, Vicky? Oh, he left the party earlier than expected, no thanks to you two meddling bitches," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "But don't worry, I have other plans for you."

I narrowed my eyes, my hand instinctively reaching for my SIG MCX rifle. But then two more APCs burst out of the wall with their what seems like 50 cal Turret firing at me. I was able to roll and leap high in the air before sprinting faster than any normal human being could, dodging the hail of bullets. The Orchestration laughed, clearly enjoying the spectacle.

"You can run, but you can't hide," he taunted, his voice echoing through the warehouse. "I have an army at my disposal, and you're no match for us."

Right after he said that more guards and Exo-troopers entered the warehouse and chased after me as I ran and leaped through the hole of the warehouse and into the outside. I sprinted through the chaos, bullets whizzing past me as I used my enhanced speed and agility to evade the guards.

The sound of gunfire and explosions filled the air as I leaped over crates and ducked behind the cover. I turned around and let out a couple of shots from my SIG MCX, hitting a few guards and Exo-troopers, but there were just too many of them. I needed a plan, and fast. Then I press my earpiece as I duck for a cover bullet flying over me.

"Baywatch, you copy?" I called out.


But all I heard are static from the other end.

"Shit...they somehow scramble the communication." I quickly assessed the situation but then I heard the voice of Druuna calling out through our telepathic link feeling of concern and uncertainty flooding my mind.

*Gallahan, what's happening? Are you okay?*

*I'm doing alright,* I replied, my voice calm with an almost laid-back tone. *Just a little flesh wound that is healing up quite nicely here. I am just going to portal out of here and to you.*

*Um...about that...* Druuna's voice trailed off, her hesitation evident. *Quintero just reported to me that the GCPD might be coming here after receiving reports of the chaos and gunfire. They're on their way to the factory.*

I cursed under my breath as I hid in the shadow behind a discarded piece of factory equipment. The situation was spiraling out of control, those officers had no idea what they were walking into. If the GCPD arrived it would be a complete massacre for all of those officers. I and Quintero's latest analysis of all of the elements of Gotham City suggest that the GCPD is not equipped enough to deal with the advanced weaponry and technology that The Orchestration and his guards possess. They would be walking into a death trap.

(Objective updated: Destroy all 3 APCs)

"Well, that's new..." I muttered as I looked at my now-updated Objective showing me three dots pointing in different directions of the APC in front of me. *How long before the GCPD arrives, Druuna?"

Druuna's voice came through my earpiece, filled with urgency. *Quintero estimated approximately eight minutes, Vagabond. We need to disable those APCs before they get here.*

I quickly assessed the situation. The three APCs were still moving, looking for me, and there were also multiple guards and exo-trooper patrolling the area. But unfortunately for them and luckily for me I still have a lot of explosives in my inventory.

*What about you are you alright?* I asked, changing the subject and trying to lighten up the mood as I took out a pack of C4. *And What about Amazon is the lady doing alright? you aren't already hitting on them right?."

*Was that jealousy heard from you?* Druuna replied with a chuckle. *We're holding our own for now and I have to admit I like what I am seeing. But don't worry I am not in the business of sharing...yet...and these puppies are for your eyes only,"

I feel a wave of arousal and seductive desire washing over my mind through our telepathic link as Druuna continues to tease me. I smirk to myself, appreciating her playful nature even amid a dangerous situation.

*Well, I'm glad to hear that you're holding your own,* I replied with a flirtatious tone. *But try to get as far away from here as possible and enjoy the fireworks. I link up with you when I'm done here. And don't worry, I won't keep you waiting for too long.*

Druuna's laughter echoes in my mind as I focus on the task at hand. I crouch and claw under what looks like the remnant of a broken-down car, keeping myself hidden from view. From my hiding spot, I carefully observe the movements of the guards and the APCs.

I notice that the guards are spread out, patrolling the area around the APCs. They seem to be on high alert, searching for any sign of me. I need to take them out one by one, silently and efficiently.

"You can't hide forever you know?" The Orchestration called out through a megaphone that was installed on the APCs he was in. "We have possessed more advanced technology than any crime fighter, vigilante, or any crime family and villains in this city. Your attempts to resist are futile. Surrender now and save yourself the trouble."

As The Orchestration continues his monologue like any good typical villain would, I put the detonator in my hand away in my utility belt, ready to make my move. With a swift and silent movement, I crawled out from under the broken-down car and made my way toward the nearest guard. He was focused on scanning the area, his back turned to me.

With the data knife in my hand, I silently approached the guard from behind, careful not to make any noise. As I got closer, I quickly analyzed the best way to take him down without alerting the others. I waited for the perfect moment when the guard was distracted by a noise in the distance. With lightning-fast precision, I stabbed my blade in the back of his neck, severing his spinal cord and killing him. I caught his falling body and gently laid him down, making sure he was hidden from view.

I made my way quietly to what looked like a large grate on the ground. I carefully removed it, revealing a hidden underground tunnel. It seemed like the perfect way to move around undetected and get closer to the APCs. I crawled into the tunnel and began to make my way toward the first APC. The darkness enveloped me as I moved silently, my night vision allowing me to navigate the tunnel with ease.

The first APCs were moving towards me unknowingly with the 50 cal turret on top, scanning the area for any signs of me. I waited for an opportunity for the armored vehicle to pass above me before I opened the grate above me and quickly attached the C4 explosive to the underside of the APC. With a few quick adjustments, I activated the timer and carefully closed the grate back in place. I retreated into the darkness of the tunnel, making sure to move as silently as possible.

(APC LV79)

As I continued crawling through the tunnel, I could hear the rumbling of the APC above me. The seconds ticked by slowly as I waited for the explosive to detonate. Finally, a loud explosion shook the ground, followed by the sound of metal tearing apart and the screams of the guards. The first APC had been disabled. I continued to make my way through the tunnel, carefully avoiding any guards or obstacles in my path. I could hear the chaos and confusion outside as the guards tried to assess the situation and regroup.

"YOU CAN'T HIDE FOREVER!" The Orchestration's voice boomed through the megaphone, growing more frustrated. "YOU ARE LUCKY THAT IT ISN'T THE STATE-OF-THE-ART ONE LIKE THESE APCs WE HAVE. BUT THAT WON'T SAVE YOU FOR LONG!"

I smirked to myself, knowing that I was getting closer to my objective. I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins as I approached the second APC. This time, I decided to take a different approach. With the sling ring, I opened a portal just above the APC and dropped a smoke bomb and flashbang through it. The smoke quickly filled the area, obscuring the vision of the guards, disorienting them, and blinding them temporarily.

(APC LV89)

Taking advantage of the confusion, I silently climbed on top of the APC and planted another C4 explosive on its roof. I quickly retreated into the tunnel, closing the portal behind me. The was a loud explosion and screaming but strangely there was no sound of metal tearing apart.

"HAHAHA FOOL!" The Orchestration's voice echoed through the megaphone. "Is going to take even more explosive for that one, my friend. But don't worry, I have plenty more where that came from."

"Heh... That for pointing out that loud idiot," I said to myself with a smirk as I took out even more C4 from my inventory, enough to blow up an entire military base. I continued through the tunnel, my heart pounding with anticipation. I then pop out of the metal grate and see the second APC, It looks badly damaged, its gun looks like it has been torn out from the explosion. The guards surrounding it were disoriented and panicking, unsure of what to do next. This was my chance.

With a calculated movement, I sprinted toward the APC with my suppressed SIG MCX rifle in hand. I aimed at the guards and pulled the trigger, taking them down one by one. The guards tried to return fire, but their shots went wide, unable to find their target in the chaos. The Exo-troop on the other hand fare better, the exoskeleton allows them to jump higher and move faster, making them harder targets to hit.

But I just continue holding the trigger of my SIG MCX using it like a LMG and spraying bullets in their direction. The combination of the suppressor, the .300 blackout subsonic round, and the chaos of the situation made it difficult for them to pinpoint my location. One by one, the guards and Exo-troopers fell, their bodies dropping to the ground, lifeless.

As the last guard fell, I quickly made my way to the second APC, making sure to stay low and use the wreckage as cover. I planted the remaining C4 explosives on the damaged vehicle and set the timer. With a satisfied grin, I retreated to a safe distance and activated the detonator.

The explosion was deafening, shaking the ground and sending shrapnel flying in all directions. The second APC was completely destroyed, reduced to a burning wreck. The guards and Exo-troopers that were still standing nearby were caught in the blast, their bodies torn apart by the force of the explosion.

"Bo...ss Ma...m, Do..ou...Copy?" The garbled voice of Quintero crackled through my earpiece.

"Baywatch, do you read?" I responded, my finger hovering over the earpiece. "It looks like there is still some interference,"

"Th...e APC... Is the...Cause of interference Y...ou mu... Destroy...th...e third...APC before the GC...PD arrives. Over." Quintero's voice came through, still distorted but audible.

"Roger that moving in on the third APC," I replied, my voice determined. "I get that interference sorted out."

I moved quickly, using the remaining wreckage and debris as cover as I made my way toward the third APC. The guards and Exo-troopers were on high alert now, knowing that their comrades had been taken out. But I was determined to finish the mission.

With careful precision, I took out the guards one by one, using my stealth and agility to my advantage. I silently dispatched them, making sure not to alert the others nearby. The Exo-troopers proved to be a bit more challenging, but with well-placed shots and strategic movements, I managed to take them down as well.

(APC LV85)

As I approached the third APC, I could hear The Orchestration's voice and he sounded almost mocking. "Go ahead... destroy the last APC. I still have one more surprise waiting for you..."

"Oh... I don't like the sound of that," I muttered under my breath and planted the last set of C4 explosives on the third APC. I set the timer and quickly retreated to a safe distance, keeping an eye on the guards and Exo-troopers that were still standing.

The timer on the explosives counted down, each second feeling like an eternity. The guards and Exo-troopers were closing in, their weapons raised and ready to fire. With a final push of adrenaline, I activated the detonator and dived for cover.

The explosion was massive, engulfing the third APC in a ball of fire and sending debris flying in all directions. The force of the blast knocked the guards and Exo-troopers off their feet, their bodies tumbling through the air. The remaining guards were disoriented and caught off guard, giving me the opportunity to take them out with my SIG MCX.

(Objective completed: Destroy all 3 APCs)

After the dust has settled I let out a sigh of relief. The mission was a success. The three APCs were destroyed, and the guards and Exo-troopers were eliminated. But before I could let my guard down and relax, a new objective appeared in my field of vision.

(Objective updated: Destroy The Scorpion)

Huh?...What is a Scorpion? But Just then my question was answered as I heard a loud rumbling sound, and as I looked behind me. I was greeted by the sight of what looked like a massive, heavily armored tank emerging from the wreckage. It has two massive cannons on top of it and what looks like a missile pod on the sides. It was painted black with red accents, resembling a scorpion ready to strike. To be honest it almost looks like the Paladin tank from Titanfall.

(The Scorpion LV150)

"NOW THIS IS A PARTY!" The Orchestration exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement. "Meet The Scorpion, one of my most prized items. It's equipped with a state-of-the-art weapon and energy shield that can withstand the firepower of an entire army. Now... It's time to meet your doom."


This story is free and if you want to donate to help a brother out. Here is me PayPal: https://pàypal.me/Phucbe200

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