
The Operations Part 2.

Author Note: This is a kind of !!!CRACKISH!!! Fanfiction. I don't own Marvel and DC, nor I am some sort of loremaster.

I only writing this for fun nor I am British.


Gotham City.

The Old Factory.

Outside of the Holding Cells.

General POV.

"What time is it?"

"What?" One of the guards asked, glancing at his watch. "It's almost midnight. Why?"

The other guard sighed, leaning against the wall. "Is it time for our shift to end yet?" The first guard groaned, clearly tired and eager to go home. "I can't wait for this night to be over. It's been so boring."

The second guard chuckled, sympathizing with his colleague. "Yeah, tell me about it. Hopefully, nothing exciting happens tonight."

"Yeah hopefully," The first guard muttered, before changing the subject. "Hey, you saw the new one they brought in?"

"Oh? Oh yeah..." A Third guard interrupted, joining the conversation. "That chick, she hot and feisty. Heard she put up quite a fight when they brought her in."

The second guard smirked, his interest piqued. "Really? Maybe we should go take a look."

The first guard rolled his eyes. "Come on, man. We have a job to do. Besides, she is somewhere else in the factory and I heard she's dangerous. Best to stay away."

"Really? How dangerous is she ?" the third guard asked, curiosity evident in his voice.

The first guard shrugged. "I don't know the details, but I heard she might be an Amazonian or something. Better not mess with her."

"Amazonian? Like Wonder Woman and others?" the four guards asked, shivering at some unseen unsettling memory, his eyes widening in disbelief.

The first guard chuckled. "Nah, I don't think she's Wonder Woman. But she's definitely someone you don't want to mess with. Let's just focus on our job and get through the night."

The first guard shrugged again. "I don't know, man. Just rumors. But either way, let's focus on our job and not get involved with any of the prisoners. We don't want any trouble."

As the guards continued their conversation, a tiny golden portal about the size of a Coke can appeared unnoticed above them. And what came out of the tiny portal is what seemed to be an M84 stun grenade. The small cylindrical object fell with a small thud, rolling towards the guards. Just as the guards noticed the grenade, it exploded with a blinding flash and a deafening sound.

Disoriented and temporarily blinded, the guards stumbled back, clutching their ears. Before they could recover, another golden portal appeared above them but this one was much bigger about the size of a manhole. Through the portal, a man wearing full tactical gear falls, landing on the ground in a crouched position with his suppressed SIG MCX rifle aimed at the guards.

The guards, still disoriented from the stun grenade, barely had time to react before the man pulled the trigger of his rifle. The .300 BLK round struck the three guards in the head in quick succession. The impact of the bullets pierce through their head, instantly killing them. Their lifeless bodies fell to the ground, blood pooling around them. The man swiftly moved toward the final guards and hit the guards with the butt of his rifle, knocking him unconscious.

Satisfied that the guards were no longer a threat, the man adjusted his glasses, zip-tied up the remaining guard, and then pulled out what seemed to be thermite charges from out of nowhere. He quickly planted them on the reinforced doors of the holding cells, ensuring that they would create a breach. As he finishes setting up the charges, he then taps his earpiece.

"Temptress, charges are set. How are things on the other side?"


Gotham City.

The Old Factory.

Outside of the Holding Cells.

Gallahan POV.

"Guards have been terminated moving to secure the hostage now."

"Nice work, Temptress. While you secure the hostage, I will extract any valuable information from the remaining guard. Once we have what we need, we'll rendezvous outside of the holding cells and proceed with the next phase of the mission."

"Copy that, Vagabond. I'll make sure the hostages are safe and ready for immediate extraction. Be careful with the guard and extract the information quickly. We don't want to waste any time."

I nodded, my mind focused on the task at hand. I moved towards the unconscious guard, making sure to check for any signs of life before proceeding. Once I confirmed that he was only unconscious, I knelt down and put my glove hand on his head.


(Security Grunt LV28)

Using my Telepathy, I began to use the same technique that I utilized on the thugs and began to look and sift through the memories of the guard As I sifted through the guard's memories, flashes of images and conversations flooded into my mind. It was a dizzying and disorienting experience, but I learned to focus and extract the necessary information.

"Hmm? Interesting..."

So they have... what seems to be an Amazonian prisoner, and they are keeping her separate from the other hostages. Could this be the HVT? Sifting More Memories revealed to me that she is kept in a reinforced shipping container in the warehouse area and nearby in the next room is what seemed to be the weapon or valuable cache and the office where the mastermind is likely located. I also learned that the guards have been instructed to eliminate any hostages if they sense any attempt of rescue or if the HVT tries to escape. Feeling satisfied with the information I gathered, I released my grip on the guard's head and stood up.

"Temptress, has the prisoner been secure yet?"

"Yes, Vagabond. The hostages have been secured and are ready for extraction. They are scared and some of them need medical attention. But I was able to calm them down and assure them that we were there to help. They're ready to be moved to a safe location."

"Good effort, Temptress. We'll portal them to the GCPD office as soon as I'm done checking them over,"

"Copy, Ready when you are Handsome..."

"Roger, Breaching the door now."

As I approached the reinforced doors of the holding cells and put on my face cover to hide my face, I activated the thermite charges, causing the hinges on the heavy metal door to melt and create a breach. I carefully pushed the doors open, revealing the frightened hostages huddled together in the dimly lit room.

"Everybody, stay calm," I said, my voice projecting confidence and reassurance. "We are here to get you all out of here safely. If any of you are sick or injured, please step forward so I could assess your condition and provide medical assistance if needed."

(Hostages LV 2)

(Hostages LV 5)

(Hostages LV 3)

(Hostages LV 4)

(Hostages LV 1)

One by one, the hostages stepped forward, some limping or with visible signs of injury. There were about 5 of them in various states of distress. I quickly went to the first person who seemed to be the woman with disheveled blonde hair, was in the worst condition, her clothes torn and bloodied. I gently examined her wounds and determined that she needed immediate medical attention.

"What's your name milady?" I asked softly as I pulled my glasses up to look her in the eyes, trying to comfort her.

She looked up at me, her voice trembling. "M-My name is Crock… Artemis Crock ."

(Artemis Crock LV 20)

I nodded at her. "We are special forces, Miss Crock, don't worry. We're going to get you out of here and get you the help you need," I reassured her, my voice filled with determination. "Now you're going to feel a strange sensation, but you'll be okay."

(Basic Healing Spell)

When I decided to pick the Healer class in the System, I was granted the simple ability of a basic magical spell that allowed me to heal minor wounds and injuries. I placed my hand on Sarah's wounds and focused my energy, channeling it into a healing spell. A soft glow enveloped my hand as the spell took effect, closing the wounds and easing her pain. Sarah's eyes widened in amazement as she felt the healing energy flow through her.

And get this, the more I utilize my class the more advanced my abilities will become. This basic healing spell was just the beginning. It has three phases, The basic, The advanced, and the mastery phase. And each phase increases the potency and effectiveness of my abilities. Like healing for example. It also uses up about 250 MP each time I use my ability.

Hmm...I will probably check on my classes later to see what classes I am on but considering that I have just picked this class recently, I'm still in the basic phase. Lots of things to keep track of...

After ensuring that Miss Crock was stable, I moved on to the next hostage, assessing their injuries and providing the necessary medical assistance. One by one, I treated the hostages, doing my best to ease their pain and assure them that they were safe now.

Once I finished attending to the hostages, I turned my attention to Druuna who was holding a child. The child, who looked disheveled, was surprisingly eating a piece of chocolate and was smiling despite the traumatic situation.

(Grace Choi LV17)

"Is everyone accounted for?" I asked The Temptress, my voice filled with concern. The emotions I sense with my telepathic sense around here are ones of relief and joy.

The raven hair beauty nodded, still gently cradling the child in her arms before giving her to another woman's arms. "Yes, everyone is here and accounted for. They're scared, but they're safe now."

I let out a sigh of relief, grateful that we were able to rescue the hostages without any casualties. "Good work, Temptress. You did an excellent job of calming them down and keeping them safe. Now, please line up so everybody."

The hostages looked at me questioningly and then at each other before obeying my command and forming a single file line. I activated my sling ring, creating a portal in the middle of the GCPD lobby. I caught the look of one particular commissioner's wide-eyed face and before the numerous surprised police officers could react, the portal moved and swept across the hostages before closing behind them, leaving the room empty.

I turned to Druuna and offered her a first bump. "Good effort, Temptress. The hostages are safe and we've completed our first objective. Now, let's move on to the next phase of the mission."

The Temptress nodded as she returned the fist bump. "Why Thank you, handsome... "

"Baywatch you copy?"

Quintero responded through the earpiece. "Loud and clear, boss dude. Send traffic."

"Hostages have been safely extracted and transported to the GCPD. And I was able to get more information regarding a potential HVT and the location of the office and some kind of weapon or valuable and stolen goods caches. We're moving on to the next phase of the operation. Keep an eye on the drone and security feeds and let us know if you see any changes in the guards' movements."

"Roger that, I'll let you know if I see anything. Good luck, boss dude."

"So..." Druuna wondered. "Where to next?"

"Like I said," I began. "We hit the office first to retrieve or download any valuable information and if the mastermind is there then is either killed or captured. After that, we'll move on to recover the weapon and valuable cache while neutralizing any remaining guards that stand in our way. And finally, we'll close into the warehouse area where the potential HVT is being held. We'll assess the situation and determine the best course of action from there."

Temptress nodded, her eyes filled with determination. "Sounds like a plan. Let's get to work then."

"On me," I ordered as I pulled down my night vision with Druuna doing the same. We moved swiftly and silently through the dimly lit factory, keeping to the shadows and avoiding any potential guards. The sound of machinery and distant voices echoed through the halls, creating an eerie atmosphere.

(Security Grunt LV28)

(Security Grunt LV24)

All of a sudden, two guards appear out of the corner of the hallway but before they could react. I and Druuna move Swiftly to the two surprised guards. I precisely slap the gun out of the guard's hand before he could discharge his weapon, I throw him over my shoulder and quickly pull out my suppressed M9, turn around, and shoot him in the head, killing him instantly. At the same time, Druuna swiftly incapacitates the other guard with a well-placed strike to the pressure point, rendering him unconscious.

"Good effort, let's hide the body."

We quickly drag the bodies into a nearby room, ensuring that they won't be discovered(and I don't want my inventory to clog up with bodies). As we continue to make our way through the factory, I can't help but feel a sense of anticipation and excitement. We were getting closer to our objectives, closer to unraveling the mystery behind this criminal operation.

"Hold on, let them pass..."

(Security Grunt LV21)

(Security Grunt LV29)

(Security Grunt LV28)

(Security Grunt LV23)

(Security Grunt LV24)

(Security Grunt LV24)

(Security Grunt LV26)

(Security Grunt LV29)

(Security Grunt LV27)

We both pressed ourselves against the wall, staying still and silent as a group of guards passed by. Once they were out of sight, we continued moving forward, cautiously and stealthily. We had to be careful not to raise any alarms or alert the guards to our presence.

"Same as before, you take the two on the left, I take the three on the right," I whispered to the temptress as we approached a room filled with guards. "On my signal."

(Security Grunt LV28)

(Security Grunt LV26)

(Security Grunt LV20)

(Security Grunt LV22)

Druuna nodded, her eyes focused and ready for action. We positioned ourselves at opposite ends of the room, silently counting down in our heads. On my signal, we simultaneously attacked the guards, taking them out swiftly and efficiently. The guards didn't even have a chance to react before they were incapacitated.

"Clear," I whispered, signaling Druuna to move forward. We continued to navigate through the factory, taking out guards as we encountered them, always making sure to remain stealthy and undetected. The tension in the air was palpable as we moved closer to our objectives, each step bringing us closer to uncovering the truth behind the criminal operation.

(Security Grunt LV28)

"44 left..." The UNSC AI reported, as The Temptress pulled the trigger of her suppressor P90 and killed another unfortunate guard who happened to cross our path. We moved swiftly and silently, utilizing our training and skills to neutralize any guards that stood in our way. The factory was a maze of corridors and rooms, but we navigated through it with ease, relying on our instincts and the information we had gathered.


While moving through the factory, I have been also actively scanning for any mind that was coming near us. And surprisingly, none of them had suspected anything, oblivious to our presence. It was as if we were invisible, slipping through the shadows undetected. It was a relief to know that our stealth and cunning were serving us well.

*I can't detect any mind in there* I call out through our telepathic link as we reach the office and prepare to enter. *But still, Watch out for anything and check those corners and any surprises. Stay alert.*

Druuna nodded, "On your lead, Handsome... I'll stay on high alert and watch our backs. Let's get this door open and see what's inside."

I approached the office door, carefully examining the lock. It seemed like a standard lock, nothing too complicated. I reached into my inventory and pulled out a lockpick, quickly maneuvering it within the lock. With a soft click, the lock opened and I pushed the door open, motioning for Druuna to follow.

The office was dimly lit, with papers scattered across the desk and shelves filled with files. It was clear that this was the nerve center of the operation. I quickly moved toward the computer, and stabbed the data knife into the USB port, initiating a data download. As the information transferred, I began to search through the files, looking for any valuable intel or clues that could lead us to the mastermind.

Druuna, meanwhile, kept a watchful eye on the surroundings, ensuring that no one would sneak up on us. The raven hair femme fatale moved with grace and precision, her senses heightened as she scanned the room for any potential threats. After a few minutes, the data download was completed, and I removed the data knife from the computer. And as I quickly sheath the knife, that's when Quintero's voice crackled through the earpiece.

"Boss dude, I'm picking up some movement on the drone. It looks like some sort of convoy is heading toward the factory."

"What kind of convoy?" I asked worried.

The blonde AI paused for a moment before responding. "It's hard to tell from the drone feed, but it looks like armored vehicles, possibly military-grade. They're about five minutes away from the factory."

"Is there any else?" I inquired further.

"Hold one." I waited anxiously for The UNSC AI's response, my mind racing with the possibilities of who could be coming and what their intentions were. The silence on the other end of the line seemed to stretch on forever, but finally, Quintero spoke up.

"There seems to be a limousine in the middle of the convoy, and it's heavily guarded. It's possible that this could be the mastermind or someone of high importance. They're coming in hot, boss dude."

"Bollock!" I cursed under my breath, the situation becoming more complicated by the minute. "Alright, Quintero, keep an eye on them and let us know if there are any changes in their approach. We need to finish up here quickly and be prepared for whatever comes our way."

Druuna looked at me, concern evident in her eyes. "What's the plan, Vagabond?"

I took a deep breath, my mind racing to come up with a strategy. "We need to secure the weapon or valuable cache first, and then we'll deal with the potential HVT. We can't let them fall into the wrong hands. Let's move."

We quickly exited the office, making our way through the factory once again. The tension in the air was palpable as we hurried towards our next objective, knowing that time was running out. We had to act and move swiftly and decisively to secure the weapon or valuable cache before the convoy arrived.

As we made our way through the factory, we encountered more guards. But with our training and teamwork, we swiftly dispatched them, leaving no room for error. The adrenaline coursed through my veins as we moved closer to our objective, the urgency of the situation driving us forward.

Finally, we reached the room where the weapon or valuable cache was. The heavy metal door looked like it had a keypad but with a stab from my data knife, the door opened with a loud creak. We entered the room cautiously, scanning our surroundings for any potential threats.

The room was filled with rows of shelves, each lined with various crates and boxes. There was weapon and equipment scattered across the room, indicating that this was indeed the weapon or valuable cache we were looking for. I quickly stab my data knife into a nearby console, accessing the inventory system to determine the contents of the crates.

"Looks like we hit the jackpot," I said, excitement evident in my voice. "There are some normal and even advanced weapons, equipment, and even some valuable artifacts in here. Let's get all of this into the inventory before the convoy arrives."

Druuna nodded, her eyes scanning the room and assessing the situation. She then spotted what looked like a metal crate with a LexCorp logo on it. She approaches the crate and crouches down touching it and feeling the cool metal surface. Using her enhanced strength, she pry open the crate.

"Well Well Well," She mused, her eyes widening with intrigue. "What do we have here?"

"What is inside the crate?" I asked as I approached the crate and looked inside. "What the fu...No bloody fucking hell does Lex create or own that..."

"Well, regardless of what you think Handsome..." Druuna interrupted me with a smirk as she traced a finger through its ample and curvy figure. "We need to secure it and get it out of here. We can deal with the implications later. Let's focus on the mission."

She was right. We couldn't afford to waste any more time. I carefully closed the crate and we quickly began gathering all of it into my inventory. There was obviously LexCorp stuff and other stuff like from Wayne Enterprises, StarLab, and strangely the majority of stuff we found here was from a corporation known as the Chrysalis Corporation. Now...my DC Lore knowledge is pretty damn decent but I have never heard of the Chrysalis Corporation before. Most of the Chrysalis Corporation stuff here contains advanced technology that is ahead of its time like...what looks like an experimental exoskeleton prototype that has a Grappling Hook attached to it that looks like it could potentially give the wearer enhanced strength or agility and funnily enough It suspiciously looks like the exosuit from COD AW. It makes me wonder who the Chrysalis Corporation is? And if this so-called Chrysalis Corporation is somehow even related to this criminal operation. But still, One thing was clear: this cache contained some top-of-the-line weapons and equipment, as well as valuable artifacts.

And speaking of artifacts, the majority of the artifacts here are just your normal run-of-the-mill relics and historical artifacts but there were also some weapons like swords and axes all around, with most of the artifacts seen to be of Grecian origin but there were a few that caught my eye. There seems to be what looks like a staff that has some kind of oval shape on top of it that was warped completely in a piece of white cloth and I can somehow sense it radiates some kind of mysterious energy. Another artifact also caught my attention, it looked like a Winchester rifle from the late 1800s, but upon closer inspection, I could see that it was intricately carved with ancient symbols and runes. It definitely had some aura of power surrounding it.

"The Ace of Winchesters..." I carefully picked up the Winchester rifle, feeling its weight in my hands. It was an impressive piece of craftsmanship, and I could sense that it held some sort of mysterious power within it. The runes and symbols carved into the wood seemed to come alive as I held it, and I could feel a surge of energy coursing through me.

The Ace of Winchesters was created in the Old West by an unnamed mystic who served with the Texas Rangers. The mystic sold his soul to gain the expertise required to craft the gun. The steel of a halo, gems from Hell, and the bones of saints were used in its creation. This gun right here can completely kill demons and other supernatural entities.

I placed the Ace of Winchesters into my inventory, knowing that it could prove to be a valuable asset in the future. We continued gathering the rest of the weapons, equipment, and artifacts, transferring all of this stuff into my inventory.

(The Ace of Winchesters added to your inventory)

"How the fuck does this wanker get all of this?" I muttered, my mind racing with questions. But now was not the time for answers. We needed to Loot the cache and get it out of there before the convoy arrived. After that, we need to make our way to that warehouse. It is time to extract our Amazon HVT. Then I spotted what looked like an air vent and an Idea suddenly popped up in my head.

(Optional Objective completed: Take all of the Valuables or stolen goods for yourself)

[Assaults Mark 1 Exo-skeleton added to Inventory]

[The Twin added to Inventory]

[Dead King's Scepter Added to Inventory]


This story is free and if you want to donate to help a brother out. Here is me PayPal: https://pàypal.me/Phucbe200

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