
The Test Part 1

Author Note: This is a kind of !!!CRACKISH!!! Fanfiction. I don't own Marvel and DC, nor I am some sort of loremaster.

I only writing this for fun nor I am British.


Great...She is also the seductress type...not even a minute in and she was already hitting on me. I rolled my eyes and gestured to Quintero, who was still floating next to her. "This is Quintero, he's my AI colleague. And I'm Otto Gallahan."

Druuna sat up on the couch, stretching her arms above her head. Intentionally showing off her very sensual figure. "Druuna," she said, introducing herself. "Nice to meet you, Otto. And Quintero, you're quite the unique AI, aren't you?"

The UNSC AI nodded, "Thank you, Lady Druuna. My programming is designed to be one of a kind."

I cleared my throat, trying to steer the conversation back on track. "Druuna, do you remember anything from before you woke up?"

She frowned but shrugged her shoulders seemingly unconcerned, her seductive demeanor all of sudden was nowhere to be seen. "Not really. I don't remember anything actually...but I do recognize you handsome..."

I ignored her flirting and continued, "So you don't remember anything?"

Druuna shook her head, "Nope, nothing at all. The last thing I remember was going to sleep and then waking up here."

I nodded, now is the time to see if Druuna is willing to help me, "Alright, well, we need to get you up to speed. There's a situation we need your help with."

Druuna raised an eyebrow, "What kind of situation?"

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how much to tell her. But ultimately, I decided that she deserved to know the truth. "There is a woman, her name is Amanda Waller. She is currently the head of Cadmus, a secret division of the United States government dedicated to countering the power of metahumans in the world."

"Metahuman?" Druuna asked, her confusion evident.

I nodded, "Yes, people with abilities beyond normal human limits."

Druuna looked intrigued, "And what does this have to do with me?"

"I need your help. About a week ago I escape from one of her Lab facilities with one of the other test subjects. Her name is Galatea, and she is a Kryptonian clone. She's currently in a stasis pod at this base, but we have confirmation that Amanda Waller is looking for..."

"I'm in"

The suddenness of her response caught me off guard. "What? Just like that?"

Druuna shrugged, "Why not? I may not remember much, but...I can't resist working with a…handsome guy like you on an important mission."

Bloody Hell...out of all the people. Why the hell Eon has to send me a damn seductress. But I pushed the thought aside and focused on the task at hand. "Alright then, let's get started. Quintero, can you show her the files and intel we have on Cadmus, Amanda Waller, and Everything?"

The UNSC AI nodded and projected images and documents on the TV in front of Druuna, who began to study them intently.

I stood up from my chair, "I'm going to take a shower. Quintero, keep me updated."

"Will do, Boss," Quintero responded, giving me a thump up.

I made my way to the training chamber where the Shower is located. It has been an interesting day from absorbing almost all of the knowledge of the local library and meeting Supergirl face-to-face to now working with Druuna, who seems to have an interest in me beyond the mission at hand. But I had a feeling that this was just the beginning of things to come.

I stepped into the shower and let the hot water wash over me. As I lathered up and rinsed off, my mind drifted back to Kara. I know in the comic Supergirl has always struggled with her human identity, relationships, and emotional issues. Krypton was an advanced society but it was also a cold and distant one. Kara must feel so alone in this world...Well except that she still has her cousin, Superman.

But maybe I could be there for her too, but I also don't want to get involved yet with someone who has a connection with the Justice League. That could just lead to complications and conflicts of interest. Hmm...maybe with the Titan but that is a thought for another time.

I finished showering and dried off, got dressed in fresh workout gear, and walked to the bench press rated for an enhanced like me. I began to lift weights, focusing on my muscles and the strain on my body. It helped clear my mind and refocus my priorities.

My record was 1500 pounds which is pretty good for someone who isn't a full-blooded Czarnian. I pushed myself to break my personal best, determined to improve my strength and endurance. As I lifted the heavyweight, I felt my muscles burn and my heart race. I knew I had to be at my peak condition for the task ahead.

As I finished my workout, I noticed that I wasn't the only one in this room, and we all know who it was. Druuna was standing there, her eyes fixed on me. She was holding her catsuit that I had made for her earlier.

"Enjoying the show?" I asked, my tone slightly teasing.

Druuna smirked, "Very much so."

I ignored her flirtatious tone and cleared my throat, "So, have you gone through the files?"

Druuna nodded, "Yes, I have. And I'm ready to help you take down Amanda Waller and Cadmus."

I smiled, genuinely impressed with her determination. "Good. I think we make for an exceptional team."

Druuna smiled back, "Oh, I'm sure we do."

I sighed, feeling a little bit of irritation at the seductress. "Have you also been brief about your...unique biosignature?"

Druuna nodded, "Yes, Quintero has given me a rundown of my biosignature. Although Quintero is still trying to figure out why was it so unique."

"Well then it is convenient that we are in the training chamber, aren't we? Change into your catsuit and meet me in the large arena. We'll run some tests and see what you're capable of," I said, pointing at the door where The bathroom is located.

Druuna sauntered to where I was pointing, she moved with a certain grace and femininity, her impressive asset swaying with each step. "And what about you, handsome? Are you going to change too?"

I rolled my eyes, "No, I'm good in this outfit."

Druuna pouted, "Aw, you're no fun." she said, winking at me before disappearing into the bathroom.

I shook my head, wondering how I got myself into this mess, but also feeling a little bit amused. Druuna was certainly a handful, but I had to admit it she is what Eon said she would be. Maybe, just maybe, this could all work out nicely in the end.

(Druuna added to Your Squad)

Huh? Again with the notification? Just like before information appeared in front of me.

(Congratulations on recruiting a new member of your team. In this feature, an avatar such as yourself can access all of the members' stats, abilities, and equipment. Keep track of their progress and manage their tasks efficiently. Good luck on your mission, Captain.)

Whoa...just how many features does the system have that I wasn't even aware of? I thought to myself. First The character's Bio, then now the ability to manage my team?

This is getting interesting, I might have to check back on it another time. But for now, I had to focus on the task at hand. I made my way to the large arena, mentally preparing myself for the tests.


I was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the arena and meditating. Getting some practice with my telepathy, I concentrate on spreading my awareness for about roughly 5 kilometers around me. I can sense two minds that are closer to me, the rest are just the mind of your average wildlife like fish or small bird-like animals that I have been seeing in this dimension.

But back to the two minds, there was obviously Druuna's mind, we are still sort of connected psychically, and from what I can sense of Druuna's mind it was curious and eager to prove herself but I also sensed...arousal coming from the seductress. Uhhh... can't this woman just keep it in her pants...

The other mind was Galatea, and obviously, I sensed nothing from the Kryptonian clone because she was a blank slate. But now after brainstorming some ideas, I may have a way to implant some basic knowledge and skills into Galatea's mind and I need Druuna's help with what I have in mind. It's risky, but it might just work.

The current environment around me looks like a typical dojo, with matte black walls, a polished wooden floor, and wooden pillars. The lights dimmed, and Quintero's voice came over the loudspeaker.

"Boss, Druuna is ready to start the tests. She'll be entering the arena shortly."

"Copy that, Quintero."

"Umm...there is another thing Boss, do be prepared for you about to see"

I frowned, wondering what Quintero meant by that. "What do you mean, Quintero? Is there something wrong with Druuna?"

"Well, I have a feeling that you are going to like what you're about to see."

I raised an eyebrow, then shrugged. "Let me guess, she's going to come in all revealing?"

Quintero chuckled, "Something like that, Boss."

I sighed, already feeling annoyed with Druuna's antics. "Just get on with it, Quintero."

The doors to the arena opened, and Druuna walked in. My breath caught in my chest as I took her in. She was wearing the tactical catsuit that I made for her, and it hugged every curve of her body, leaving little to the imagination.

But she wasn't without protection obviously, there was some armor plating on the chest, shoulders, arms, and legs. The catsuit has a blue and black color scheme with features such as a utility belt, a hood, a mask, and some pockets for some gadgets.

Overall not only does Druuna look good in her catsuit, but it also looks like it's functional and can protect her from harm.

"Enjoying the show?" Druuna asked with a smirk.

"You want me to be honest or lie to you?" I replied, able to keep a straight face.

Druuna laughed, "You can be honest. I already know how good I look."

I shook my head, a small smile forming on my lips. "Alright Druuna, but first how is your suit performing? Is it comfortable? Does it have any malfunctions or issues?"

"No, it's perfect," Druuna replied, stretching her limbs seductively in the suit. "It's light and flexible, and the armor is well-placed. I can move around and fight with ease."

"Good to hear. Now if you have any complaints or criticism about it, let me know. I'll see what I can do to improve it in the future."

Druuna nodded, "Will do, Handsome...in fact how about I made my own "improvements" to it?"

I raised an eyebrow, "And what kind of "improvements" are you talking about?"

Druuna grinned mischievously, "Oh, nothing...just a few "additions" that's all..."

I sighed, feeling a headache coming on. "Do you even know how to operate a fabricator?"

Druuna shrugged, "Not really…but I'm sure you can teach me." She said, batting her pretty eyelashes at me.

I rolled my eyes, "Alright Temptress, Let's focus on the tests, shall we?"

"Temptress? I like the sound of that," Druuna purred, before stepping back and getting into position. "So…how are we doing this?"

"First I'm going to do a physical test" I decided. Circling around Druuna and scrutinizing her very sensual yet very fit body. "I want you to do some basic movements, like running, jumping, and strength. I want to see how your suit holds up and how well you can move in it."


"You got it, Dude," Quintero interjected.

Then the environment around us changed, it was like the environment was disappearing and materializing like pieces of Lego coming together. We were now standing on an Olympic-sized track, complete with hurdles, weights, and a high jump bar.

I grinned, "That should work. Let's start with a running test. I want you to run around this track twice as fast as you can."

I then took out my phone and opened the stopwatch app, ready to time Druuna's run. "Let's see if you can beat my records."

Druuna smiled confidently and cracked her knuckles. "You're on, Handsome."

I rolled my eyes and stepped back as Druuna stepped into the track and took her starting position. "Ready...Set...Go!"

She then sprinted off, her form agile and graceful as she ran. I watched closely, impressed with her speed and the way she maneuvered around the track with ease. Effortlessly cleared the hurdles, zigzagging through the course with ease.

Her catsuit did not seem to hinder her movements in any way, and I could see the armor plating holding up well against any potential impact. After two rounds, Druuna finished her run with a personal best time of 1 minute and 35 seconds. Only ten seconds slower than my record.

"Not bad, Druuna. But I think we can do better. Let's do some strength training next," I said, motioning to the weights.

Druuna nodded, and we moved over to the weights. She easily lifted dumbbells weighing 150 pounds, then moved on to bench pressing weights of up to 900 pounds. I watched her closely, impressed with her strength and form. Her catsuit flexed and stretched with her movements, but never ripped or tore.

"Excellent job, Druuna. But we're not done yet," I said, motioning to the high jump bar.

The Temptress raised an eyebrow. "You want me to jump over that?"

I nodded, "Yes, but we'll make it more interesting. Let's raise the bar to 20 feet and see if you can make it over."

Druuna whistled, "You're kidding, right? That's impossible."

"Nothing is impossible, Temptress. You just have to... "believe" in yourself," I replied cheekily using air quotes, putting my hand on her shoulder. "Maybe you can even surpass the like of Wonder Woman if you train hard enough."

"Wonder Woman?" The Temptress asked a questioning look on her face.

In response, a holographic image of Wonder Woman appeared in front of us in the arena, the Amazon heroine stood proud with her sword and shield raised in a defensive position. The heroine was an extraordinarily attractive woman, with a tone muscular yet feminine physique that looks like it was chiseled from stone...quite literally.

But that wasn't what caught my attention, It was the familiar battle-ax tie behind Wonder Woman's back. It was the battle-ax that I saw her carry while she was battling Doomsday. I didn't recognize what it is until now up close and personal, because I definitely Recognize it.

The Leviathan Axe.

I don't remember Wonder Woman in the comic lore carrying a Leviathan Axe. This was a new addition to her arsenal, and I wondered where in the hell she had gotten it from. Because it definitely wasn't a weapon from the ancient Greek pantheon or even any of the other pantheons that I know of. The Leviathan Axe was a fictional weapon belonging to a certain god of war…

I decided to put that mystery aside for now and focus on the task at hand. I turned to Druuna and saw her staring at the hologram of Wonder Woman with a mix of awe and envy.

"That's Wonder Woman," I explained. "She's one of the most powerful and respected heroes in the world. She's also a member of the Justice League, along with Superman, Batman, and others."

"I see. She's very impressive. And very...beautiful." Druuna purred, her eyes still fixed on the hologram.

I cleared my throat, bringing the Temptress back to reality. "Right...let's get back to the task at hand. Ready to jump?"

Druuna had a dazzling smile as she turn back to look at me, "You really think I can do it?"

I nodded, "I do. And I'll prove it to you. Watch this."

I then walked over to the high jump bar and set it to 20 feet. I then took a few steps back and ran towards it, leaping over it with ease. I landed on the other side and turned to face Druuna.

"See? It's not impossible. I believe that you can do it yourself," I said, giving her a thumbs up.

Druuna clapped her hands, "Wow! That was amazing! How did you do that?"

"I am not an average human, in case you didn't notice," I replied, flashing a smile. "But enough about me, let's see what you can do."

Druuna nodded, "Alright. I'll try."

She then walked over to the high jump bar and set it to 20 feet. She then took a few steps back and ran towards it, jumping as high as she could.

She cleared the bar by a few inches, but she lost her balance in mid-air and landed on her back on the other side.

"Ow!" she groaned.

I rushed over to her and helped her up. "Are you okay?"

Druuna nodded, rubbing her back. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little bruised."

"Well, you did it. You cleared the bar," I said, patting her on the back. "But we'll need to work on your landing technique."

Druuna grinned, "Yeah, I think I need some practice."

"Good...now with the physical test out of the way, we are going to move on to our next test"


This story is free and if you want to donate to help a brother out. Here is me PayPal: https://pàypal.me/Phucbe200

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