
RDD 61

RDD 61

In the last few days, my family became restless. The children started to feel the changes and they became gloomy as well.

There was nothing we could do about it, the protests outside were getting more and more violent, and yesterday some people were seriously injured.

We didn't join the protests because we knew it was useless. The government had good reasons to demolish the houses near the road.

"It is fortunate that Mrs. De Guzman had a good contract with the government. At least she will be able to live the rest of her life without any problems once the house is demolished." Penelope muttered next to me as she folded the clothes.

This building was already old and Mrs. De Guzman wasn't selling any apartments. She only rented them, so there was no problem with the residents if the building was demolished.

As for us, our problem was that we couldn't find a place to live.

Well, we still have six months to think about it.

"Let's go to church tomorrow."

Penelope said and the children heard her. They were excited to hear that they could leave the house tomorrow.

As for me, I just nodded and looked at the list I had made. Since we had received a large amount of money from my in-laws, I started writing down every possible business I could do.

My intention was to start a small business, maybe selling some food or making a fruit stand.

It was bothering me these days because I didn't know what to choose.

"Honey? Are you listening?"

"Huh?" I looked at my wife and she was obviously worried.

She sighed and pinched my cheek.

"Just take it slow. Once you start your business, you will be busy. You may not have enough time to spend with the kids. So how about we go outside, huh?"

She smiled and gave me a peck on the lips. I chuckled and hugged her, she yelped in surprise and tried to push me away.

"Keith, I swear!"

"It's not my fault. You're the one who kissed me. It's your fault for being too beautiful."

"Huh!" She snorted, but her lips trembled and curled.

"Dajjy! Mommy! Hug me too!"

Seeing us cuddling, Sophia approached with her walker. Penelope giggled and carried her, making Sophia happy.


"What about you, Roman?" Penelope looked at her son.

"I'm not a kid anymore."

Roman. This child... Why doesn't he talk a little more? At least enough for Penelope to understand him.

Penelope chuckled and approached him instead. She didn't bother to listen to his antics and kissed him on the forehead.

Penelope began to shower them with kisses. Sophia giggled happily, while Roman kept his usual stern expression.

"What about me?" I asked.

"Humph! You'll get yours later!"

... That means.


I grinned when I heard my wife's approval. Roman didn't have school tomorrow and we didn't have to get up early.

So my wife and I are free to do whatever we want, because there's no reason to get up early.

If there was one thing I wanted right now, I hope that the time would pass quickly.

Unfortunately, my wish didn't come true. The time passed without any changes.

We decided to stay in the house because the protesters outside were getting crazy.

While we were eating our dinner, we heard the police siren and lost our appetite. Sophia started crying because she thought the police were going to take her away.

I looked outside and saw some people being arrested. I didn't know why they were being arrested... Because of this, the protest intensified to the point that one of the police pulled out his gun and fired into the sky.

I sighed as I watched the commotion.

Sophia continued to cry when she heard the shot. My wife had to rock-a-bye her to make her feel better.

Then I looked at my son. He was busy with his Rubik's Cube. He didn't seem to hear the shot, thank God.

"... Let's go to sleep."

I said to them.

"Mommy! I want to sleep with you! I don't want to be taken by the police! Wuuu wuuuu, Mommy, I'm scared."

Penelope was sad to see Sophia crying, so she nodded reluctantly.

... Well, I don't have a choice, do I?

It seemed that Penelope's promise would be postponed.

"Me too."

Roman added.

Roman, you're too old to sleep with us. You're five years old!

What? Five years old is still young? So what?


I smiled bitterly and let them sleep with us.

Sophia was between my wife and me. As for Roman, he slept on the other side of Penelope.

The little boy said he didn't want to sleep with me, he preferred his mother... So do I. I want to sleep with Penelope too.

Sophia slept very cutely, so I guess it was worth it.

As I slept, I held my wife's hand. This family was worth my life. I slept peacefully knowing that my wife and children were with me.

The next day we went out and found that the protest had stopped. It seemed that what happened last night had alarmed them.

We went to the Catholic Church to pray. To be honest, I was not a devout believer. But what I experienced made me realize that there are divine beings. I even met one.

We entered the church and sat on the long wooden chair... and spent hours listening to the priest's sermon. I won't lie, after a few hours of sitting, my butt hurts.

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