
Tell Me the Truth – Part 2

~ ZARA ~

My breath was heavy. Huffing. My lungs didn't want to inflate properly because there were too many feelings conflicting and tightening my chest.

I licked my lips, frantic to tell myself that I was filling in too many blanks. That I couldn't be sure and I couldn't jump to conclusions. That I couldn't tell myself what I wanted to hear.

But I'd had a niggling feeling ever since I calmed down the night of that confrontation with David and Ash that something was going on with David that night. That his responses to that whole situation had been strange and out of character for him and… And then, today, when I confronted Emory about it, even though she'd never denied it, she'd seemed genuinely surprised at the beginning that I would think David had feelings for her.

She'd laughed.

At first there'd been none of that smug, self-satisfaction I'd seen in her every time she thought she got one over on someone in the past. In Arinel.

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