
Burning hot!

Music Recommendation: No Splashing No Diving - Thomas Newman

The room was quiet as the three royals continued their dinner. Apart from Westley, who stood discreetly to the side, camouflaging with the wall, there were two more maids on standby, ready to serve the dishes and replace the plates with fresh ones.

"It has been so long since I last heard thunder," Lady Sophia remarked, leaning back in her chair. She continued, "Back in the kingdom I come from, where my parents live, it rained endlessly."

"I presume the thunder and lightning doesn't bother you then." Raylen's polite smile didn't leave his lips. 

Lady Sophia chuckled. "It used to put me right to sleep when I was young." She paused and continued, "I've heard from my daughter about this scoundrel named Marshall. I wanted to thank you for taking care of the matter and not allowing it to escalate." 


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