
Pirates part 1

Time slowly passed as I got my room situated my bed was made and my clothes was put away plus all the tools got put in my desk or in a tackle box so I could carry it around the ship just in case I needed it I opened the bag Quill gave me and sitting on top was a folded note and in very elegant writing raid to my dearest grandson I was a little shocked to see that note but I pulled out the desk chair I picked up the note and flipped it open as I sat down dearest Hunter I hope you're well both in body and mind I know your still so having to kill that many people and seeing the horrors of war I wish I could say you could never have to do anything like that again but your a leviathan but more then that your a Dragny fighting is in your blood but remember to never let that change you death is part of live be it from our hands or the hands of time never regret what you have done especially if it's to protect the family I heard you and little Helge has started a relationship and let me just say both John and I are happy we are to old to bring our families together but you two are still young and both of you got a bright future together never betray each other and don't do what your father did your a smart boy don't let your little brother get you into trouble I chuckled at that but read on by the time you would be reading this you would already be gone your father would make sure it that don't judge him to harshly he has his reasons for sending you away this quickly and I won't tell you those reasons I will just say this both you and Helge have caught the eyes of many people mainly you keep this in mind as you go through the galaxy listen to Heavy learn everything you can and don't be scared to spend your money yes I know what you did you can thank Star for that I rolled my eyes at that but I read money is meant to be spent and trust me your got plenty of it so don't be scared to spend it and don't worry about your siblings I will keep my eyes on Serenity but I ant worried she seems to have took your and Fives words to heart besides your buddy Rick hasn't left there side he is a good man I took a glance at his arms and we should be able to fully heal them but there is a chance that we can't sense they got blown off and it's been so long sense then if we can't James has already said he will give him the best prosthetists they got don't be scared to call us every know and thin it would be good to see your face and I think your siblings would like it to but enough of a old ladies rambling good luck my young grandson my the galaxy protect you but if it doesn't stick close to Heavy protect each other good bye with much love grandma I smiled at that then I seen a little note on the back I flipped it over it read one last thing the armor is yours now I have seen all I needed to your grandfather would be proud of you as em I so take modify it us it I can't wait to see you in it again I side putting the note back on the table again I side and leaned back in my chair I looked to the armor when I did I noticed a button next to it I used my innate ability to activate it when I did the wall slowly sank into the ground and there was a huge window behind it and what I seen made me get up and walk to it there was thousands of blinking stars in a black sky but below us was Nigrna it was huge and shining white there was other ships stopping at a huge checkpoint but we simply flew passed them and when we flew by two floating markers the ship lurched forward and when I looked outside there was nothing but a bright blue tube with white dots flying by this was my first warp and it was so smooth I pushed the button again and the wall slowly rose up I turned to my armor and pulled off my gun belt and I pulled off my helmet I put it on as I walked out of my room I walked to the door that lead to the control room of the ship as I walked up to the door it slid opened and I simple walked in Heavy was sitting in the pilot seat in the front there was two other seats behind him but all the controls to the ship was in front of him on the left wall was a control system for the blasters on the side of the ship the right wall had the scanning system and the star map computer I sat down on the left seat Heavy had his hands on the control sticks on the arms of his chair and his head was resting against the back of his chair looking forward I could tell he was resting not trying to think about anything crazy and just enjoying the beautiful sit that was warping I leaned back in my hair looking forward and did the same as him and I will admit I zoned out simple admiring the site that was in front of us we stayed like this in a comfortable silence but after a while Heavy side saying ant it beautiful Hunter I nodded indeed it is silences again but this time it lasted only for a few second Heavy side again saying I remember my first warp drive back in those days we had to give warnings for everyone to get strapped in before we warped I remember I was one of the lucky few who didn't get sick from it at all but Cortana she did after we warped and was in this place we was able to walk around again I remember I unbuckled my self from my seat when the woman quickly took off her helmet and through up on my lap I laughed saying let me gauss that woman was Cortana Heavy chuckled indeed all of us clones new each other since we was raced together but even so there were so many of us that outside of our training unit we only new names of the others nothing more so yes technically the first time Cortana and I met each other she threw up on my lap that must have been sticky I said o you have no idea it sucked everyone laughed at us well let's be honest Heavy if you was in there place wouldn't you I said smiling Heavy laughed saying yea probably and we shared a laugh together but after we both settled down Heavy pushed a button on the table that was in front of him on his right and the autopilot was activated Heavy chair moved back and turned around to face me he looked at me saying now that we got the small talk out of the way let's get down to business my young apprentice I turned my chair so I was facing him and I crossed my legs saying ok brother I but Heavy held up his hand and I stopped talking Heavy nodded lowering his hand saying good ok Hunter I am going to be frank with you but first let's get the rules out of the way my first rule is this listen to my orders I do not mind if you ask a question but just know I will not always give you a answer do you understand this I nodded saying yes I will follow your orders Heavy nodded good second from here on do not call me Heavy either call my big brother or brother the same will go for me ok little brother I nodded and said ok big brother what ever you say he nodded third and last rule out side of this ship do not take off your helmet and do not let anyone other then me Cortana, Quill or Helge see your face at all this rule is very important and if you show your face to anyone else I will stop training you right then and there I was a little shocked at this rule so I asked if I may brother y does this rule matter Heavy side saying Hunter your Fangs child you maybe only a bastard child but you can still be used against your father if his enemies got wind of you they would stop at nothing to capture you luckily not many people out side if the tribe know about you and what your armor looks like and the ones who do are either dead or very trustworthy this maybe me over thinking things but better to be safe them sorry plus you need to get into wearing your helmet at all times not all places will be safe and you might want to sleep in your armor this will help that another part to this is your helmet is your second face the more people recognize you by your helmet the less you will have to show your face it's both a shield and a face my last reason is simple it would be odd if I am the only one who keeps my helmet if you take yours off people will expect me to do the same and of I refuse they may get offended I know you might think who cares about that right but we are only two people Hunter there are beings in this galaxy that are very powerful sure we could probably take many of them but it's better to just do our job nothing more nothing less do you understand I side saying ok brother I understand and thank you for answering my question Heavy nodded ok enough of the rules let's get to the fun stuff I know you have many questions on what will we be doing these 5 years from the tribe and it's quite simple we will be doing jobs as bounty hunters this will take us through the galaxy plus this will put us into opportunities for us to fight and for you to grow that won't break the law plus this will give you a chance to make connections in the galaxy that only something like bounty hunting provides plus bounty hunter hold a certain weight, and charm to it don't you think and we will also be doing jobs that your father gives us for the tribe that he thinks we would be good at especially if it's one that he trusts no one but us to do we may do jobs with Cortana and your little girlfriend but we will do most of our jobs alone and the down time between jobs is when your training will happen so little brother do you got any other questions I smiled a evil smile saying yes what's are first job Heavy laughed he smacked his leg saying that's the spirit lad and he pushed a button on his chair and the room got dark a dark glass slowly lowered down over the windshield which made the room much darker a hallow image appeared between is it was a map of our current galaxy Heavy pointed to a moving green arrow saying this is us this is a trade route and a very common one at that but you know what trade ships mean I nodded pirates right he nodded indeed trade ships mean pirates and pirates mean free loot I laughed at his shamelessness I could tell Heavy was grinning under his helmet and he continued this ship has room for two medium mecha Rambo is a medium range mecha but we are missing a long-range or close range mecha and mecha's nowadays are very expensive and we could buy one for you but where's the fun in that when we can help a trade ship and kill some pirates all at one's I nodded saying brother your speaking my language I am going to get my armor on cuz I have a feeling I will need it he nodded saying probably a good idea i got up and walked back to my room and put on my armor I also used my materials printer to restock on my sticky bombs know I had 5 on my gauntlet but on my belt I put 10 more they all was attached to a long flexible metal clip this would make it easier for me to reload my gauntlet the next thing I printed was the materials I needed for thorn and Aces bullets when I had all the parts I walked over to my table and started making bullets for them for both I made 20 I pulled thorn out and pushed the button and the mag feel out onto my hand I sat thorn down on the table I then took out Ace and did the same thing I then loaded the mags thorns ammo was smaller and more to a point like D said this was more for piercing through things wall Ace did come to a point it was less this was more for sheer power both clips could only hold 7 shots like D said but I didn't mind I had a fun idea and I looked over the mag seeing the design of each I wanted to see if there was anything special about them or if they was just a normal magazine and I was right it was just a normal magazine they was just a lot tougher I got up and walked over to the printer I used my innate ability to send it the blueprints and it quickly printed 2 more mags for both I picked them up and walked back to the table and loaded them I came to my next problem how did I want to store them on my person I looked down at my self thinking about it my belt was full so I couldn't put anymore on it perhaps on the inside of my coat I opened my cost to see if that would work and it would I stood back up and walked back to the printers throwing my coat into it and I uploaded a blueprint of my coat that had pockets on the inside of it that could hold my mags two on each side I also readded my right sleeve I didn't mind showing it off wall I was in the tribe but it could bring me way to much trouble if people see the full arm so I will put the sleeve back on but I will keep the string that holds it together so if I need to I can just pull that and take off my sleeve instead of ripping it off it didn't take long for the printer to finish it I picked up my coat smiling I through it on and walked back to the table this time I didn't sit down I picked up the two extra mags for thorn I put them on the left side if my coat then I picked up the mags for Ace and put them on the right side I then picked up thorn and it's mag I shoved the magazine into it and then racked a round into the chamber then I holstered it I picked up Ace and did the same I smiled feeling the wait of my new gear luckily even if I rack a round into the chamber it won't fire till I switch it into that mod and sense the chamber that the round sits in is blocked in till I switch mods the bullet it self won't be affected by the blaster shots I walked out of my room and back into the control room to see Quill was sitting on the right chair he was looking at a map that was in front of him Heavy was back to piloting so he was facing forward I sat down on the left chair as I looked at the map what I seen made me smile it was asteroid field I seen 3 small cargo ships and they was being attacked by gunner ships that came from the asteroid field and it was blurry but I thought I seen a ship hidden behind the asteroids ready to come out when needed what do you see Brother Heavy asked I smiled saying three small cargo ships that are bing attacked by 10 spider attack ships but there's more there's a bigger ship hidden in the Asteroid field probably the pirates man ship and where all there loot is anything else he asked I shrugged the cargo ships appear to be civilian big boys great for transporting heavy things but not the best for attacking there shields are quite good though since many of them are used for mining so it will take the spider a bit to bring down there shields if the big ship doesn't join the fight which I doubt is that all Heavy asked again I thought about it but then I realized something y ant the cargo ships sending out a distress single that's fishy this hole thing is odd y are three small cargo ships out this far with no difference ships and y ant they attacking back brother this is a trap or at least it looks like it Heavy nodded good so you spotted it if these ships was actually in combat y ant the trade ships firing back or at least running away but no they are just skirting around the Asteroid field like they are waiting for something or at least looking for something I nodded so what's the plan brother Heavy laughed ant it obvious we are talking there man ship when we do that the others will either surrender or try and run luckily for us this ship is made for this sort of thing it has a cloaking device so we will just come out of warp above them and then cloak then fly down on top of the big ship Quill side saying gods damn it I knew coming with you golem would be the death of me Heavy turned and glanced back at him saying I didn't ask for your help you can stay in the ship of you wish Quill nodded ok sounds fine with me I need to set up the forge so Hunter can start his training anyway so have fun Heavy laughed saying o we will he looked back forward saying coming out of warp now and the ship slowed down and that blue tube was gone we was looking down at a Asteroid field I could see the big ship hiding amongst the big rocks I also cot a glimpse of the 3 trade ships being chased by the spiders clocking in three two one clocking activated moving forward Heavy said I clenched my fist in anticipation we move down not fast but also not slow either we got to the Asteroid field and I must say the way Heavy move through this field was masterful he defiantly has done this before we got to the big ship which was a old mecha dropper this was the ship that the drop ships came out of but this was only a small one it could probably only have 5 drop ships so there's was definitely a far number of pirates on this ship Heavy landed over a air and he gently set the ship down after that he turned off the ship his chair moved back and turned around he looked to me saying you ready little brother I nodded saying let's go Heavy stood up and walked out I followed him we walked into the storage room he pushed a button and the ground opened up under the two mecha bays I could see the vents that heavy parked over we jumped down I pulled out one of my laser swords and I cut a hole big enough for us Heavy nodded and pulled himself into the vent I followed him as we moved through the vents I used my innate ability to hack into the ship I got a clear map of where we was at this ship had 5 floors the bottom floor was for storage be it mech, gunner ships or just cargo the the next three floors was for sleeping corters but I seen a huge mess hall and a jim on the 3-floor wall the top floor was the control center for the ship and where the caption was I also made sure that our presents weren't noticed we were just over the 4-floor elevator I connected Heavy to the map I got he looked it over as we crawled to the elevator shaft Heavy then nodded saying we are storming the control center it's the fastest way to get what we want I nodded ok but when we get there lets scan the captain to see if there's a bounty on him Heavy laughed saying good your already thinking like a bounty hunter where here we got to a hole in the wall Heavy leaned his head out looking down then up he crawled out holding onto the side of the elevator shaft saying where good I crawled out nodding I will turn off this elevator so we don't get surprised Heavy nodded good idea I used my innate ability to shut off this elevator Heavy looked up I did as well I could see a door at the very top but that was a long climb luckily for us most gauntlets have a climbing spike I thrust out my left hand and a spike shot out from my gaunlet with a wire attached to it the spike sunk into the steal above the door Heavy did the same his wire was a lot thicker sense he was definitely heavier then me and we started climbing up it didn't take us long to climb next to the door I looked to Heavy saying I can us my ability to opened it or I can cut it opened which do you prefer brother Heavy thought about it after a few moments he said cut this bitch open I nodded and pulled out one of my swords with one hand activating it and stabbed it into the stop of it my sword sank into the metal like a hot knife through butter I started to cut down as I did I heard someone say uhhh captain someone is cutting through the elevator door I heard a angry gurgling voice yell the fuck did you say and I heard water moving inside of a tank and the captain yelled sound the alarm and close the vault door they can not get into this room the next moment I heard someone turn around and slam there hand into something and I was a little surprised cuz the next moment a alarm starting going off even though I tried to block this from happening but it would seem this alarm restarted its system forcing it's self to go off which make my attempts useless but I did stop the vault doors from closing that was easy I looked to Heavy laughing well they know where here now Heavy chuckled saying it would seem so get this door open and let's probably great this captain I nodded and started cutting faster I was almost to the bottom when I heard another voice yell to the captain the vault doors ant working something is blocking us from activating them the captain yelled what how did they get passed all of are sensers it's to late to think about that prepare for battle right when they said that I was done cutting the doors slid open I throw my self throw the door sliding on my knees leaning back luckily I did cuz plasma and blaster shots flew over me flying into the elevator which made a white smoke come out from it from all the heat I stood up looking around this room was places like a upside down u all the controls was on the walls going around and in the middle there was a tank that was slowly being lowered I to the ground and in this tank I seen a female shark person she looked human well if humans had blue and gray shark scales and fins on there arms with webbed hands and feet and black eyes with sharp shark teeth and on her neck was red and gray gills other then that very human she had on a green bandana which held back bright red messy hair she had a basic black shirt and blue pants tide around here waste was a blue scarf with a shark fin on it she was flaring at me holding a saber in her left hand and a blaster in her right all of her crew was fish like as well nowhere near to this woman but still but enough thinking time to have some fun I raised my black and red glowing sword saying surrender captain sicklefin or your crew is dead Sicklefin looked me over saying or what leviathan we got you outnumbered 20 to one I smiled simple saying I like those odds Sicklefin laughed saying I bet you do but sadly this captain dosn't play fairly and she stomped the ground hitting a button on the floor right then lowering from over her was 2 plasma machine guns they swiveled and pointed at me Sicklefin smiled looking me over like she seen the biggest jewel in front of her just waiting to be taken surrender leviathan and maybe we will leave you with your life I chuckled looking at the machine guns saying I like these odds even more cuz you see I also don't play fare and I snapped my right-hand fingers when I did I hacked into those machine guns and turned them on her crew Sicklefin face turned green when the guns swiveled and turned to her crew last chance surrender or this hole room is going to be painted red your choice you got till 3 one Sicklefin turned to me yelling you bluffing bastard I chuckled saying maybe I am maybe I am not do you really want to find out 2 and I raised my right hand and brought my middle finger to my thumb ready to snap it Sicklefin looked all around at her crew all of them was scared out of there minds looking at her waiting for her orders 3 i was about to snap my fingers when she yelled wait ok we surrender to prove her point she through her weapons to the ground I smiled saying good idea and I lowered my hand Heavy walked into the room nodding good job brother I turned to him nodding I chuckled when I seen his chest plate had a black burn mark on it I guess one of those shots actually hit him but that's not to surprising seeing how many there was Heavy walked up to the captain he looked her over scanning her he then pushed a button on his gauntlet and a screen appeared over it there was a loading bare on it after a few seconds a picture appeared of Sicklefin and there was information next to it Heavy read through it he turned to me saying well miss Sicklefin here is defiantly wanted by 3 galaxy's actually let's see killing the queen on your planet who happened to be your sister then you took the crown and a lot of the people's money as you ran away they want you dead or alive the next galaxy wants you for pirating and a hole lot of killing they want you dead but this last one is even better you stole from the moon queen you kidnapped her youngest daughter you then tried to us her as a hostage but when the queen's court refused to pay you ran off with the child the moon empire wants you alive and there bounty on your head is quite hi 50000 and 2000 hi brother what's this last part say I walked up next to him and read it I understand what he wanted me to do I then spoke saying sadly for them they want them dead and I snapped my fingers and the machine guns over me came alive mowing down her crew members in this room and the walls and windows was painted red with there blood Sicklefin yelled no and turning around it only took 5 seconds for all of her crew members in here to be killed she turned to us yelling your monsters I shrugged saying if we are monsters what does that make you know tell us where the girl is if you do I promise your death will be painless Sicklefin screamed at me saying I ant telling you but then I grabbed her by the throat with my metal arm I looked to Heavy saying brother do you mind if I but Heavy pat my shoulder saying let's leave that to the moon empire I side throwing her to the ground Sicklefin held her throat coughing like crazy I looked down to her saying you will wish you took my offer Heavy nodded but enough of this we got a hole crew to deal with plus with this alarm there mecha pilots will be ready I side saying this isn't going to be easy but y do I have a feeling that where splitting up Heavy laughed saying you are right about that brother I will take miss Sicklefin back to the ship wall you deal with the rest of them I side saying you do know there's more then 300 on this ship and you want me to fight them alone Heavy laughed saying I leave them to you do what you must I side walking to the elevator shaft well lets the fun start and I jumped down.

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