

Wilhelm I: current king in Prussia, he is a reincarnated, Calm nature, his multiple lives make him tend to be prudent, which leads him to overthink in many times, the representation of the duty of a ruler, he is neither good nor bad, he does what is necessary for his people, their knowledge focuses on the art of war and engineering.

Age: 9

Appearance:king michael I of romania,1,81 m, blond hair, blue eyes

Charles of Orleans: current grand master of the Teutonic order(Hochmeister), he was kidnapped a few months after his birth by a group of Teutonic knights and finnish scouts in an attempt to bring the best bloodlines into the service of the Teutonic order, Charles is the guardian and master of the current king who sees him as his own son, he is known for being the best using all kinds of weapons, as well as for being a true knight with the 7 cardinal virtues (humility, charity, chastity, gratitude, temperance, patience and diligence).


appearance: Hermann von Salza 2,21 m,brown hair, green eyes

Lothar von Ruppin:count of Ruppin, captain general of Prussia, devout protestant, blindly supports the king in the religious war, being one of the few adulators of the father of Friedrich Wilhelm II who were good military commanders, he is known for his severity and does not forgive the lack of discipline in his troops,hates heretics and pagans, because of the loss of his family in the religious war.


appearance: Carl von Clausewitz 2,18 m black hair, brown eyes

Friedrich von Roon: noble landowner (Junker), a promising young infantry officer who managed to stand out in the first battles of the young king, currently holds the rank of field master with a tercio under his command, is known for being brave and have a magnetic charisma making it quite popular among the infantry.


appearance: Neidhardt von Gneisenau 1,84 m brown hair, blue eyes

Aleksanteri: the only non-nobleman at the Prussian court, but this has not been a drawback for Aleksanteri, as he enjoys the full confidence of his king because he relies on the Finnish regiments to perform the sabotage and poisoning tasks that have been key to the consecutive Prussian victories in the 2 years of the young monarch's ascension, he is of relaxed personality, although this has not prevented him from committing the bloodiest acts by orders of the Prussian high command, Master torturer, polyglot and manipulator, these are the tools that have served him to be the perfect spy in the battlefield,he enjoys humiliating his enemies after defeating them in infiltration games.

Age: 35

appearance:Simo Häyhä 1,65 m brown hair, brown eyes

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