
Poison of Trurian Kingdom

Time frame: wartime

In the kingdom of Cescil, the use of advanced-level magic, except for healing purposes, was strictly forbidden.

The penalty for possessing such magic was death, a policy that Lady Severa found herself deeply questioning. She couldn't help but ponder the possibilities of harnessing advanced magic for the betterment of the people.

Lady Severa was a staunch advocate for actions that aimed to benefit the majority. She firmly believed that great power did not necessarily need to be extinguished but could instead be directed towards noble causes.

However, the aristocracy of Cescil operated out of fear, seeking to maintain absolute control and ensure that no power surpassed that of the royal authority.

Recognizing Lady Severa as a threat to their dominance, the aristocracy conspired to remove her from the royal system.

They saw her progressive ideas as a challenge to their established order, deeming her allegiance to the greater good a threat to their control and authority.

Lady Sophia let out a heavy sigh, her eyes widening as she regained consciousness. She found herself lying on a flat plain beneath the shade of a towering tree.

"My Lady," Adeline spoke softly, concern evident in her voice.

Lady Sophia stared back at Adeline with wide eyes, a mix of fear and confusion reflecting in her gaze.

"My Lady, please refrain from such reckless actions in the future," Shi chimed in, offering her assistance. "Let us put this incident behind us."

Struggling to sit up, Lady Sophia appeared pale and weakened. However, her gaze locked with Ragnar's, their eyes silently communicating for an extended moment.

"Has the war come to an end?" she inquired, her voice filled with both hope and trepidation.

A reddish hue painted the horizon, the flames of battle visible along the shores and waters.

"Yes, my lady, we have successfully repelled the enemy forces. However," Shi's voice trailed off, her tone lowering.

"What about Qedren?" Lady Sophia's voice trembled with worry.

"Qedren has been safely relocated, but it appears that Ostrill's assault specifically targeted the dragon rider troops. Their aim was to cripple and eliminate all the dragons, for their arrows were laced with a deadly poison. We are working tirelessly to remove the poison from Qedren's system, but his condition remains unstable," Adeline explained, her voice filled with a mix of determination and concern.

"Did the other dragons sustain any injuries from the arrows?" Lady Sophia inquired, eager to catch up on the developments during her unconsciousness.

"None. Thanks to Ragnar's insistence on equipping everyone with armor before the battle. However, My Lady..." Shi hesitated, casting a cautious glance at Sophia.

She sought to communicate something to her without coming across as overbearing or authoritative.

They were concerned about the wounded Gamaaloth warlord, who had also been struck by Trurian arrows, but they were too afraid to approach him.

Sophia nodded understandingly. "Yes, I will attend to that matter."

With the support of Shi and Adeline, Lady Sophia slowly rose to her feet. She remained weak and pale, her body still recovering from the ordeal.

Together, they made their way towards the Gamaaloths, who were diligently assessing the condition of their loyal dragons.

Ragnar was tending to Ymat, carefully examining the dragon's condition when Lady Sophia and her companions approached him.

Her gaze shifted to the wounds on Ragnar's body, tracing the path of the injuries. He had extracted the remaining arrow, leaving behind two open wounds that continued to bleed.

He had hastily wrapped them with a cloth, but it was evident that the bandaging had been done without much care.

The fabric had quickly become saturated with blood, the crimson fluid seeping through and staining the cloth.

"Is it preferable to die than to accept aid from a woman?" Lady Sophia's voice remained calm, her words carrying a hint of reproach.

"I'm perfectly fine," Ragnar assured her. "You and your clan should conserve your energy. Reeve mentioned that you collapsed while attempting to save Qedren."

Uzana chimed in from nearby. "Ragnar is right. His wounds are minor and will heal on their own. It's best for you to preserve your energy for yourself."

What was that just now? Uzana's reluctance to seek assistance from a woman was evident. The deeply ingrained sexism within Gamaaloth culture seemed to defy reason.

"With such a minor injury, we Gamaaloths will not succumb," Ragnar proclaimed arrogantly.

"Tell that to Qedren, whose condition has deteriorated despite our efforts to stop the bleeding," Lady Sophia responded calmly yet firmly.

"The Trurian arrows are laced with a deadly poison, my lord," Lady Sophia continued with composure. "The attack was intended to immobilize the dragons and the Gamaaloths. They knew that ordinary weapons would not bring about our demise."

Uzana, swayed by Lady Sophia's explanation, shifted his perspective. He entrusted the care of Ryzzid, the dragon he had been riding, to Arn, and approached them with genuine concern.

"Save your strength for Qedren," Ragnar persisted, but Lady Sophia disregarded his words.

Determined, she caught up to Ragnar and placed her palm on his massive body. Instantly, Ragnar's colossal form collapsed to the ground with a resounding thud.

"Ragnar!!!" Uzana exclaimed in panic as his brother fell to his knees.

Uzana's eyes widened in shock as he watched Lady Sophia's seemingly simple touch bring the mighty Ragnar to his knees.

The ground trembled beneath the weight of the fallen warrior. It was as if a surge of power had passed from Lady Sophia's palm into Ragnar's body, overwhelming him.

The other Gamaaloth riders turned their heads in astonishment, their attention drawn to the dramatic scene unfolding before them.

They couldn't believe their eyes. Lady Sophia, a petite healer girl, had effortlessly incapacitated their revered leader.

Sophia stood calmly amidst the commotion, her hand still extended towards Ragnar's motionless form. Her gaze was steady, unwavering, filled with a mix of determination and concern.

She knew she had to act swiftly to save him, and if that meant temporarily incapacitating Ragnar to redirect his energy, she was willing to take that risk.

Adeline, recognizing Uzana's concern and confusion, stepped forward with determination in her eyes. She held Uzana's gaze, her voice firm but compassionate.

"We are healers, Uzana," Adeline stated, her words carrying a weight of truth. "Our purpose is to mend and protect life, not to bring harm or destruction. Your brother is safe with us, and we will do everything in our power to ensure his well-being."

Uzana remained silent, his gaze fixed upon his immobile brother. Confusion and concern clouded his features as he tried to make sense of the situation.

He believed Ragnar's lack of movement was a result of the poison coursing through his veins, but Adeline's conviction in there being more to it intrigued him.

Lady Sophia, understanding the gravity of the situation and the need to aid Ragnar's healing process, made a decision.

She tapped into her advanced-level magical abilities once again, this time using them to deliberately incapacitate Ragnar.

* * *

"Ragnar!!!" Uzana's urgent voice echoed through the air, reaching Ragnar's ears. However, his body remained unresponsive, unable to turn and face his brother.

Confusion and a sense of helplessness washed over Ragnar as he struggled to comprehend the sudden loss of strength in his limbs.

His once mighty form knelt on the grass, his weight supported by trembling hands. The searing pain of the arrow wound on his chest served as a constant reminder of the battle's toll.

But there was something else, a force that coursed through him, rendering his body both limp and immobilized.

It emanated from Sophia's small and delicate hand that rested upon his shoulder. He couldn't fathom how such a seemingly gentle touch could have such a profound effect on him.

"What are you doing to me?!" Ragnar's voice trembled with a mix of disbelief and frustration. He desperately sought answers, trying to make sense of the situation unfolding before him.

In response, Sophia lowered herself, her head resting on Ragnar's shoulder, her words delivered in a soft, determined whisper.

The weight of her words bore down upon him, mingling with the intensity of their connection.

"You and your troops are our only hope in these troubled times," Sophia murmured.

Ragnar's eyes widened in surprise and disbelief. The gravity of Sophia's words sank deep into his core, stirring a whirlwind of conflicting emotions within him.

He had always considered himself a warrior, one who faced danger head-on without faltering.

Now, he found himself caught between the vulnerability of his weakened state and the unwavering determination of Lady Sophia to preserve his life.

He tried to muster a response, to convey his inner turmoil, but his voice failed him. Instead, he was able to feel the weight of Sophia's presence beside him, the warmth of her breath against his shoulder, and the resolute resolve resonating in her words.

"I cannot allow you to perish, Ragnar. We need your strength and leadership now more than ever."

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