
Trick 45: Making Frogs dance!??!?!

Ace was once again sitting at the Professor's table, however this time he was sitting in the middle of Remus and Snape! Ace looked at the Toad Choir, muttering "Well… it's something."

Remus cleared his throat and Snape remarked "If you could please keep your thoughts to yourself, Mr. Brand. That would be lovely." Ace leaned his elbow on the table, resting his cheek in his palm as he replied "I was just saying. How does he get the Frogs to sing too, it's pretty crazy, no?"

Remus tapped the table and said "I think they're trained at birth?" Ace looked over and asked "Magical frogs?" Remus shrugged, replying "How am I supposed to know?" Snape sighed and said "They are specifically bred and trained since birth."

Remus smiled, "So I was right." Ace said "Wow. Can anyone train a frog to sing? Can they dance too?" Snape snorted and retorted "Dance? How ridiculous. How could a Frog dance?" Ace looked at him and replied speechlessly, "I've never seen a frog sing until now and it's ridiculous for them to dance?"

Snape didn't answer him and McGonagall looked over, glaring at Ace. He turned back and grumbled as Lupin chuckled.

The Frog Choir stopped and returned to their seats as Dumbledore walked to the Podium, starting to speak, "Welcome! Welcome to another year at Hogwarts. Now, I'd like to say a few words before we all become too befuddled by our excellent feast."

Ace looked at Dumbledore and asked "Does he look younger or is it just me…" Snape shushed him, saying "Headmaster has always looked like this." Ace was speechless, that was just a bold faced lie! He sighed to himself and forgot about it, it wasn't his business anyway…

Dumbledore continued "First, I'm pleased to welcome Professor R.J. Lupin who's kindly consented to fill the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Good luck, Professor." as he waved to Lupin, who stood up and bowed slightly.

Ace smiled and clapped as Lupin sat back down, whispering "I thought I would give a speech." Ace chuckled and pointed at Dumbledore, who was still speaking, "You can go up if you want." Lupin rolled his eyes before asking "What was that magic on the Train?"

Ace's eyes lit up and they started talking about Kamar-Taj magic, Lupin asked "Why did you create fire though?" Ace was startled and replied "I read that Dementors were wary of fire?"

Lupin shook his head and explained "Not quite. They are creatures of Death, only positive elements can repel them, such as a Patronus charm…" Ace pulled out a book and started writing "I see. I thought so, the books on Dementors are very scarce. Is it possible to kill a Dementor?"

Lupin rubbed his chin and replied after some thought "Hm.. It has been done before, but normally it is believed that they are immortal in a sense." Ace wrote it down but Snape interjected "Not immortal."

Ace and Lupin looked over as Snape snorted, "Dementors can be eradicated by a powerful enough Patronus, light magic, or soul based magic." Ace asked him while writing, "Is it possible to collect their cloth?"

Snape frowned and looked at him asking "With necessary preparation it IS possible, however a half-baked wizard such as yourself, cannot hope to achieve such a task." Ace pouted and retorted "I only want to know how…"

Lupin rolled his eyes, commenting "Good luck getting anything of substance from this stiff. He's always been like this." Snape scowled at Lupin, remarking "Ah yes, I seem to recall you were always indoors… Isn't that right, Remus…"

Lupin was visibly upset and Ace had a question mark over his head, looking at the duo. Before he could say anything, McGonagall walked over and said "I say, would you three mind your mouths as the Headmaster is speaking?"

Dumbledore was already sitting down and he waved his hand, smiling slightly "It matters little, Minerva." before looking over at Ace, smiling meaningfully "How was your time away from Hogwarts, Mr. Brand? Eventful, I presume?"

Ace was stunned and he felt like Dumbledore saw right through him. It wasn't a good feeling! He opened his mouth and said "How did you-" Dumbledore chuckled to himself, sipping from his goblet, saying "Hm? What a strange reply."

McGonagall ignored him and pulled Ace along, saying "Come now, Ace. I have to speak with you." Ace nodded and walked away with her, looking back at Dumbledore, who winked at him.

Ace turned back to McGonagall, asking "Man! Why is that old man so mysterious! Seriously! It's really creepy!" Minerva replied "Forget it. I don't care if you play hero outside of Hogwarts, however it is very dangerous this year."

Ace's eyes widened and he nearly shouted "You know too?! What the fuck!" McGonagall brought him around a corner, chastising him, "Mind your language! Now, Ace I would really prefer for you to keep your calm this year. As you may, or may not, know, there's a murderer on the loose."

Ace nodded and replied "Sirius Black, right? I heard about him. But… what does that have to do with me?" McGonagall looked around before revealing, "Because I'm worried you will try and stop him. He is a very powerful wizard and he will most likely come to Hogwarts for Mr. Potter!"

Ace was dumbfounded and asked "What?! Why!" McGonagall sighed and explained "This is a very touchy subject, however all you have to know is that Sirius Black wants to kill Mr. Potter. Now-" Ace interrupted with distress, "But what about the boy!? Shouldn't he be protected at all times!?"

McGonagall pressed on his shoulders, saying "Ace! Listen to me. We are protecting Harry in secret. The boy is in no danger for the moment, I'm more worried about you. As I said Sirius Black is a very powerful dark wizard, he will not hesitate to kill anyone in his path. Promise me that you will not go looking for him!"

Ace looked at her in confusion as she continued, stressing the point "You are not mature enough in magic to fight a dark wizard! You may have had some luck before, however this is not Robots and Metal Golems! This is a very experienced evil wizard! It is too dangerous for you!"

Ace opened his mouth to reply but McGonagall pinched his lips, saying firmly "You will promise me to not interfere or I will send you away from Hogwarts, understand?" Ace's eyes widened and he retorted "That's not fair!"

McGonagall retorted "Life is not fair. You are a fledgling in magic as it is. I don't know what you have learned outside Hogwarts, or whatever artifacts you have, however, there is a very high possibility of you dying should you pursue Black! I will not allow you to die when it can be prevented! Especially not when you are in my care! Is that understood!"

Ace was speechless and McGonagall stared at him silently. He looked into her eyes before finally sighing and nodding "I understand." She pressed, "Promise!" Ace replied "I promise." She looked at him for a few seconds and pointed at him, saying "I will not force you to participate in a contractual obligation via magic. I am putting faith in your words. Do NOT disappoint me."

Ace nodded and she let out a breath, nodding at him as she continued "Good. Now that that's settled. I promised Ms. Granger that she could borrow the Time Turner for this year." Ace groaned "What do you mean you promised her? What about me??"

McGonagall rolled her eyes, replying "You cannot share with a young girl? It is only for a single year, in addition, you only use the thing for extra studying. She wants to take more classes."

Ace grumbled and pulled out the Time Turner from his neck, handing it to McGonagall, who smiled, "Good boy. I'll be sure to let Ms. Granger know." Ace rubbed his neck and sighed "Let her know that she should meet me in the library when she's free."

McGonagall looked at him strangely, asking "For what?" Ace explained, "I'm teaching her different Magic." McGonagall nodded, "I see." before walking away, waving "Don't forget, tomorrow morning!"

Ace waved at McGonagall, sighing "Gutted like a fish… What a tragedy…"

A week later

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