
Pool Work Complete [RMichiko]

Ryuki went back to his pool tasks, sated for the moment. He finished labeling the pipes, then backwashed the filter, and added new DE to the skimmers. He added markings to the valves, showing their settings for a balanced cleaning environment. It would require some tweaking over time, but the baseline settings would be helpful.

As Ryuki scrubbed the skimmers and acid washed them, he couldn't help but admire the transformation of the pool. It was now crystal clear, a stark contrast from just a few days ago when it was murky and filled with leaves and debris. He glanced over at Michiko, who was diligently working on her checklist.

"It's looking good, isn't it?" she asked with a smile, still topless but having slipped back into her bikini bottoms.

"Yeah, it's like new," Ryuki replied, feeling a sense of pride in his work.

"And to think we did it all for such a cheap price," Michiko said.

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