
Go Back [Lesbian]

Kaiko was standing at the coffee machine. She had untied her apron and slipped her shoulders out, allowing it to hang loose over her torso.

She had lifted her shirt up over her tits, which were absolutely massive. They hung like two medicine balls off her chest, light blue veins running outward from her engorged nipples.

There was no doubt that she would not be able to get her apron back on after this was over. She started out a lot bigger than I was, so she's grown even bigger than I did, Mera thought. Kaiko was squeezing the nipple of one of her exposed breasts, spraying milk over the counter in an attempt to fill up a glass. Her face was flushed red, and her eyebrows were furrowed in an expression of pure pleasure as she did so.

"She's barely getting any in the glass!" said Hikari.

"You're right," said Aoi. "Mera, you've blown her tits up so big that she can't even see what she's doing."

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