
Drunk Solaris [Friend]

Solaris left for work. She needed to meet up with a client for a big order.

Solaris company was a software company that made software for other companies.

Ryuki arranged for her to meet the client. So he knew that this work trip was going to be successful.

So, once Solaris gets that contract, he and she can go out for drinks, and when Solaris is drunk, she is easy to manipulate.

So, once that happens, he can fuck her easily, and once he fucked her, then he can do it a second time, third time, or even more, and as fucking session increase, he can make her his girlfriend.

Anyway, for now, he had nothing to do, so he began to use his gift.

He thought that the more he used his gift, the more experience it would get, and soon, it might upgrade.

He thought of meeting Ruby, but for the next two days, she will be busy with competition, so it's better to wait.

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