
022 Teaching Bureau?

[Feedback from the commission: Heavy Weapon Mastery experience +4.]

[Current Heavy Weapon Mastery experience 36/100, upon reaching 100 points you can master "Level 1 Heavy Weapon Specialization".]

Bai E had hardly returned to the training ground and stood in front of the instructor when he heard the prompt from the panel.

The player is working hard again?

What a workaholic?

There was a reason after all why I couldn't outperform them in other games back in the day!

"At attention!"

A sudden shout brought Bai E's focus back.

Wood was holding a specially designed broadsword in his hand, with a thick back and an extremely thin edge that flashed a dazzling silver brilliance at the front, while the rest of the blade was black and shiny, as if it were not sharpened.

"Mere physical fitness will not allow you to defeat the enemy on the battlefield! Skillful use of weapons can stop the enemy at the gates of the city. To deal with different foes, we have different equipment. In two days, your enemy will be those bugs, and this Bug-Slaying Blade is the weapon you must familiarize yourself with! Of course..."

Wood's voice paused slightly, his gaze slowly sweeping over the group of 50 soldiers in front of him, lingering on a few figures, "I know some of you have talents in shooting... but what if you run out of bullets? What if your gun is destroyed or taken? The battlefield is ever-changing, and too many contingencies can occur. Being able to pick up the most common weapon and use it against the enemy is an ability you must learn."

With that, Wood stepped aside to let the soldiers see the row of broadswords on the iron rack behind him unobstructed.

"Now, line up and pick up your weapon!"

Bai E received his own weapon.

[Bug-Slaying Blade - Quality: White (Heavy Weapon)]

[Basic parameters: Blade Attack Power (Type: Slashing): 8~15; Edge Attack Power (Type: Blunt): 12~20; Output Level 12; Amplifying Attributes: Blade Armor Penetration +10%, Edge Heavy Strike +5%; Durability 25/25]

[Usage Requirement: Physique 12 (usable, flexibility -5%).]

[Trait: Blade constructed with a special material designed specifically to break through the Bug Race's armor shell, avoid using the blade for frontal confrontations as much as possible.]

The broadsword was incredibly heavy, as heavy as its appearance suggested.

Therefore, it demanded an even higher basic physique.

In Galaxy World, the usage requirements listed for various weapons are not mandatory conditions; not meeting the required attributes does not mean the weapon is completely unusable, but there will be some level of attribute penalty.

With his current physique of 11.5, Bai E could still wield this broadsword that requires a physique of 12, but certainly not as efficiently as someone with a normal physique of 12 or higher.

"Pretty heavy, isn't it?"

Wood asked with a cold smile, "This will be the absolute companion for most of you when you step onto the battlefield next. Use it, get familiar with it, let it become a part of your flesh and blood! It's the most reliable ally on the battlefield and a sharp tool for killing enemies! Remember, don't die easily, your lives are the currency of the city lord, and have no right to be wasted!"

Wood's dark complexion was matched by a cold white shine reflecting from between his teeth, his words constantly reminding Bai E—

This world is by no means a happy amusement park.

As a player, one may love the chaos of these troubled times, but as a native inhabitant of this world...

Bai E gripped the hilt of his broadsword tightly; it fit the muscles in his palm as if it were made for him.

The basic 36 points of Heavy Weapon Mastery experience gave him a rudimentary familiarity with these weapons.

"Now, everyone follow me, swing your sword a thousand times!"

[Side Quest Triggered - Familiarize Yourself with the Weapon.]

[Familiarize Yourself with the Weapon: The instructor has a wealth of experience, and his instructions are bound to be useful. Completing his instructions will earn you enough basic proficiency. Quest Requirement: Mimic the instructor's movements with at least 80% accuracy and swing the sword 0/1000 times. Quest Reward: Corresponding weapon mastery experience +50. (Countdown: 59 minutes 59 seconds)]

After finishing, Wood turned his back to all the soldiers.

He grasped the handle with both hands, raised the broadsword high above his head, and brought it down in a mighty diagonal slash.

The heavy whistling of the blade cutting the air was filled with murderous intent.

[You are observing a professional sword swing demonstration. If you have any insights...]

[Teaching: Feeling the professional mastery of the opponent, you decide to pay a certain price (combat experience/general experience) to learn the corresponding ability. (Exchange ratio: Every 2 points of combat experience/general experience can be exchanged for 1 point of the specific experience.)]

This teaching exchange?

Even without mastering at least a level 1 mastery ability, you can still use teaching as a way to apply combat or general experience to learn the desired ability.

So that's the purpose of the "teaching" method?

Bai E glanced at the panel prompt that did not obstruct his view, clear on its function.

As for the Heavy Weapon Specialization ability, Bai E naturally wanted it.

As Wood said, the battlefield is ever-changing, and who knows when a situation would arise that would require him to take up a melee weapon for combat.

The more skills one has, the better.

But the pity was... He didn't have even 1 point of combat or general experience at the moment.

Can't exchange...

Might as well just follow and learn honestly...

[You completed a swing of the blade, completion 83%, "Subquest—Weapon Familiarity" progress 1/1000.]

[You completed a swing of the blade, completion 81%, "Subquest—Weapon Familiarity" progress 2/1000.]

While some artificial humans were still confusedly holding their blades, Bai E was already trying as much as possible to imitate Wood's demonstrated posture, fully and repeatedly practicing swings in front of him.

Wood spoke of a thousand times, but it was impossible to monitor in real-time how many times each person had slashed; he was actually basing it on time.

This was already indicated on the mission.

Swinging a thousand times within an hour might not be an easy task.

Time needed to be utilized efficiently.

[...Progress 3/1000.]

[...Progress 4/1000.]

As Bai E took the lead in blowing the charge, the rest of the soldiers also began to move.

The movements, of course, were not uniform, with the chaotic glint of blades shining everywhere.


Yue Ying, from the high platform, could nearly sweep her gaze across the entire field simultaneously, and as a master of the blade herself, she focused on one figure among the countless on the vast training ground, mixed within the military ranks, a look of puzzlement on the face hidden beneath the black hood.

"Such high proficiency."

All the artificial humans were imitating the instructor's movements, of course, due to different talents, the completion rate of the imitation varied.

The higher the completion rate, the faster the uptake speed naturally, and the more likely it is to achieve sufficient training effects.

And that artificial human, who had already stood out during the previous physical training, was now displaying sword-swinging skills that caught the eye of her, the master of the blade, within a troop of 2000 people in no time.

From the very first swing, this artificial human soldier's moves achieved the goal of "having a training effect."

And it was no coincidence...



Ten times...

A hundred times...

He was earnest enough, and persistent.

So stable it was almost like a... robot?

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