
Part 7

With that saying Taehyung left from there...

Y/n: Mmm...I am getting late Jimin...

Y/n: I have to leave now...

Jimin: Ok...

Y/n: Btw thanks for the bill...

Jimin: No need...

Y/n: Ok..bye...take care...

He nodded and then i left from here...

After coming back home...

When i entered the house..I saw that taehyung was not there...

Y/n: It's good that jerk is not here..

Y/n: Huh..If that jerk comes in my way then I won't talk with him...

Y/n: Don't forget that he left you alone in the restaurant...

With that saying i was about to walk to my room... But...

Taehyung: Why did you come home early??

Taehyung: You should have had more fun with him...

I keep walking to my room but he stood infront of me and blocked me...

He was so tall that's why it was difficult looking at him...😅

But still i look at him and said...

Y/n: What's your problem?

Y/n: Let me go...

Y/n: What's your problem??

Taehyung: Trying to ignore me??

Y/n: Mr Kim..I am tired ..so please let me go...

With that saying i was about to go to my room...But suddenly..

He pinned me to the wall and said...

Taehyung:What do you think of yourself??

Taehyung: Don't make me a beast...

Taehyung: You can't imagine how dangerous can this Mr Kim be...

Y/n: So boring...

Taehyung: Are you making fun of me??

Y/n: I am sleepy...

Taehyung: I am giving you a last warning..Take it seriously...

Taehyung: Or else...

Y/n: Or else what??

Taehyung: Or else..I will do the things which i shouldn't.

Y/n: I am not scared of you Mr Kim..

Taehyung: Ok then let me make you scared of me...

With that saying he lifted me and put me on his shoulder...

Y/n: Hey ..what are you doing??

Y/n: Put me down...

Y/n: I said..PUT ME DOWN..

But he just ignored my words and took me somewhere...

Y/N: Hey...jerk..Put me down...

I was hitting him so hard..

Taehyung: Hit me as much as you can...

Taehyung: But today i will give you a lesson for sure...

He took me into this room and put me down...

Y/n: Why did you bring me here??

Taehyung: Stay here for 1 day...

Taehyung: It's your punishment...

Y/n: What!!!

Y/n: Plzz...don't do this....

Y/n: I am scared...

Taehyung: U need to be scared of me...

Taehyung: So stay here for one day...

Y/n: No..Plz...I beg you..

But he didn't listen to me...

He locked the door and left from here...

Now i am all alone in this basement...

Y/n: Omg...what if any ghost comes and kills me??

Y/n: Oh god..please save me...

Tears started coming from my eyes...

Y/n: I did nothing to you Mr Kim...

Y/n: Then why are you doing this??

Y/n: You got mad at me for no reason...

Y/n: You gave me punishment for no reason...

Y/n: But why??

Y/n: I really can't understand your strange behaviour...

Time skips at night...

Right now Taehyung was doing some work on his laptop ..

Taehyung: I am feeling so tired...

Taehyung: Today I worked hard...

Taehyung: Btw what time is it now??

Taehyung: Let me check...

With that saying Taehyung checks the time...

Taehyung: Oh god..It's 9 pm...

Taehyung:Time flew so fast...

Taehyung: Aah..I am hungry..Did y/n make dinner or not??

That time taehyung remembers something...

Taehyung: Shit...

Taehyung: How could i forget that i locked y/n in that dark basement...

With that saying taehyung immediately runs towards the basement...

When i opened the door i saw y/n was sleeping on the ground...

So i walked closer to her and leaned towards her...

I noticed there were dry tears on her face...

She must have cried a lot...

I shouldn't have done this with her...

Now i was feeling guilty for what I did...

Without waking her up..I carried her in bridal style...

Suddenly she started speaking...

Y/n: Put me down...

Taehyung:Are u not sleeping??

Y/n: I said put me down...

Taehyung: What if i don't?

Y/n: I don't want your fake concern..

Y/n: So put me down...

Without listening to me..he carried me to his room in bridal style...

Y/n: Why did you bring me here??

Taehyung: I know...Right now..You are mad at me..

Taehyung: I am sorry....

Y/n: What will I do with your sorry??

Taehyung: Ok..I will take you out tomorrow...

I jumped in joy and said...

Y/n: Really??

Taehyung: Yes really...

Taehyung: I will take you to an amusement park tomorrow...

Y/n: But I will not come with you..

Taehyung: Huh..Why??

Y/n: What?? If you leave me like today??

Taehyung: I am really sorry for today....

Taehyung: Please give me a chance....

Y/n: Ok...

Y/n: Now cook something for me...

Y/n: Then i will come with you tomorrow...

Taehyung: What the...

Y/n: Will you cook for me or not??

Taehyung: Ok..ok..I am going...

With that saying taehyung left from here....

Y/n: This is how..I will take my revenge..😏

Y/n: Just wait and watch Mr Kim..How will I give you punishment...😏

Suddenly my eyes fell on his laptop...

So i took his laptop and started checking every folder...

I noticed...There was a folder with a picture of him with some girl...

So i opened the folder....and saw...

Y/n: Who is this girl with him...

Y/n: Seems like they are very close....

Y/n: Is she his girlfriend??

Y/n: She is so lucky because Mr Kim really loves her...

Y/n: I wish this girl was me...

Unknowingly some tears drop from my eyes...

I heard footsteps coming from the dining room..

So i quickly closed the laptop and put it in the place it was before...

Taehyung: What are you doing??

Y/n: I..ehm.. Nothing...

Y/n: Where is my food??

He put the soup in front of me and said...

Taehyung: Here eat now...

I nodded and started having food...

The whole time he was staring at me which made me nervous...

Y/n: Do you want to tell me something??

Y/n: Mr Kim..

Y/n: MR KIM....

Taehyung: Oh sorry... actually

Taehyung: I was wondering whether you like soup or not...

Y/n: Don't worry it's good...

Y/n: Mr Kim?

Taehyung: Hmm..

Y/n: You really love your girlfriend so much??

He remained silent...

Y/n: She is really lucky that she got your love unlike me....

Y/n: I am really jealous of her..But i know i shouldn't be.

Y/n: But what can I do??

Y/n: I feel jealous...

Y/n: And at the same time i feel guilty because i am coming between you both....

Taehyung: You are so talkative...

Taehyung: Stop talking and sleep...

Taehyung: You need some rest...

Y/n: I know i am talkative,childish and..

Y/n: Ugly...

When i said that he immediately put his fingers on my lips and said..

Taehyung: Shh..Don't you dare say that...

Taehyung: You are not ugly...

Taehyung: No one is ugly in this world..

Taehyung: You are beautiful just like the moon...

Y/n: If I am beautiful..then why can't you accept me as your wife??

Y/n: I know you are just comforting me...

Y/n: I don't need your comfort...

With that saying i started crying...

Taehyung: Y/n..I...

Y/n: Please leave from here...

Y/n: I want to be alone...

Taehyung: Ok..If you need anything then just call me...

Taehyung: Good night..Sleep well..

To be continued....

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