
Chapter Four - Family, Conflict and Decision

When the creature said that her "family" were worried, she could not stop bitter memories from filling her mind.


The word "family" was a special word for her and at the same time something very sad. And how could it not be when a family is what an orphaned girl hopes for the most.

She always used to dream that a couple would come to adopt her and take her to her new home where she would have a loving mom and dad, that they would take her to school and pick her up, and she would tell them about her day and her parents would congratulate her for behaving well and having new friends, all that and many more things thought the little girl that everything would be rainbows with lots of unicorns.

If only she had not wanted so much to be adopted, it is not bad, but it is bad when the wrong people do it, and if it was like that her desire for a loving and sweet family came to nothing.

Mr. and Mrs. Patterson when they came to the orphanage in a black limousine, out of such a car came to a stoic-looking couple in their 40s Mr. Patterson was tall and slender with little brown muscle and blue eyes, he examined every detail of the orphanage quickly with some displeasure at just having to step in the doorway.

On the other hand, Mrs. Patterson was a little plump with a lot of red lipstick and a frown on her face as soon as she came out and she knew that she was complaining to her husband for bringing her to that kind of place, her husband did not even mind her complaints and advanced to the door to knock on the door and Sister Maria was the one who opened it and welcomed them with a cheerful smile very characteristic of her and they entered the establishment.

The whole spectacle was seen by a 6-year-old girl with light blue eyes, silky black hair with some waves, and a slight tan that with too much naivety thought they would be good people, and as she thought that day she was adopted by this strange couple.

Only to find out that she would be the replacement for the one-time daughter.

Where all her dreams came crashing down because as soon as she stepped into that big mansion everything went downhill with her boring private lessons of etiquette, dancing, music, singing, fencing, everything a young lady should know according to Mrs. Patterson, so were her first years then Mr. Patterson taught her finance, politics, mathematics, history in order to manage the family business.

She had no time to have fun, no time to be a child, it was all discipline protocols and boring rules.

The first years were difficult because she lacked a lot of education, but she put all her effort to learn and to make her parents proud of her.

It was on her 16th birthday that everything went downhill when she heard from her parents that she was just a replacement for their late daughter and that's when a once sweet heart became cold and empty it all happened on an autumn afternoon the leaves of the trees were slowly falling leaving them bare, as well as her soul in sync with the season.

End of flashback

- "Lady Walburga is well?"

Coming out of her memories and paying attention to the fascinating creature.

- "Ohh sorry buddy I missed a moment.... well leaving that aside could you please tell me your name."

- ".... Of course, my name is Kreacher your faithful servant and also of the black family" - The creature introduced himself a bit shy because of the tender tone of his mistress Walburga.

- "Of course Kreacher, can you tell me how things are in that house" - She asked.

- "Well, they were discussing for a few hours and more than one wanted to go out to look for her, but Mr. Cygnus refused because they didn't know the streets and the younger ones would get lost the..."

- "Wait wait wait they have never in their life gone out in the street ufff no wonder they are so bitter hahaha" - She interrupted the relaxed creature with humor - "Continue Kreacher, please."

- "Lady Walburga, it occurred to Master Regulus to come and look for you, since it was you who hired me and I may know where you were to bring you back to the manor" - Kreacher finished explaining.

- "Mmm hey, does that mean you know where I am if I leave, you can do it with anyone or just with me?"

- "I can't do it with any wizard, mistress Walburga, only with you because you are the one who hired me and we are connected by magic, what I can do is that if someone from the family sends for me I will go with them" - Explained the creature a little confused.

- "So you have your little tricks ehhh buddy, well now that you're here you plan to take me to them" - She says to a reluctant to call those strangers family.

- "I won't do it."

- "Why?" - She says confused and tilting her head to one side.

- "Master Regulus told me that if you didn't come on your own free he will not force you, but take care of you and keep them updated on your health."

- "Ja wow they are crafty snakes very well take me to them."

- "Of course, mistress Walburga, the little master will be happy when he sees you."

- "Wait stop there I'll go on one condition take me but without them knowing it, where I can see and hear them but they don't see me." - He saw the creature who didn't say anything and looked at her in wonderment - "Something wrong?"

- "Nothing just that the masters said you were acting strange but I see you the same just a little relaxed but you still have your intellect."

That comment surprised her, maybe that's why she possessed that body because they were so similar.

With a fake cough, she said again - "Yes well I may have lost my memory but that doesn't mean that I have become stupid" - She said pretending to be annoyed.

- "Oh, of course not, I'm sorry, Mistress Walburga, Kreacher will burn his hands for his audacity" - Said the creature, trembling with fear.

- "I'm not upset, so don't do anything to yourself."

- "But Kreacher deserves to be punished" - Said the creature in distress.

- "Listen to me, Kreacher, I forbid you to burn your hands or any other punishment, you heard me" - She ordered, remembering that the elves were punished for anything and it was better to give orders than to try to calm them down.

- "Yes mistress" - He mumbled wiping away his tears.

- "Well then, here we go, take me with them" - She said giving him her hand and disappearing from the alley.


Walburga and the elf appeared in one of the corridors of the mansion, taking soft steps approaching the room where everyone was gathered.

The elf followed closely but silently trying not to get in the way, Walburga stuck to the wall, and through the corner of her eye, she could see her "now" family and just saw when they gave a loud slap to the youngest child (she refused to tell her son it was very uncomfortable) she opened her eyes wide and could see that the child had been hurt a lot, his eyes were red and he refused to cry.

He saw the faces of the people present, Sirius, the eldest, he could see his anger, and she could also see that the blonde was holding him by the arm, the two of them were looking at each other intensely, already knowing what was going to happen next, the blonde wanted him not to do crazy things and was begging him with her eyes, Sirius could only resign himself but he obeyed her request.

The other sisters were sitting as if the scene was boring, she turned her eyes towards the adults, now one of them was shouting at him to apologize, the other two had different expressions on their faces, one seemed delighted with all the drama they were putting on and the other one seemed worried just watching the boy, the whole scene had her confused, she bit her lip to avoid saying bad things about the family, she turned to where the elf was and got to his height and spoke very quietly.

- "This kind of scene always happens?" - She asked softly.

- "Yes, mistress Walburga"

- "I don't like it at all" - She said with a grimace of disgust.

He saw the elf lowering his gaze wanting to add something, he could feel the nervousness all over his body.

- "If you have to say something, do it, you have my permission" - She ordered.

- "What happens is that most of the discussions are caused by you" - Said the creature lowering his ears as quietly as he could, although due to the proximity, she could hear him perfectly.

Well, it didn't surprise her that the elf told her that, in the movies, she understood that she always punished the Black brothers, it was their mother or her, things couldn't be more complicated, besides they have to take her for crazy, vengeful, sadistic, cruel and she could keep on saying a lot of insults for Walburga but that was her body now and her life depended on her now and the decisions she made could change the course of history.

She stood up again and saw the father's clear intention to hit the boy again, unable to bear it she did the first thing that came to her mind she grabbed a vase and threw it with all her strength and it hit him squarely in the head, which made the man faint.


Pov Regulus

I didn't know what happened, I just closed my eyes waiting for the blow that never came, when I opened them I found a completely different scene, my father on the floor unconscious next to him a bruised metal vase.

- "But what the he..." - My uncle was interrupted by a presence that was approaching quickly and then appeared to the sight of everyone present who were surprised.

I saw her bend down and put her fingers on my father's nose, when she saw that he was breathing she breathed a sigh of relief.

- "Ufff he's still alive luckily haha ups" - Said my mother relieved then she looked at us.

No one did anything, no one commented anything, but they all had a thousand questions in their heads, for example, what the hell just happened?



- "cofcof mmm well what did I miss" - I said trying to dispel the tense atmosphere, obviously, it didn't work.

Now that I thought about it everyone looked at me as if I had grown another head, this suffocating atmosphere is starting to make me tired now that she could observe herself with more details everyone had their eyes on her with disbelief, well she didn't care much if she wanted things to change in that house she had to change many things, for example, she should change the way of thinking that this family had, it hurt her head thinking about it.

She came out of her thoughts when a weight almost knocked her down.

- "Walburga you came back you don't know how worried we were, I feel relieved to have you home" - Said the stranger while he kept hugging me.

I just let myself do it, by the way, who was the guy his name? Oh come on you can remember his name Walburga what was his name alfar, alfalfa, wasn't it Alfred if that was it I think.

- "Mmmmm sure I'm happy to see you guys too this mmm... Alfred can you put me down please" - I said patting him on the back, he quickly let go of me and looked at me incredulously well what are you going to do?

I just sighed because of all the work I had to do.

- "Oh well apparently you are still confused hahaha dear sister my name is Alfhard, not Alfred" - He informed me gently.

- "Well, family, come closer to see her for yourselves and not an impostor."

Instantly everyone surrounded me.

Oh now I understood why, they thought I was an impostor, because of that silence they were analyzing me, what can you do after all they are always cautious snakes, Sirius is a lion but with this family, he must have been stuck with one or another habit.

- "You really are my sister, you look like someone else" - Said Cygnus.

- "Hey friend, if you didn't notice I'm barefoot and I don't remember you, what do you expect, you're so crazy" - She said raising her eyebrow with an incredulous look.

Sirius was the first to laugh, then the other boys followed him more cautiously.

- "Sirius" - Laughed the smallest one.

- "I'm calm now but you heard what she said, no doubt I'll have to tell my friends, hahaha" - He commented, still laughing.

Walburga blushed a little and coughed to get attention. - "Mmm well could someone check the sleeping beauty on the floor?"

- "Oh sure, I'll wake him up" - Said Sirius with a smirk, he pulled out his wand and said, - "Aguamenti" - A stream of water splashed on Orion's face and he got up exalted and wet.

- "What happened, you couldn't wake me up with another spell?" - He exclaimed exalted by such an embarrassing scene, out of the corner of his eye he could see Sirius with a triumphant smile getting closer to Regulus.

- "Since you are awake and alive, sleeping beauty, there is something you owe me" - Said Walburga approaching her "husband", without anyone knowing it, a loud slap was heard that sounded throughout the room.

- "And why did you do that Walburga" - Said Orion touching his wounded cheek in surprise.

- "I saw you hitting the boy, that's the least you deserve, you bastard" - She said angrily.

- "That was his punishment, he disrespected his uncle, my duty as a father was to correct him" - He said looking at her seriously.

- "I'm telling you that if you ever lay a finger on them again, you'll have to deal with me, do you understand?" - She said with the sharpest look she could give him.

Orion realized that his wife had changed in her look there was a strong desire to protect him and without realizing it he took a step back and put himself on guard.

- "Well, you win, Walburga, the children will not be touched, at least not by my hand" - His wife turned her fierce gaze to the other adults and repeated.

- "It goes for you too, I don't want you to hurt him" - The two men nodded silently.

With that she was satisfied.

- "I'll deal with you later" - She muttered.

Sirius stood in front of Regulus protecting him and Regulus clutched his brother's sleeve thinking he would be punished.

- "May I?" - She asked as she stood in front of Sirius, the alluded one studied her with his gaze saw nothing but tranquility in his mother, and gave her a free pass.

Regulus was nervous, he didn't want to face his mother and although he was surprised that she defended him, he was still afraid of her, he closed his already irritated eyes, thinking that he would be scolded.

Walburga saw the gesture, frowned, sighed, and relaxed.

Regulus opened his eyes in surprise when he was lifted and hugged, he felt his wounded cheek being touched, and he raised his head and met his mother's eyes, he didn't see anger in them, only concern and maybe affection?

- "It hurts?" - He only nodded - "Relax, it's time to go to sleep, come on you guide me because I don't even know where I am" - She said with an amused smile, Regulus nodded again and they left the room heading to the stairs.

They could only hear murmurs coming from the living room when they could no longer be seen.

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