
Chapter 1: The Flashback Begins

Xalvual Evilian, the Demon Lord. He was a person who was feared above all else. And I was reincarnated as him. As much as I hate to say it...I am him. And I am slowly becoming more and more like him.

From the very beginning, from when I had just gone into that spaceship and set the course for the planet I would soon to be the ruler of, I had been given into the person I truly was, Xalvual Evilian.

Slowly but surely over time I was becoming more and more until:

"F...fine! But I'm not not doing this because I'm loyal to you!"

Cilictia...that woman...

The woman who I had killed, and I don't even remember.

After she had said those words light shone through my mouth, my eyes, my ears.

I screamed. And then I stopped.

Cilictia ran towards me, a small blush crept onto her face and tears streaked her face.

"Kagero-kun...what's the matter?"

She touched my hand lightly.


Cilictia's eyes bulged out and she gasped.

"I am Xalvual Evilian."


Cilictia grasped my hand more tightly and began to cry. "How...how!"

She recognized that name. Everyone did. It was the name of the most evil and strongest Demon Lord.

And that is when my memories fell off.

I just remember light going out of my mouth and eyes.

And that is when I turned into Xalvual Evilian.

What had happened in those ten years and why had I woken up in a prison.

There are more mysteries in my life than answers...I will try my hardest to recount them.


Explosions crashed all around the platform and then smoke cleared slightly and footsteps sounded.

after this there will be a pov change

ManekiNekooocreators' thoughts
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