

Investigator Lee took a deep breath. He had been an investigator for a long time, but interrogating and getting information from the rich kids was too hard to handle. He felt exhausted by just asking some questions.

They couldn't answer him with a straight yes or a no. He told Lucas that the twins were lying to see his reaction. He couldn't really tell if they were telling the truth because there wasn't any proof. But he didn't expect to get some complicated response from Lucas.

Lucas cleared his throat. "The night before the murder, we did stay at home and had a movie. We wanted to have some snacks and coffee from a newly opened cafe and had a game to who would go out Primrose. I lost the game, but Brie decided to come along. We still have the receipt and I think the cafe has cameras to support our statements."

"And the morning after, you and Brie decided to go to the same cafe again?" Investigator Lee frowned.

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