
Chapter Twenty Six: Aiden's secret, Emily's sacrifice

Mira smiled now, knowing she had achieved her goal she moved towards him her eyes misty. Come with me from this place, I only ever wanted you but this man will not let me near you. I know you hate lies and I will never lie to you. Even Ayooni is lying to you. She knew whose son you were and she wouldn't tell you the truth.

Yemi turned his head to Ayooni, you knew? He asked weakly. Yes, I do. You know who she is and what she did right? He asked again. Yes, I do Ayooni answered meekly. Why then did you allow me to touch you when you knew all this, she killed your mother and I am her child.

Ayooni took his hand in hers and opened herself to him, Yemi felt the surge. Her love and innocence wrapped him like a mist, he reached for her face and caressed it gently letting her love and sincerity engulf him. I love you Yemi, no matter who you are or what you came from.

Seeing things are not going the way she wanted Mira shrieked making the whole building shriek. You will listen to what I tell you Yemi. Come with me and I will spare this little cunt of yours, Mira pointed to Ayooni.

Winnie, Ayooni called her softly. You told him your name was Winnie, if you loved him why did you lie about your name? Shut up, Mira spewed. You are just like her. My perfect twin sister wanted to lecture me on what was right and wrong. Yemi, let's go from here, she said impatiently. No, Yemi said in finality. You are no mother of mine and I won't leave my friends. 

fine, Mira said. I will kill them all then. She raised her hand creating a void but Yemi stopped it. An insolent child, Mira directed her anger towards him but Emily jumped before him taking the blow. Everything was in slow motion as Yemi caught her in his arms. I... am... sorry she managed then lay lifeless in his arms. 

Yemi saw flashes of her past and encounter with Mira, the promise she made and the part she took in killing Wura's parents. The pain came in a blinding force, and he raised his eyes and everything around him dissolved, Mira sent her minions to attack him but Yemi killed them without touching them. Seeing he is in a destructive form Mira escaped leaving them. 

Yemi struggled to breathe as anger engulfed him, the house shook, and the people around braced themselves to avoid getting injured. Aiden tried to persuade him but he was thrown aside. Ayooni moved towards him gently, keeping their eyes at the same level. 

Yemi, she called softly. But he stood rooted to the spot. Fiery flames surrounded him in full force. Yemi, Ayooni called again to hear a growl from him. He lied to me... he growled slowly. She lied to me too, he pointed to the lifeless body of Emily by his feet. Why should I forgive them both? Because they spent the rest of their lives making it up to you, Ayooni said gently.

She raised you to an incredible man. That is her way of making up for what she's done and now she took the blow on your behalf which is enough to forgive her. I didn't ask her to. I would rather have her alive to answer my questions than throw herself at me in this way and him, he pointed to his father his eyes still blazing.

He was involved with a woman who killed his brother and even birthed a child with her. Ayooni closed in on him. He didn't know who she was until that day at the altar. She took you from her because she wanted you dead. She saw the vision when she gave birth to you just like Ayu did when I was conceived.

He has done all he could to protect you please let it go, she pleaded softly. The flames around him went down and the wind slowed down. Seeing he wasn't in a destructive mode anymore, she held his hand and dragged him to her. His face contoured in grief and pain. Are you not angry?

I was but not at him. He had no idea and was used by them and your mother, she pointed to Emily's dead body on the floor she had suffered enough. She hugged him now, I love you Yemi no matter what you are or who you are. He locked his arm around her and took in considerable breaths.

Thank you, he whispered kissing her temple. He turned to his friends. I am sorry I caused a mess. If I knew you could do that, I would have thrown Charlotte your way Yomi said making them laugh. He doesn't need that much to kill her though Kunle said seriously. No, brother, her mindless prattle is enough to make Yemi snap her head like a twig.

Who is Charlotte Anike asked raising an eyebrow, no one baby. Yomi said, seeing that Asani wasn't buying it. she was Kunle's ex-girlfriend, he said exonerating himself. Oh really! Anike folded her hands and stared at Kunle in question. Caught in the crossfire, he shook his head, don't mind him but Anike was not having it.

Yemi smiled at his friend's banter and then walked up to where his father stood. We need to bury Mother he said firmly, his voice crisp. He noticed his father aged a bit. He felt sorry for him. The two women to whom he dedicated his entire life lied to him and used him. Mira was understandable but Emily had lived with him for years, raised his son as her own and gave birth to two beautiful children. Ali and Tina. His younger siblings. They had been a loving family, and things can never be the same.

For one Ali and Tina needed to know the truth, he wouldn't hide that from them as his parents did. He placed his hand on his father's shoulder. It's okay Dad, I understand. Aiden stared at his son for a while. I am so sorry, I wish I could turn back time. Yemi hugged his father, I know. She forgave you, Yemi said referring to Ayooni so have I. 

Aiden nodded and patted his shoulder. Come we need to clear this place and talk to the rest.

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